Sup Forums: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sup Forums: The Dark Knight Rises
/lit/: Infinite Jest
Sup Forums: Dark Souls
Sup Forums: ?
Sup Forums: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Old Boots New Dirt
or TMR
Yeah basically this
>/lit/: Infinite Jest
>falling for the meme
Either of these.
Sup Forums's is stalker
fucking kill yourself nigger
the fact that anyone is even questioning ITAOTS here shows how Sup Forums has changed over the last few years
.From Tarkovsky? lol no
OP is a newfag
>Sup Forums: Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Sup Forums: Drive
>/lit/: Infinite Jest
>Sup Forums: Dark Souls
>Sup Forums: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
fixed for ya
heh you think this is still funny
Absolutely this.
Don't let people fool you, OP. Even if you check the essential charts or the sticky, you'll see that In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is the most Sup Forumscore thing ever.
>Drive instead of TDKR
hahahahaha no
Do you even BANE?
TDKR is seriously one of the worst movies ever made
Indeed, but it still makes the some of the best memes around.
Infinite Jest is substanceless "post-modern" masturbation that is recommended half-ironically to newcomers.
I'd say that the "required reading that's widely discussed and taken seriously" is The Brothers Karamazov and The Stranger
>>Sup Forums: Neon Genesis Evangelion
a pretty good anime
>>Sup Forums: Drive
a pretty okay movie
>>/lit/: Infinite Jest
a pretty okay book
>>Sup Forums: Dark Souls
a shit game
>>Sup Forums: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
a goat album
Sup Forums should honestly be Boku no Pico if we're just basing this off memes
NGE is a lot more memecore than Boku no Pico tho
I'm not saiying it ain't good, but it's a meme anime..
boko no pico isn't good tho
Neither is TDKR, Infinite Jest and In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.
i'm so sick of this meme
everything else on there is legitimately good where as drive is a 7/10 pretty cool movie that keeps getting posted because of the music.
fucking plebs
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea > Infinite Jest > Dark Souls >> TDKR >>>> that pedo shit
fuck off
no u
Infinite Jest and Aeroplane are both solid, they're just not as good as people hype them up to be. TDKR is pretty bad though.
>TDKR is pretty bad though
what's your reasoning princess
>implying it isn't
Call me Scaruffi, but I hate the fact that people meme it since it's actually really good
Easily this, that's Sup Forums's meme for sure
wait, but Sup Forums unironically likes Dark Souls
I dont get it
Sup Forums is the monogatari series
>dark souls
I just had some big problems with the parts of the movie, like
>Why are all the prisoners cool with homicidal maniacs? Most of them are really just people.
>The scene where the army of cops with guns rushed the army of criminals instead of shooting at them
>Also how are cops that have been underground for months that physically competent, and wouldn't the sunlight blind them?
>When catwoman kills bane and Batman doesn't even blink an eye even though earlier in the movie he is serious about no guns
>Bad fight choreography w/ people just randomly falling without being hit
>Joseph Gordon Levitt's character, especially the reveal at the end that his name is Robin
but this is all opinion, feel free to shit on me if you disagree. I liked TDK though
Sup Forums also unironically likes Neon Genesis Evangelion