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marcel is an avant teen fag lord. He just doesnt feel the grooves.
fuck off marcel you piece of shit fag
that's probably the rating his parents would give him
I bet Marcel is one of the spergs who post the "Mmmm yes Frankie Sinatra" copypasta everywhere while chuckling to themselves in a dimly lit room.
i can't believe he trashed wildflower, sly and the family stone, conde nast, pitchfork, and father john misty all in the same review.
when was the last time Sup Forums gave a shit about marcel? guy really fell off huh
>has the most predictable Sup Forumscore taste ever
>the pot calling the kettle black
>tfw when the wait for this album has been longer than this kid's been alive
Literally who?
>marcel has predictable Sup Forumscore taste
you've obviously never seen his ratings then
yeah him not liking wildflower is one thing, whatever, but to also take down 'theres a riot goin on' so casually pushed the review into full on try hard territory from the jump desu
if he has any ounce of self awareness he'll look back on these years and cringe wistfully
Good one dude haha :)
List of things Marcel thinks are 10/10 btw:
>Lost in the Dream by The War on Drugs
>The Bends by Radiohead
>Jesus, etc. by FUCKING WILCO
>Led Zeppelin IV
i think it's exact because marcel's 16
I wanna shit on Marcel but instead I feel pity for him.
The kid has probably traded a normal, fun teenage experience for listening to thousands an album and giving his opinion to a small audience. Any attempt at making music is destroyed by dozens of angry RYMers and Sup Forumstants. When one of the most critical points in your life is made up of you just droning discographies, what does that say about the rest of your life?
>he doesn't like a popular acclaimed album so that means he's stupid
i thought Sup Forums was against going full pleb? what happened to this place going against the grain? fuck.
>people take Marcel's ratings seriously
Disparagement from Marcel is an Endorsement desu
>being this triggered
why so salty? is it because a someone younger than you has better taste?
nice cherrypicking
fuck off marcel
Marcel's life is really fucking depressing
>that fucking first sentence
hello Marcel
marcello succhiami l'uccello
and what the fuck is wrong with wilco? sure, their recent stuff sucks, but yankee hotel foxtrot-era is excellent.
Also there is literally nothing wrong with Sup Forums core taste.
I legitimately love this pasta and am really sad wildflower didn't turn out to be all like frankie sinatra. Why can't good memes stay true?
>liking Wilco
>Good taste
literally only for 40 year old white dads who lurk record stores, wear sandle/socks and smell like spicy water.
"REAL music isn't dead. Thanks Pitchfork!"
>taking the opinion of a pre-teen seriously
yeah, my god. what a deluded opinion. im not even mad, just stunned.
Marcel is honestly the most pretentious person alive. He literally thinks that he's superior to everybody around him and everyone else doesn't know what they're talking about.
This all might be part of some elaborate art scheme or some shit but fuck man is it ever entertaining for willfully stupid people like me to watch this shit go down.
if dubs, Marcel confirmed to commit suicide in 2021
>walks into Steam Locomotive themed milkbar with fake limp
>"Greeting Sir! What a fine establishment!"
>removes trilby
>places trenchcoat with oversized collar on coat rack
>adjusts monocle
>checks pocketwatch
>loosens brass breastplate
>puts safety on steam powered glock
>unsheaths cane
>taps on counter and orders drink
>"Cheers, good sir"
>*sips in gentlemanly fashion*
>thinks about how the world should adopt a steampunk aesthetic
>walk over to the jukebox
>takes out coin sack
>inserts coin
The fuck is this "review"? he's essentially saying "the album felt lazy, uninspired, and there was way too much hype around it" and then stretches it out for 5 paragraphs without going into detail. Shit review. It's pretty ironic that he's shitting on pitchfork when he writes reviews as lazy and empty as theirs.
this board has a real problem with fetishising utter nobody critics
stay mad faggot
You're a faggot.
If you really have to ask why, then there's obviously no hope for you either.
I can see how someone might think this about there's a riot going on, but I really disagree. Thinking back I only really remember some instrumental bits and It's a family affair, but the instrumentals I remember were awesome. I don't think people like this get what funk albums like that are about. I think the marketing might have raised expectations in the wrong way for them, when I really just see music like that as about having a good time, lifting spirits and reflecting about life's woes. Like dub music. It's almost like electronic where people mostly just care about groove.
I actually don't like the avalanches much tho I haven't heard the new one. Silly seems to me like generic string disco beats that are revered for their sampling gimmick and approximately 4 vocal samples that are memorable. Cowboy psychiatrist and silly would have made a killer single or an ep with some other ones. But as an album it's a chore to listen to.
Quoto porcoddio
What the actual fuck is spicy water?
this thread is way more entertaining than the nme thread
Marcel always had shit taste
>hivemind "intelligence" of Wilco fans
>artists who cater to the indie-buzz-band, over-hyped blog rapper, modern post-hipster Conde Nast crowd
>thinks War on Drugs is a 10/10
I don't even think Wildflower is an amazing album, but this review is so far removed from reality it's hilarious.
please don't turn this thread into fighting about wilco
>still thinking mu is a hivemind
>not realizing that there are sheep within every group, including those "going against the grain"
i didnt even call him stupid or imply that he was, but now i'm going to go beyond implying *you're* stupid and explicitly call *you* stupid.
the smell of an average Wilco fan
I've heard two of those albums and agree about them but I'm not an autism about rate numbers
i just read the review and literally the fuck did i just read? i am so amazed at how often marcel makes as little sense as possible while trying to be utterly pretentious that i think it might just be intentional at this point with how often he posts about fucking vaporwave on his site.
>reviews album before official release
>within hours of leak
what a cunt
How comfy is your rock?
Fuck off faggots
Marcel is literally the only critic that is worthy of such respect and honor. You plebs should just leave.
so why exactly is disliking a popular, critically acclaimed album bad?
Montie go fuck yourself
Ah, yes, Wilco. Truly only for men of astounding class and taste.
here's your (You), you happy senpai?
>yfw Since I Left You is older than Marcel
he literally cataloged the album as digital on rym 5 days ago. he most likely received an advanced press copy.
>pathetic underage Avalanches fan can't handle dissenting opinions
keep going, this is rich
Not that comfy tbqh, I missed a lot of new records this year. Where can I catch up with what I missed?
this tbqh famalam
I don't even like new Avalanches but liking Wilco is pathetic
>caring about a literally who rymer who's only known on Sup Forums
>only known on Sup Forums
you tried
I think Marcel is a meme thats run its course but you are legitimately a pleb fag
stay butthurt that he disagrees with your precious opinion
>the same fag that actually thought Human Story 3 was good.
Marcel you're a sad example of a millennial kid and I hope you grow out of this.
how does anyone take this kid seriously
he used to just slightly change TMT reviews and repost them as reviews for completely different albums
and lmao at him trashing fucking There's a Riot Goin On so casually like anyone is gonna read that and be like, "oh yes I remember what a disappointment that very important classic album was"
lol hes gonna FUCK YOU UP Sup Forums
literally stopped reading there
you are a fucking pleb fucking idiot who doesnt know what youre talking about
>wahhhh he doesnt like an album that everybody likes its critically acclaimed so that means it must be good!
stay mad. fuck off.
Ahahaha how can anyone take this kid seriously?
0/10 bait, put some effort into it
Notice I never actual said I liked Wilco, the only pathetic person here is you for getting this mad over some kid's opinion
Jesus, etc is a song, not an album, you fucking moron
lol nice meme friendo xD
He's a fucboi
Marcel likes meme shit
>marcel is an example of a millennial kid
jesus fuck how can you even say that. how is marcel ANYTHING like your average teenager? you people are fucking blind that you categorize marcel the same as timmy john jr. at your local high school who only listens to minecraft rock on youtube all day.
Why do art people hate happy songs?
hahaha who is mad
>that wispy mustache
is he in middle school
he constantly does premieres for artists and interviews some good names so he must be doing something right
he looks like a gay son of the nightclub shooter
who the fuck cares
Are you being ironic, or are you just an unrepentant spastic?
He heard Frankie Sinatra, jumped on the hate bandwagon and refuses to get off. If Frankie Sinatra didn't exist on the album he would have rated it much higher.