post the music u have on your phone, tablet, netbook, Smart watch, google glass, etc.
Phone Thread
I pay for streaming so I have everything on my phone
I know I need album art but I don't like it.
Blackplayer is the best player
Music is better with album art, seriously.
when is your next album coming out bt
Ill drop it in 2 weeks ill msg ya ;)
Why does everyone with an iPhone have it signed to AT&T?
Listening to the new money album. Pretty good desu.
It must be nice only like top 40 pop shit
You owe me $20 because you walked out on the show I was at because you forgot to bring your macbook cord
No I mean real streaming not tidal
vete a la mierda frijolero
>people pirate music w/o attaching album art
holy fucking shit guys
>Has only one Cocteau Twins album
>It's probably Heaven or Reno
>all these phone posters
this. also,
>he doesn't use MusicBrainz Picard for tagging and album art
I delete it, I need as much space as possible
One track alone is significantly bigger than the album art.
Unless you dl 96kbps mp3s