ITT: we thank Sup Forums for that one album


Other urls found in this thread:


nah, feranchus is the guy that shills that houston band

I want to thank whatever user recommended this album to me the other day. I just got around to listening to it and it's by far the most unique and profound piece of music i've ever had the pleasure of sitting through. There hasn't been an album this decade to shake me to my core the way pic related did. You know that feeling you get when you listen to a new album thats original in sound and scope and think "wow, i had no idea music could do that" well that's how I feel about this album. An absolute masterpiece by every definition of the word.

guys what's that album with the blurry man smoking the pipe

Arctic monkeys

My favorite album

thanks Sup Forums

probably not this now that i see it


Holy FUCK thank you guys for this. This absolutely blew my mind when I first heard it and it's in my top 3 favorite albums of all time now. This is such a fucking amazing album.


clinging to a scheme

and its a gun

I guess you aren't always so bad, Sup Forums

I was amazed in just 4 seconds.

thank you poop man

anyone know any more melancholic, eerie, drone-ish, almost-nostalgic stuff?

Thanks user.

From a thread back in like 2012 or 2013 where anons posted a genre that they wish existed and other people posted albums that best matched that description

what does this sound like? sounds interesing

I remember making a recs thread about a year ago, and someone recommended me this, and Station by Russian Circles

This album has quickly gained a spot in my top ten albums since the first week I listened to it.

Thanks user,
(Also, thanks for showing me We Are The Romans by Botch, that album was great too)


Fucking this. IDM and shoegaze with pop elements, great shit.

I believe the genre I said was "industrial jungle pussy funk"
Idk how to personally describe what it sounds like, but it's actually classified as "french psych funk library" or something like that.

Annoyingly I can't find a full album video of it anywhere and playlists often have missing or deleted videos so you'll most likely have to listen to it in separate pieces.

Thank you for this Sup Forums

Finally gave it a shot after seeing it in a WEG thread on Sup Forums.

This. Leaves got me into Unwound as a whole too.

ty kind user

if it weren't for Sup Forums I probably would never have gotten into Emo and more than likely would have remained a Metal purist.

Thanks user!

this, posting entirely because it's interesting
also, the grafitti documentary they sample is pretty great

it also helped me find the song never meant which i heard in a snowboarding game years ago and was trying to find ever since

this desu

I remember not liking Mew when I first heard them a while back but as soon as I heard Am I Wry? No for the first time I was hooked

this is a meme right? how can you genuinely enjoy this?

Sounds like beat happening

post link

I only listened to Dismemberment Plan cause of the album cover

thought it would be interesting, I was right

I thank Sup Forums for helping me discover GYBE and QOTSA

listen past the opening track
>Sounds like beat happening
produced/guided by calvin johnson iirc
you ever delve into their eps?
never looked into them and wondering if I should



Where do I begin?
Mostly Pic Related though.
If you haven't listened to it...

Last song is GOAT

Yup I was gonna post this too. I have a lot to thank Sup Forums for desu.

You introduced me to this genius and the rest of his albums. Thanks, Sup Forums.


This. I remember seeing this plastered all over the place so many years ago and listening to it.

I also remember thinking I wouldn't be on this board after this long.


1000 times thank you

oh shit, what game?

Saw this over and over, but never realized that it was Lopatin

Thanks, Sup Forums

thank you Sup Forums


desu this is the only good thing i ever found from a tripfriend

I thank Sup Forums for nothing, it has been a truly terrible place through and through

lol dean blunt sux


amped 2

Now get out

Does anyone know the name of this one album about the bible or something. It sounds like it's from the 80s and the vocals are kinda goofy. Someone on here called it an unironic masterpiece and I completely agree.


The Holy Bible by Manic Street Preachers mayb


American Football, Braid, Helicopter Helicopter, matt pond PA, Sunday's Best. this soundtrack is pretty 10/10.


nah that's not it but thanks anyway Dan.

Really helped with the wait for the new Avalanches album. Thanks whoever posted this a while back

yeah for sure my dude. game was GOAT in general.

its a shame a lot of the great artists on it were unheard of and its hard to find any of their songs. myg for example

>post link

im legitimately grateful that Sup Forums introduced me to The microphones and phil elverum in general

its seriously changed My life

100 percent this. Got me into glitch elements in music in general. Fucking amazing album.
Why are you even here

This and most of this bands work. I cant think of an album that is almost like this.

Astral Weeks has kept me from killing myself on more than one occasion.

this, it was everything i had been looking for in music but hadn't found before

that being said i wish i could find an album that's similar to this but less tinny-sounding


Absolutely obsessed with and addicted to DG. Thank you Sup Forums.

Can't find the files but - my boy Ocean's Channel ORANGE.



Thanks Sup Forums for this masterpiece

and this one, thank you Sup Forums.


That one album with a mollusk on it.

Sup Forums has helped me discover about 75% of all music I listen to its sad but I'm trying to branch away from mucore.


This, Flood blew me away the first time I heard it

Honestly this.

Thanks Sup Forums

Honestly I was missing so much

And Asobi Seksu's self-titled album
And Number Girl
And all of the bomb shit I find in sharethreads
And probably a bunch of other stuff

>people thanking Sup Forums for this

If it hadn't topped NME's indie albums list, it would have stayed unknown forever.

Still havent listened to this. Albums with songs that are that long just repell me.

thank you

You ever travel/take public transport/commute?

Play it during that and it should go by easier if that's your problem.

It's a pretty easy album to get into.

top pleb, I can't listen post rock songs shorter than 15 minutes after that album



user changed my life

One of my fav albums of all time. Hotwax and Ramshackle never get old

Thanks guys, it was good.
I've found any new music I've downloaded in the past few months has just been album covers I've seen on mu and wondered about. /blog

had to listen to this in a name thread maybe 2 years ago

definitely favourite 80s album now

Thanks Sup Forums and that user who shared these..


I've actually never seen a large discussion about Unwound before in here. They deserve pockets of recognition. Such an unique band.