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>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors mu-sic-production.wikia.com There's a severe lack of DAW descriptions in the wiki. If you're good with your tool of choice, consider writing a paragraph about it.
Rememeber to use clyp.it to post your tracks/WIP: posting a clyp.it is just providing sound for your family, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need hat tipping.
Remember to check other peoples' clyp.it links to keep the thread stealthy.
Any criticisms, tips, suggestions and remarks welcome.
Maybe more variation in the melodies?
How do the drums sound so far? I thought they were a bit thin.
Jayden Cox
Question for FL Studio users about a problem I've been having:
I have a mini midi keyboard that I like to use linked to the FPC plugin to tap out my drums since I prefer a less quantized feel to them.
So when I record them, I record "automation and score" in playlist and up until recently it would record and log what I play with no problem. I don't know if i accidentally clicked something or what, but now whenever I record into the playlist or pattern with the midi keyboard, be it drums on the FPC or a chord progression with a synth plugin, it will only record one single note, usually the first note on the first beat, and leave out the rest. Anyone ever had this happen to them? It's driving me crazy and google isnt being much help.
Here's a quick video of took of a basic example of what I'm talking about as I just try to record a kick directly into a pattern:
Any fixes or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Gabriel Morales
Have you tried RTFM?
Ryder Watson
Looking for a good quality contact mic, where can I purchase? I don't want to make it myself.. Also, anyone know how to do feedback on mixer like noise artists?
Chase Richardson
>how to do feedback mixing Very carefully I know this joke is ancient, but it's actually very true Most of them use matrix mixers, where there may be 4 ins and 4 outs, and 16 knobs, so each row mixes for each output. They're usually passive, or at least don't have any preamps, because a pre would add way too much gain to an already hot signal. From there, it's all a matter of how you want to patch the outputs back into the inputs, usually with some distortion or other FX in line with the feedback patch.
Jayden Gomez
Thank you! Never heard of a matrix mixer till now, I'll look more forward into it
Leo Williams
They're not very common, they're usually custom made devices. If you google matrix mixer, you'll find mostly commercial pro audio stuff that doesn't fit the bill.
The xiwi matrix mixer is popular and economical
Jayden Kelly
Why are push controllers so expensive? Wouldn't a keyboard and a drum rack filled with ableton simpler samplers do the same thing?
Nicholas Brooks
Yea, or you can get this for $100. Push is expensive because of the integration with ableton, all the tiny little screens and whatnot. If you just want to trigger samples it is an expensive solution.
Wyatt Reed
one of the best things I've heard on prod desu
Justin Butler
>song doesn't suck complete shit and isn't generic and boring on prod
quit lying you didn't make that
Easton Brooks
Can't decide whether to try to sort this out or delete it and move on: