>Post gear >Post desired gear >How long have you been playing? >Fav guitars? >Fav guitarists? >Projects? >Talk about and play music >General guitar and bass discussion
When did you realize superstrats were the logically advancement to guitars?
>24 frets for added range >upper cutaway for easy access to higher frets >thinner necks for easier playing
Caleb Baker
I have more money then God and still play and record out of a cheap solid state amp. These threads are worse then any online guitar forum. You people pretend to have money and love only the best. Worthless is what you are.
Nathan Allen
Cool story, bro.
Owen Ortiz
you should buy an amp with some valves. Really improve your tone.
Gavin Sullivan
Are there any guitarforums that aren't swarmed by metal fags? Where my acoustic bros at?
Easton Long
Should I get a new classical or an electric guitar? I have approx $500 (AUD)
Oliver Lee
What would you go for in a custom built guitar or bass in terms of neck? I despise high floss finish because of the stickiness, but I'm not sure if I should order it unfinished or with a satin/matte finish.
Chase Clark
high gloss*
Ian Bailey
Electric. If you have one already, get one that's vastly different. More diversity = more creative influence
Logan Peterson
Picked up one of these Yamaha Bass guitars 2 months ago now for $350AUD, as a starter bass.
I was playing a borrowed fairly low-quality Monterey, so low quality the head was actually screwed on to the neck, with a very noticeable join, The neck is warped to the point the strings are almost 6ml out on the higher frets, making it completely unslappable and genuinely difficult to play. It might just be this one old guitar, but as it stands i'm not going anywhere near monterey starter guitars ever again.
And i've got to say, the TRBX174 is an amazing quality product for its price. Easily competes with $500-$700 products. Great build, great finish and it plays like a dream.
Played a TRBX 304 in store and it had noticeably higher quality pickups, again great quality mid-range guitar that can compete with higher end stuff.
I've had no problems playing Muse Faith No More or slapping along to Red Hot Chilli Peppers songs, and a good mate of mine who has been playing bass for many more years than I, who has a whopping $3000+ bass guitar said it's definitely one of the better guitars she's played, and it well worth it's comparably reasonable price tag.
Jayden Roberts
satin for sure. Especially if you hate the gloss stickiness. If you get it unfinished, you can try to treat/finish with oils and shit, but it requires some upkeep.
Jayden Cox
Yeah, that's what I thought as well. But I always hear about people sanding down the neck and leaving it unfinished, I don't think I'd be comfortable with that. Satin finish seems to be the best of both worlds, love it on my instruments that have it (on the body as well as the neck).
Landon Thomas
gun stock oil barely requires any upkeep, only if you get it really fucking sweaty and hot then literally just run some steel wool over it and throw on another coat of oil. that's like maybe one time for the rest of your life.
Oliver Diaz
look into gun stock oil
seriously it's fucking delightful to the touch. satin finishes always turn to low quality, uneven gloss over time. gun stock oil is #1 for real. only costs like $6
Josiah Cruz
I have a TRBX 174 as well, not familiar with aussie prices but that seems expensive. Anyway, it's alright for the price, but let's be honest, the pickups are pretty bad and the neck (at least on my one) is way too thick. And the bidge is a piece of shit, but it stays in tune and can be adjusted properly.
Jack Hill
Sadly there's none. General population does not have any appreciation for real music.
Caleb Gutierrez
Alright, thanks. Any recommendations for electric guitars in that price range?
Josiah Roberts
>tfw guitar center's 4th of july sale is terrible
Dominic Reyes
what semi-acoustic would you guys recommend? I'm looking at the Gibson ES series, open to any suggestion regardless of brand etc
Colton Powell
Hagstom Viking if you're looking for fairly cheap.
Xavier Richardson
price isn't an issue
Daniel Smith
Where's my /morning crew/?
Selling the Jag today, might use the cash to hit up a Tribute G&L ASAT Special on Craigslist. Got a new band starting up and want another T-style for my backup slash alternate tunings.
Charles Torres
Has anyone else noticed the sudden influx of Girls to lazy to learn the guitar so they picked up a ukulele and became a singer/songwriter overnight?
Parker Martinez
>Bragging about purposely having bad gear.
Having lots of cash doesn't validate what you choose to buy with it, dipshit.
Camden James
Do you mean semi-hollow?
The ES series is really great. Look into the Midtown Custom and see if you can find one without the Richlite fretboard. The handful I've played in my life were a dream, and I'm mostly a Tele guy.
Sebastian Parker
I mainly play acoustics. That's all I have on me atm.
Henry Parker
Yeah semi-hollow, however the term semi-acoustic can also be used I'm pretty sure. I'm looking at the 355 but they seem quite hard to find, 335 ES is also a possibility or even a Grestch White Falcon
Jack Lewis
guitar is hardly more difficult
Adrian Lee
this post confirms you've never played a guitar before
Brayden Murphy
And your first post confirms you're a loser in the social department
Luis King
why? just because i pointed out show stupid your post was doesn't reflect anything on how I am socially. Sounds like you're projecting matey
Jose Howard
shut the fuck up
Carter Hall
I don't mind having less than 24 but I can't see why you wouldn't pick a superstrat cutaway and thin neck. The only issue's looks. Some look really gaudy, but I'd take that over an unplayable pretty guitar.
I'm poor as shit and I can see the circlejerk here but that doesn't mean I'm a douchebag about it, if you want to improve the thread, talk about actual theory and technique instead of meta garbage.
Whatever, there's always going to be a bunch of attraction whores having more success than you while being worse.
Ryan Allen
I was thinking about buying my first acoustic guitar (been playing electric for 1 year now) and my teacher, who works at a music store, told me about a Tanglewood Crossroads TWCR they just received. It's 160€, and he says that's a great deal for the money.
Does anyone know about this brand and this specific model? I know nothing about acoustic guitars so I'm not sure if that's a fair price or if the guitar's good at all.
Wyatt Foster
I wasn't even the poster you originally replied to kek
short snippet, how'd it sound? unplugged on my strat
Levi Myers
sounds like the most basic shit ever, too much reverb and also you suck
Isaiah Russell
Isaac Allen
hope you get some money for that thing
Jaxon Hughes
This () is less skill though
Benjamin Thomas
i thought it was good user, don't listen to him. good tone and some solid shredding
Ethan Kelly
what can be said every chick who can sing like the millionth indie wants something to back up there shit either they pick the ukulele, 4 chord acoustic guitar fuckery, last but not least some shit vaporwave in the background.
Ayden Howard
What is a 4 string ukulele fag doing in this thread
Brayden Reyes
You nailed the tone and vibe, sounds just like John. Well done
Noah Johnson
Depends on what you play i would recommend you get a electric because you can play a lot of different things.
Hunter Howard
What's your ideal pedal board, /gg/? How much progress have you made?
I've never seen a finish like that for a Tele and with a p90
Austin Reyes
I know it's the best way but I can't really get high gain/fuzz from my Blues Jr but love the amp otherwise.
Nathan Evans
clyp.it/sscotoyp this sounds like garbage but i just woke up and have no idea what im doing
Wyatt Davis
with the money you would spend on new pedals sell your old amp and keep the pedal money to buy a new amp
Joshua Cruz
How are you unable to see why someone would prefer a thicker neck? Neck shape is an extremely subjective thing while the superstrat cutaway is objectively better for everyone.
Oliver Fisher
probably just a rosewood tele that someone stuck a p90 in you could do it your self.
Joseph Ortiz
Experiment with different amps. But don't make the mistake of buying a huge amp for a big sound, especially with valve amps. You will never drive a 60w valve amp enough to get a true overdriven tone out of it. Valves need to be driven to unload their full potential. Buy a decent valve amp with the lowest wattage you can find. Don't think lower wattage means it won't be loud enough, there are 15w valve amps that could be gigged and you'd still be left with head room. I know it might seem like I have a valve up my arse right now but trust me, fuck digital, fuck transistor, a solid state valve amp is the only way to go if you want to hear the truest possible tones of the instrument.
Elijah Mitchell
i can't use pedals because my legs don't work
the ideal would by one i control with something other than my foot
James Parker
Sounds like you need bigger tubes honestly.
Xavier Murphy
when I turn my bassman 100 up to ten/ mix the 2 chanels togeather there is a tearing sound coming from the speakers, the speakers are 400 watts total and its a 100 watt amp so I guess it could be clipping, im not really sure how clipping work, any idea whats up?
Isaiah Ross
Get a Mustang your life will be infinitely better, never been a fan of G&L in terms of a substitute for a Fender, because they're really not, but they're a solid guitar no doubt.
Brandon Foster
Also i'm trying to go for an overdriven tone, is there no way of doing this without damaging my speakers? or do i have to somehow find some 50W bass 10s?
Josiah Edwards
I'm not saying valve amps sound like shit if they aren't being driven hard, but valves are like diesel engines -they love to be worked, and they produce much better tone the harder you work them. This is pretty common knowledge tbqh family.
Christopher Sanders
I'm just being an ass. I agree for the most part. Obvious exceptions are some high gain amplifiers that are primarily preamp gain.
Christopher Allen
Buy a fuzz pedal of your choice or a boost, maybe an overdrive, anything that will boost the signal of your guitar and push the tubes harder to make them break up
Ryan Morris
>based Angus tone also I find the guys from KISS are pure plug in to the amp and play types too youtube.com/watch?v=Dg2fRBXhB6Q
Kayden Miller
but Angus uses a "pedal", user :^)
Kayden Roberts
Quick question, can i plug an electric-acoustic guitar into any kind of amp, or do I need a special amp for acoustics?
Have you ever considered that Ibanez RG that has a Kaoss pad built into it?
My Mastotron is on the way so hopefully that'll give me a lot of options.
Matthew King
Any amp, but acoustic amps are obviously more suited for a straight acoustic sound
Luis Sanders
What's the cheapest way to get a half decent amp for practice? (besides stealing ofc)
Leo Young
Matthew Campbell
I'm sure there are better guitars out there but I have an Ibanez Artist which I am very fond of.
Logan Gray
I've got some of those Ikea mugs
Jordan Peterson
I got a Pignose for $35. Probably my favorite small amp.
Ayden Barnes
Haven't heard of the brand but try it out and try out other guitars for a similar price. Then evaluate what you think is right for you.
Ian Young
that was the idea 8-)
Just wish I had better recording equipment,
Leo Harris
Who /Squier/ here?
Ethan Cooper
Oliver Thomas
Hope you ordered a mastery bridge too
Jaxson Cooper
Top tier colour famalam.
Wishing the Squier Teles came in Sonic or Daphne Blue too.
Adrian Young
Landon Foster
I can always do that later when I'm more flush
Easton Harris
I'm looking at some YouTube videos of it and I'm considering buying one too. It looks great, is built to last and has a pretty cool sound. For that price, I think it's worth it.
Jonathan Lewis
Vox do a mini practice amp that runs on either mains or battery for not much money and it is hands down the best practice amp I've ever owned. I also have a Laney VC30 212 and an old Peavey Bandit 65 and the Vox is my most used amp.
Roland do the Micro Cube which is a little cheaper but the sound on the Vox is fucking phenomenal for its size.
Jose Gomez
There's a certain point of thickness after which you lose much more control over your fingers when anchoring your thumb on the back of the neck, I'm not saying every neck should be paper thin but thick necks are horrible and un-ergonomic
Aaron Wright
>the speakers are 400 watts total and its a 100 watt amp so I guess it could be clipping that's not how it works
David White
just put on new strings and wiped down the fretboard. feels good tbqh
Logan Ortiz
do you have the tweed blues jr?
Adrian Russell
Cheap SS combo (Vox Pathfinder 15, Fender Frontman 15/25, old Laneys and Peaveys) into a homemade cabinet - 2x10, 1x12, 2x8, etc. If you're DIY as fuck, you can convert the combo you're running into a (very portable) head.
Michael Carter
Nope, plain black MIA original model front the 90s/early 2000s.
Luke Thompson
Has anyone here got Rocksmith 2014 working without the cable?
I'm trying to use my usb audio interface but every time even with no cable patches it's saying cable not detected
Gavin Brown
nice m8. i dont have the money for either but the tweed sounded nice on a youtube comparison