reminder that vaporwave is right-wing music
Reminder that vaporwave is right-wing music
Other urls found in this thread:
they can keep it
>consumerist music
you're right
And Vektroid the trans-woman who invented is right, right? Ok
not this shit again dude, you got your ass kicked last time
Vaporwave is inherently reactionary music.
the south will rise again
reminder that the one who invented vaporwave is a tranny
Not James!
Anybody but James!
right wing is pro capitalist
vaporwave is anti capitalist
Vaporwave is the neo liberal rebranding of communism.
Not necesarrly friend
in my country leftists are pro capitalism
are you sure they're leftists?
liberals aren't left
no they aren't
you're just stupid
It's the same bullshit as PC Music
>rebranding and reaffirming of consumerist culture veiled behind le ironic pastiche of consumerism
If Vaporwave is capitalist, what music is communist?
Reactionary isn't a political affiliation
Green Day
fuck the right wing
This is a music board. Nobody cares.
>Vektroid invented vaporwave
Nation of Ulysses
Chomsky Audiobooks
Saint Pepsi is trump fan, and created the successor to Vaporwave.
dont tell me about my country you fucking uneducated yokels
there's a lot of communist music, idk about genres though.
I can tell you about those pro-capitalist leftist though
>Nation of Ulysses
I always thought they were a parody leftist band though
>he doesn't know what a liberal is
PC Music doesn't have any message behind it. It's purely cynical ironic millennial music.
But seriously, doesn't some people theorize that this song is communist music:
Just a heads up but your post automatically loses credibility if you use 'le', even ironically. It isn't funny or original.
Nah they used to hand out pamphlets at their shows " which was a mix of 1960s and 1970s radical politics, French Situationist writings, and juvenile delinquency. "
>Nation of Ulysses didn't align themselves with a particular political philosophy: "We don't usually address normal political dictums. We aim toward the everyday fixtures of life, like aesthetics, sound, non-spoken things that are inherently political in nature instead of, like bogus politicians who focus on glossy surface issues which avoid any kind of revolutionary change."
a lot of the ideas that lennon proposes goes along with radical left wing ideals
Oh yeah, it's totally communist. That song by Chumba Wumba was also supposed to spark a proletariat uprising but saddly it was just catchy butt rock and no one thought about it more than enough to bob their head to it.
it's actually criticism of modern capitalism which essentially left wing
god this board is shit
You're just now noticing that?
A genre of music can't be inherently political you fucking dimwit, that's up for the individual pieces.
The Clash
Black Flag
The list goes on
no i noticed it when the sharethreads disappeared
but this....this is too much
me on the right (politically speaking)
>Black Flag
Do you even know what the black flag represents?
You must be new.
>Satire of consumer capitalism
Sure senpai.
Listen here kid
These people are gaining hundreds if not thousands of people on their alt-right side each and everyday. They will decide the fate of your country and future one day so I suggest you start behaving like a good boy towards them than being a "bluepilled leftie cuck". Consider this your first and final warning kiddo.
there's an anti capitalist right wing you plens
it's also majorly a meme and shite, much like many of your altright political views