Who is the most patrician lgbt musician?
I'm pretty sure its this guy
Who is the most patrician lgbt musician?
I'm pretty sure its this guy
John Cage
>implying John Cage wasn't the last philosopher
>implying he was a musician rather than inventor
still counts mate
Wendy Carlos pleb
Arthur Russell
The poor man's Francis Bebey
Bob Mould
>TFW us gay white males are gonna be booted out of the LGBT alliance soon cause we're not subversive enough
not Jamie Stewart
You brought it upon yourselves
No different from regular Moby, user
John Cage. I'll agree.
What about David Bowie...not sure about the extent to which he was gay or if it was even true that he was gay.
nah Bowie was straight
the joke was that he exploited the hype
greatest ad-man who ever lived
is that Moby?
>married to multiple women
ok user
Tchaikovsky, or maybe Britten
wendy carlos
terre thaemlitz
your dad
You can be gay and married to a woman. Who would've thought?
Jhonn Balance
I bet this guy has a whole recording studio in his closet...
Listen bruv, a gay man doesn't get married and have a kid, then get married and have another kid like twenty years later.
Genesis may be a pandrogynous freak, but if he fucked dudes, it was for art (which I guess is still pretty gay). At the end of the day, he loved a woman enough to have multiple children with her before literally becoming her.
The correct answer to OP's question is either Sleazy or
this thread is about LGBT not gay men
Maybe not the MOST, but a pretty cool lgbt musician is arca.
>applying T has anything to do with LGB
stop pushing this meme, please
if we're just going for random fetishes at this point, you might as well group us with furries and pedophiles too
>Who is the most patrician lgbt musician?
I already do.
Alright then.
Sleazy and Jhonn are the most patrician G men.
Genesis can be the most patrician T "man".
The L and the B are up for debate.
Say what you will about adults who have sex with children, they at least have an understanding of what gender and species they are.
Lauren Bousfield
B would be Bowie
2/3 are homos, jamie is the only straight one
also one of the members of radiohead is bisexual but it's not Thom or Jonny so who cares.
>there are people who don't realise half of their songs are about fucking boys