What's the most obscure band/artist you've ever listened to?
What's the most obscure band/artist you've ever listened to?
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I mean, probably like a mate's band...
Some random dude with 0 followers on soundcloud
my own. we played once at a battle of the bands
And actually enjoyed?
they don't have a name
You wouldn't have heard of them.
probably triosk/camellia
mostly based on scrobbles on last.fm , since most average people have never heard of most of what I listen to
A band with under 5 plays on YouTube and fewer than 1k listens on Spotify (the lowest category).
It was an emotional band from the midwest that recorded an album in 2000. I looked up the lead singer and he's a doctor now.
Death Grips
Animal Collective
Neutral Milk Hotel
The list goes on
Emo* thanks autocorrect
Weirdest that I've enjoyed is probably Die Antwoord
Fucking pleb, entry-level shit dude.
Thinker fellers probably
These guys, never heard of them before. Randomly popped up on my facebook feed.
Have you guys heard this before absolutely dbe as fuck.
the beatles
Also dozens of tiny bandcamp lo-fi bands I fond scattered around the internet, many of which I still listen to regularly. It's really not a huge achievement to find ULTRA-OBSCURE MUSIC DUDE in the internet age.
The band "tie your shoelaces before you fall and hurt yourself"
sounds gay af desu senpai
r e k a h
Loose Change.
Chatoyant - Psychic Hieroglyphs
Also the most obscure LP I own. I saw them live at a festival after knowing nothing about them, just that they were a noise band, and they were amazing, bought the record after and I'm so glad I did, can't find it online at
all. The preformances that are on YouTube don't come close to the show they put on, I think mostly because it was in a small club at 10, dark as fuck, really atmospheric, played for about 40 minutes I think.
my own track that i made on a mobile app, then uploaded to soundcloud. i think i'm still the only one who've heard it
western African/Tuareg guitar
S.E Rogie and these guys
The Flaming Lips, heard of em? Probably not
bluegrass dubstep mix
What if I made a track with the speakers turned off, burned it to a disk and threw the disk into the bog
Probably The Residents. Would definitely like to hear more artists like them.
my friend just showed me these guys. pretty good emo/post hardcore
If we exclude random indie bands no one ever heards of, probably Monoral.
The Telephone Projects. Good shit.
went to a local show one and saw tons of irrelevant bands
listened to plenty of bandcamps with almost no listeners
pretty sure I have one of thr most scrobbles of soda bomb on last. fm
your shitty low effort soundcloud/bandcamp project
yeah you
you know who you are you untalented shit
Wync. Guy has 733 global scrobbles on lastfm and 112 of those are me.
A suprsing amount of views.
King khan and the shrines
Not that obscure at all, but Messer Chups and Renard Queenston. Been following the latter since his Mungyodance days.
I give you Freight Train Rabbit Killer. Give them a listen:
My own music