On the demo of "My Name is Jonas", Rivers concludes with "my name is Weezer..."...

>on the demo of "My Name is Jonas", Rivers concludes with "my name is Weezer...". This is not only a reference to the band's name, but of his father's final words to a six year old Cuomo before he walked out: "Take care of yourself, Weezer."


>the man who sang "God damn you half Japanese girls" did not have a strong father figure in his life

Color me surprised

>man who calls his son Rivers turns out to be a shit father

Colour me surprised

>having a son
Colour me surprised

You know what his brother's name is?


I'm not kidding

Where did you get this info from?

>Man with wife's son uses "coloured" instead of "colored"

colored me surprised

I don't know what you're trying to say, but try harder

>father walks out on children named Rivers and Leaves

Color me surprised

Anyone got the cross-dressing Rivers picture? I was going to post it and say "his dad leaving had no lasting psychological effects on him," but I can't find it, so just imagine I did.

>father has son called Leaves
>father walks out on him
>father leaves Leaves

he's v cute

those dont sound like black names to me

>man with no father figure cross-dresses

Color me surprised

There are multiple of him in different outfits


post them all plz



Is that eye makeup? What the fuck, this picture looks so recent. Why's the lead singer of Weezer wearing black on all his nails? What is even happening?

hmm ok then

this creeps me out.