Can you give me the dreamiest album you know of? I seriously have not heard another album as dreamy as "Heaven or Las Vegas".
>inb4 check RYM
Can you give me the dreamiest album you know of...
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Not even the dreamiest Cocteau Twins album.
Floating Into the Night - Julee Cruise
But Heaven or Las Vegas is much better than Victorialand
Lazy Calm out dreams everything in HoLV
Lazy Calm, Whales Tails and Little Spacey fucking destroys Heaven or Las Vegas.
this is quite dreamy
Nice one, Coop.
I'm guessing HoLV is the only album of theirs you've actually listened to. Yes its a good record but it was the album they released at the pinnacle of their commercial success. Artistically before that moment the material they were putting out during the 80s was arguably a lot more experimental and ethereal and therefore dreamy in that sense.
No, I've listened to Treasure and Blue Bell Knoll it's pretty obvious it's their best, even though others claim Treasure is their best. And don't be retraded most listeners on, for example, RYM were not around when HOLV came out so they have no bias.
And Head Over Heals
So you haven't listened to Victorialand, then? How can you say Heaven or Las Vegas is better in that case?
I'm listening to it now and half way done and it's really good, but not HOTV tier.
my god OP got BTFO
>gives an opinion on a song
>has never heard the song
>gives an opinion on the album the song is from
>has never heard the album
>"i'm listening to it now though and it turns out i was totally right"
jesus christ you are fucking insufferable
But I had already listened to the opener of Victorialand and Whales Tails. Just hadn't listened to the whole album. Anyway, you seem to be a contrarian. Just because Victorialand is seen as the least in their big 5 album streak and you love it eo much doesn't make you any more refined.
Pic related and maybe some Mojave 3 stuff.
the dreamiest guitars
What the fuck are you blathering about? People are mocking you because you gave an opinion on a song you had not heard. People usually give their opinion on a song after they have heard it as opposed to before. But your method is interesting.
Have you ever seen the film The Deer Hunter? If not, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Victorialand was never a weak album. It was just a lot different as it was devoid of percussion and so transformed itself into more of a cerebral ambient record. Cocteau Twins honestly never put out anything shoddy in their entire existence. Even their last two albums in the 90s were strong (RYM can fuck off) and they disbanded without any tarnished reputation and are still renowned for being pioneers in their field and one of the most influential bands in the world. Xxx
anyone have a link for this album? every link I find has been taken down
Deerhunter made an ok album so the movie is probably ok too
This thread makes me want to listen to victorialand.. Its been a long while.
What song, Lazy Calm? Do you have reading comprehension problems? I just said I had heard that and Whales Tails before, just not the whole album. Yes, I've seen the dear hunter, why is that relevant?
Just listen on YouTube
>Yes, I've seen the dear hunter
fuck me...
i cannot handle this shit
What, are you sperging because I accidentally spelled it dear instead of deer? Your autism is showing
>this one pathetic guy getting so mad
This is gold.
everyone believes you should actually listen to Victorialand track-by-track. maybe that would cure your illiteracy?
But I literally just finished it 5 minutes ago. Great atmosphere, not very good songwriting. Yes,, I shouldn't have written off Victorialand before listening to all of it, but I had already heard two of the 9 songs and since they seem to be the most popular I assumed I had already sense where the album was going. And those two songs aren't as good as Cherry Colored funk so my presumption was correct
>Yes,, I shouldn't have written off Victorialand before listening to all of it, but I had already heard two of the 9 songs and since they seem to be the most popular I assumed I had already sense where the album was going.
why is the title track so much better than the rest of the songs :C
ignore the contrarians, you're right
doesn't mean it's "dreamier" tho
it aint contrarian if most people agree victorialand is arguably better. most people also agree HoLV was their most commercial album and that is the reasoning. Still both great albums but dont be dismissive of their earlier more important work prior to HoLV.
Confirmation bias