Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.
10.0? 0.0? Best New Music? Best New Reissue? 8.0+ with no BNM? A shitty set of 7's and below? Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain! Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review? Titus Andronicus being robbed once again? Dead Sara finally getting an 8.3 BNM? Ian FUCKIN' Cohen? Ryan "THE TASTEMAKER" Dombal? Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever] Jayson "8.7" Greene? Larry "retired BNM godfather" Fitzmaurice? Craig "Meme Rap" Jenkins? [taking the Big Apple’s publications by storm] Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy? [retired, metal albums still won't get BNM, everyone still won't care] qt Kim "retired Meal Goddess now at Noisey" Kelly? Grayson "Grizzly" Currin? Brian "Backup" Howe? Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson? Evan "IS GARAGE ROCK DEAD" Minsker? Meaghan “retired trap queen" Garvey? Andy "secretly alpha" Beta? Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp? [retired, will probably still get asked to show feet] Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne? Stephen "M." Deusner? Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?
Will someone dethrone Radiohead/Chance the Rapper’s 9.1 for AOTY?
OFFICIAL and accurate 2016 BNM Tally: 27 Nights since last BNM: 3
The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.
>Tonight's Top Stories -This thread stands with Kesha eternally -Blood Orange drops his album early -This thread hypes and supports DIIV, Bat for Lashes, BadBadNotGood, and The Avalanches. -/p4k/ forever
This thread stands with Michael Gira, Freddie Gibbs, Afrika Bambaataa, Heathcliff Berru, Leslie Rasmussen, Gustavo Guerra & Dr. Luke -- and rejects the rape culture hysteria of Meagan Garvey, Amber Coffman, Bethany Cosentino, Larkin Grimm, Ke$ha, et al.
Christopher Phillips
What is everyone listening to?
Matthew Reyes
Fuck off, this thread stands with Zoe Camp and Zoe Camp alone.
Nolan Harris
Daniel Rivera
ooooo edgy
Benjamin Bailey
Julian Scott
Hey this is pretty good so far
Eli Miller
Who's getting it tonight?
Julian Gray
it's been a while since i've been to one of these. glad to see people are doing well.
listened to 5 songs off of freetown sound before turning it off. felt like i'd been listening to it for an hour already, super sloggy. ta-nehisi coates did exactly what dev set out to do already in literary form, except it's obvious that coates at least has some sense of composition and talent. it will get an 8.8 from p4k.
which bnms are people feeling will already be forgotten by the end of the year? money's on dvsn, porches, and kevin morby.
really enjoying new huerco s. i wished altered zones was still a thing.
Brandon Baker
Does anyone know if p4k has ever reviewed a surprise release within a day?
Cooper Rivera
They reviewed the new Neil Young about a week before it was due out... don't know if that counts but I don't know how they could've gotten their hands on it beforehand
Cameron Fisher
what an embarrassing post.
Jonathan Reed
I know there is a 1% chance you're real, but feet?
Jonathan Cooper
i was a big fan of the last blood orange and i ride (figuratively) w/d'angelo,kendrick, antohni et al., but i also had to cut this one short. ill try again later, but it was not clicking.
Zachary Turner
Really? Anything in particular wrong? Do you think it still has a shot at BNM?
Angel Watson
>still has a shot at BNM Not OP, but of course it does. I think it will get an 8.8 BNM. Have you read the Augustine review? They even made a feature of all the women featured on the album.
Luke Sullivan
well i was listening pretty casually, and i didn't have any context wrt his aim for the project, so i probably didn't approach the album on its own terms. but yeah, it doesn't have the sexy/sultry immediacy of the last one imo.
not to be too crass, but historically p4k likes blood orange and they rep woke politics, so i'd be surprised if it didn't. and hey it might be a very good album-- but it just wasn't what i expected or looked forward to.
Carson Lee
broods will get panned hard i think deerhoof will get a 7.5-8.0 cash cash won't get reviewed lol
Charles Perry
6.9 Deerhoof
Fuck right out of the world. 8.0-8.1 at the very least. I'm so fucking done with Pitchfork.
Samuel Wood
Wyatt Phillips
Seriously, I'm done with these threads and music journalism. bye.
Ethan Sanders
NIGHTLY RUNDOWN Jim O’Rourke / Fennesz 7.1 by Philip Sherburne Deerhoof 6.9 by Benjamin Scheim Told Slant 7.4 by Rohan Samarth Amy Klein 4.9 by Pat Healy
Isaiah Sanchez
Reminder: Whatever albums on this chart are not reviewed by Pitchfork by 1 AM eastern time on Friday will be marked "BITCHFORK".
Josiah Butler
holy shit cash cash is still around. fuck.
Robert Gray
Why do you do this?
Jaxson Garcia
this desu
kill you are self
Justin Williams
It's fun. Pitchfork releases way more than 14 reviews in a week, showing they have the time to review all these and then some. If they don't have the balls to review, say, Cash Cash, I'll call them out on it at the deadline. A negative review is better than none at all, in my opinion.