Why is power pop the worst genre Sup Forums?
Why is power pop the worst genre Sup Forums?
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Weezer is good
No they're not
>Big Star
>Cheap Trick
>Teenage Fanclub
Sounds to me like you're full of shit OP.
All those bands are bad tho.
just gotta do it right
xtc and joe jackson are great.
Those guys actually aren't that bad but on balance, Power pop is still a shit genre
Both their best albums aren't power pop anyways
Black Sea is power pop with other influences, but by your approach on how genres are considered shit, then every genre is shit. Just because there is shit in the water does not mean the environment is all bad.
is OP a fedora who hates catchy, comfy fun? y/n
why the hell would "comfy" be included?
> WHY has music gone to a a pit of fire
Why dont you aks my mixtape
>OP doesn't know about the unsung greatest power pop record of the twenty first century
That argument only works when the good/bad distribution is equal or near equal. Power Pop is like 95% disposable, generic garbage and 5% decent.
Like, Defttones may be decent nu-metal but the genre is still shit
> (you)
>ywn fall in love with a stacey and then fall in love with her mom
>mfw Stacy's Mom was actually the worst song on that record.
Seriously, this record is actually fantastic.
it's "comfy" because it's music that's perfect for listening to in a particularly comfy setting after a good day
try & act like you aren't new here at least
It really is.
I've waited years to have someone agree with me that Welcome Interstate Managers is a good album. Now that someone has done it, I don't know what to do with myself.
look at that scared white boy damn