Listen this it will totally change your life

listen this it will totally change your life

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is this semen demon?

this sperm worm

pic proves that pussy is better than music

a camwhore on Sup Forums

With arms like those and posing for a picture like that, you have nothing to show me that isn't EDM.

Those are some amazing soles desu

>tfw not a footfag so all feet look the same to me
I can't help but feel I'm missing out

(In case you haven't noticed)

this cock dock

they are but I need to see the tops desu

chode road


Mac Demarco


it sucks knowing i will never get to have sex with a girl fuck these threads

also emma stone is best emma next to watson

w e w

lmaooooooooo. watson is fucking ugly.
Just a lil

How fucking twee is this shit?

How about we skip to the part where I fuck your feet

git gud

Want those feet on my face t b h

Women don't have sex with 5'7 white men with ''cute'' facial features, especially when Chad with the six pack, tan and 6'5 height is out there.

Don't worry. I'm a footfag and I think these feet are kinda gross. She's a pale girl but her feet look orange, it ain't right I'll tell you hwat.

Julien Baker

>5'7 white men with ''cute'' facial features
Too real bruh

Nah youre just gay

probably a lot of us tbqh

this boner condoner

Ejaculate spectaculate

her face is the only thing that saves this thing from looking like a crack whore. i'll give her 5 years at best, especially considering that smoking habit

erection connection

cock commander

No, you just don't know what sexy feet look like. I bet you lick toes and shit, faggot.

I would kill 5000 syrian refugee children just to eat this girl out.

She looks like a grown up Jessi Slaughter.

i would let her inject me with aids blood just to hold her hand

post a pic of sexy feet then oh wise user
and yes i do lick feet :^)

She looks like she's a little drug-addicted. Not good.

I bet those feet smell magnificent

>and yes i do lick feet :^)
>licking such a terrible-tasting part of the body
>not exclusively directing your foot fetish towards the form and color of the foot
>not directing your foot fetish towards how it would look in a legwrap
>Those proportions in the OP
Absolutely degenerate and plebeian, a patrish footfag would never stand for such heresy.

Post the good shit already.

fuck off pervert


What did he mean by this?

Feet is the thinking man's fetish.

Post your rare fedoras




best song from blurryface desu senpai (along with We Don't Believe What's On TV)

>woman's right activist

I thought fedora's are alt-right who hates 'SJWs', worship Milo and unironically use the word 'cuck'

lit f a m

This is a slightly vintage meme. Back when fedoras were associated with reddit, atheism, being beta ''nice guys'' male feminists.

>vintage meme


that sounds cool

what is this top40 shit

i miss you

>wilson transformers
one day i will come to victoria and meet you aaron

mfw I've secured this same kinda good good

muh dick

I wish I was happy.

I wish I had a girlfriend.

Same pham