Post rare/old pictures of artists
Post rare/old pictures of artists
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Sally Field?
Snoop Dog?
is that Will Toledo
It's obviously Marina
(watch it not be Marina now)
the absolute madman
it is tho
stevie nicks?
>tfwywn smell her stinky armpits
I have never felt that feel
>t h i c c
I would cuddle her thighs desu
Bruh where do you people find these obscure images? How many tumblr blogs do you have to lurk through to find these.
I didn't one day some dude just kept dumping a lot of these really old ones, slightly creepy desu. there is a website that has a lot of old concert pics from like 2009- that I can't remember the name of, but yeah whenever you asked him where he got them he was like "oh it doesn't matter haha"
found it
Honestly I'm not even going to lie it is pretty creepy that someone took the time to locate and compile all these old images of her. Like how the fuck did they even find out she performed at half of these places? And where did they get the images if there were never that many official photoshoots? That is some top-tier waifufaggotry...and I would consider myself kind of a waifufag for Marina
probably a friend who took them at her request, and then like a friend of a friend thing and eventually they were all somewhere at the same time. It doesn't have to be that creepy, like they were all public concerts
Yeah but a lot of the pictures you're posting look like her in her late teens where she's just taking selfies or with her friends or something. The concerts are one thing, but it's still a lot to keep track of all these obscure photos through the years.
MySpace, maybe?
to what extent do you think womemes understand what a set of simple hips and thighs like that can and will do to a man
dear lord
idk how "rare" this is but i like the pic
its definitely old though, the jacket he's wearing is from like his 2009 era i know that atleast
Pervert . The jews have convinced you to worship celebrities haven't they?
They completely understand.
Figures like that separate men from boys.
>a Blackberry
This is some vintage shit.
he used to beat his wife, even admitted to it
>tips fedora
I could have sworn that was grimes
Wait, so everyone thinks she is the only good looking Haim member too?
that jeep in the background though jesus what a beauty
>that bod
>not posting the real beauty
wew lads