>a thread made for a circlejerk this isn't fucking reddit
Robert Fisher
w/e idc
Levi Bennett
It's fuckin' trash T b h f a m
Julian Walker
Alexander Morris
I've listened to it in full five times. Listened to some individual songs a few times too.
My favorite tracks are Harmony, Because I'm Me, If I Was a Folkstar and The Noisy Eater.
Harmony is so upbeat and just pretty. The whole album feels like Disney childlike magic to me personally.
Sebastian Green
yeah, it sounds magical. It's positivity, but not without some serious emotional content. it's not all happy go lucky if you really feel it, i think.
Wyatt Clark
Well I feel like that's what gives it that childlike magic thing. It's super bittersweet at times and it feels beautiful but happy too.
Levi Thompson
Kaleidoscope Lovers might end up being my favorite Avalanches song Either that or Close to You
Owen Miller
As a Painting With fan, I'm so happy that there's a new album that is getting all the meme hate.
Michael Ross
I actually for my first listen to the album last night took a walk around where I live. I walked about 21 minutes or so to this park and when I got there Zap came on and it was amazing. Just sat down on a swing and used it while listening to the album. Could see some stars and it was a perfect Summer night. Made the album's first listen so perfect.
Cameron Lewis
Tied with Human Story 3 for the worst album of all time.
Fuck 2016.
Cameron Phillips
>le hate bcuz lel happy album xd It was great. I loved If I was a Folkstar, Colours, Subways, The Noisy Eater, Kaleidoscope Lovers, Harmony and Saturday Night Inside Out
Gavin Brown
>Just sat down on a swing and used it
Anthony Wright
Which song features Warren Ellis? I'm stupid and can't tell which is it.
James White
I hate fucking everything. This album sucks and everything sucks and I wish I was fucking dead. Have you guys read any of the electroswing memes yet? I think they're funny when applied to this album so here we go
>mfw listening to electroswing
There we go, I've used the electroswing meme. Wasn't that funny how I've used what most consider to be a cringeworthy genre to incorrectly label this album? Ha. Ha. Ha. My mom's pushing to kick me out of the house we've grown up in since 2004 and since I don't have a job, this would mean I'd have to hop from the couches of the few friends I've kept since dropping out of high school until I inevitably wind up either living in homeless shelters or sleeping on park benches. I take out all of my anger on those who still appreciate my company and every day is a set of hours in which I push myself more and more into the thought of what a comfortable suicide would be. Oh, have you guys read that NME gave this album a low score? Here, I'll post it like as if it matters what NME, a music publication that thinks Arctic Monkeys are the greatest band that's ever existed, thinks about this record.
Okay. That's all I and any other naysayer usually have to say about this record on Sup Forums. I'm gonna have another nightmare in which it starts off peacefully enough; my father coming back from wherever it was he ran off to years ago, we spend time together and apologizes for abandoning me as a child and my family makes it through all of our recent hardships, content and stronger than we ever were before. I wake up. The nightmare wasn't the dream, but the act of waking up to find that all of that happiness wasn't real to begin with. I fucking hate everything. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I fucking hate everything. I wish I was dead.
Lucas Robinson
Adam King
hope you're doing okay, user
Robert Johnson
>Mmm yes I must say Frankie Sinatra is indubitably one of the most sublime works of plunderphonic sound I have ever heard. What's that Madame? Electro swing? Heavens, no! That is the dirge of the lowly troglodyte. It is far from the purview of the masterful composers collectively known as the Avalanches.
Jayden Reyes
I don't want to live in a world where that shit can be AOTY.
Jeremiah Bailey
Austin Hill
man this is one dark post. i at least hope you're sleeping well, user.
Justin Russell
Holy projection
Jack Hill
I have a severe psychotic disorder which makes me hear voices that constantly bring me down in the most violent ways, along with intrusive thoughts, for which the voices judge me.
I dropped out of college because of this. Now I'm by myself, no work. Living off of, yes, neetbucks.
There's not much good going on in my life. But I never take out my anger on people who don't deserve it. Maybe you could change that user. There's literally nothing good coming out of that. Be nice to yourself once in a while.
For me, an album like this makes me feel like I'm actually as worthy as any human trying his best on this beautifully rotten world. There's no real hierarchy. That's all in some people's heads. You can try the best you can, and the best you can is good enough.
If you don't like the album that's fine. I remember being in a psychotic depression when Pharrel's 'Happy' was a hit. I wanted to fucking kill myself every time I heard that. I was jealous. How can all those people be happy in a world like this? What is this for kind of morbid celebration.
But, positivity will always be very important to keep people going. I want as much as possible people to be happy, save for some.
If we all lost hope there would be nothing to live for.
something like that. probably sound like a pretentious hippie dick, but I really hope you feel better soon man. I think i see where you're at, and it's a pretty dark place.
as out of place and even vulgar it might seem, optimism and hope are always welcome.
You're gonna be alright. If not, so be it. Shit happens.
Adrian Morris
Anyone else experiencing cuts between the songs? It's getting pretty annoying since it ruins the flow of the album. Any solutions? : (
(Got the leak from Mega, AAC, listening on Shutter+, Android.)
Nathan Lee
Lincoln Myers
I meant Shuttle+, not Shutter+.
Asher Gonzalez
It's definitely your player, all the leaks are gapless. Can't help you, don't have an android
Elijah Turner
Amazing album. Thought it was going to be shit, no way it could live up to Since I Left You, etc. Was I wrong or what.
Seeing a typical Sup Forums i.e /r/indieheads 2.0 reaction to this album, I see. You plebs ate up Blackstar and think this is bad. See you children next hype-train release.
Robert Wood
Blackstar is ten times better than this album
Christopher Reyes
Can I get a link?
Xavier Hall
Jesus Christ get a grip
Isaiah Green
kill me pete
Jaxon Nguyen
sorry for trying to be helpful
get a grip? what does that even mean
Connor Clark
I don't care if you kill yourself. In fact, I hope you do. You can be as satirical all you want, but I sincerely think this album is electroswing and I will continue to spam every Avalanches thread I see with the "Mmm yes I must say..." copypasta because it IS funny. Go ahead and overdose on whatever medication it is you may have around. Do it.
Nolan Foster
You're pathetic.
Dominic Edwards
this thread got real depressing real quick.
Julian Evans
Damn user! You're the edgiest muthafucka in town Cool it son or I'll have to pull the meme moves on ya!
Caleb Anderson
In other words he's saying you're nuts and your post is literally 14 yr old goth kid in the subs THE POST.
It's an album and you're over here talking about your pyschotic episodes and morbid realities of life. WEW LAD
Caleb Watson
>not having the ultimate cereal rapper on The Noisy Eater
Luis Bennett
I honestly feel bad for people who do not feel this top groove
Jayden Jones
Cooper Nelson
hang in there user
Christopher Garcia
LOL! at this too! Yo i hope you stay miserable for the rest of your life my nigga because like the voices in your head would lead you to believe, you do not deserve to ever be happy. eat a dick niggah
Gavin Allen
ah i see.
I was simply reacting to another post, that had little to do with the album.
If you read my post it is just an (trying to be) emphatic response to what the cynical man said.
Julian Reyes
This album is basically SILY meets SMiLE meets Plastic Beach
Gabriel Smith
Levi Perez
meets paul's boutique
Juan Hall
you guys are real edgelords these people are out here just tryna reach out to each other in this abyss and you're shooting them down, calm it
Kevin Garcia
Let's be real, Link Neal should have been the guy eating all the cereal
Brayden Miller
No love for Stepkids? Should've been the album closer.
Jason Gutierrez
More like Steam-Powered Giraffe meets the Spongebob Squarepants Movie soundtrack
Josiah Murphy
This whole thread is samefag.
Kevin Rogers
he is clearly meming.
Hunter Anderson
>Steam-Powered Giraffe Stop shitposting all over the place memelord
Tyler Ortiz
Xavier Myers
literally who????
Asher Reed
Some shitstain Youtube band someone is obviously trying to make mucore
Dominic Nguyen
appreciate it user i certainly hope so
Liam Kelly
>steam powered giraffe lol how the fuck
Nicholas Lee
Could someone post a link to the extended mix of Frankie Sinatra?
Charles Walker
Am I the only one who noticed the similarities between The Noisy Eater and Superfast Jellyfish by Gorillaz? youtube.com/watch?v=G6zPvkP5uVI
Brody Jones
Nooooo, totally got that on the first listen too. The Noisy Eater is a way better track though
Brandon Bailey
I seem to be missing track number 22.
Could any kind Senpai upload track 22. Frankie Sinatra (Extended Mix) please. And Thanks!
Jonathan Carter
the whole album feels like a super fully realized plastic beach honestly
Austin Price
Not sure what i would rate the album at the moment but i definitely enjoyed it. That transition from living underwater into wozard of iz was so good laughed out loud. yeah this was the first thing i thought of when i heard it
Kevin Butler
I love it when I'm not the only one
Parker Hall
Live A Lifetime Love is SOTY
Carter White
It flows very well and It makes me feel nice things in my heart. I think I'm liking it more than SILY but I need more listens.
I don't get why it's getting so much hate, It feels like an instant classic for me. Whatever.
Anthony Sanchez
It's not on the leaked version. You'll have to wait until the proper digital version leaks/is released.
Landon Cox
People just wanted SILY 2: electronic boogaloo
Kevin Garcia
more like a thread to counteract a circlejerk familia
Hunter Cruz
>not Kaliedoscope Lovers, Because I'm Me, Subways or Stepkids
wew wew wew
Justin Sanders
I took them fruity pebbles.
Samuel Torres
Lucas Martin
I've got Shuttle+ too, it's the app's problem. The albums gapless on Poweramp. Give the app a review and mention this, hopefully it'll be fixed when the app is apparently completely reworked
Dylan Morris
is this a transcode
Joshua Watson
>shit rapping all over the record
Andrew Smith
is this the /elevator music/ general?
Alexander White
the first three (if you count the first) are such trash, ruins the record
Asher Roberts
Yes, what's your favorite elevator music bro?
Jacob Scott
Really digging the new Avalanches record.
Tyler Clark
The Avalanches further proving that Australian musicians are fucking shite.
Ayden King
whats the acid bass thing in subways? it's on the right channel and I wanna know where its from
Brayden Campbell
I did not know, thanks for informing me, now I can stop looking.
Brayden Morgan
It's not bad, but it isn't really that good either
6/10 t b h
Adam Mitchell
How to ruin your record in one easy step.
Sebastian Jenkins
A band that people namedrop when they want to avoid using the word "fedora" but convey the same meaning.
Anthony Morales
Yup. I don't mind hip-hop at all, but the Avalanches tried to be trendy with all the hip-hop features in this album. It just ended up feeling unnecessary and out of place.
Grayson Wood
If they make a longer edit of "Live a Lifetime Love" with another verse and chorus it could be a hit
John Rivera
Every time I listen to it it just gets more beautiful, I'm crying
Christopher Morris
it's shit but the last 5 songs are great
shud'e been a mini EP
Robert Sanchez
not tonight, pete
Colton Baker
Shits too good, don't know why i'm posting my opinion on Sup Forums the majority of people I post with 5 years ago aren't even here anymore. It's just a bunch of teenagers who are more interested in memes than music now.
Adrian White
Asher Edwards
thanks for the offer pete but im not feeling it today, cheers
Jason Ramirez
I think Stepkids would have made a better closer. Saturday Night Inside Out seems to be the standout song for a lot of people but I found it underwhelming, especially compared to the perfection that is Extra Kings.
Owen Wilson
>the ultimate cereal rapper
you mean this one?
Blake Powell
I really like it, glad it lived up to expectations. Reminds me a lot of Smile.
Some of the rap features feel a little cheesy and dated, but then what do you expect after 16 years.
Ian Morgan
how is there still not a legitimate rip of this yet