healthy lizzy edition
Kpop general
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report early threads
who watched irene catch the egg thief
Is not early tho
(you) from an old post, thanks
that show is so autistic but i watch because Irene is literally the prettiest korean person in existence
post the straya goddess
>Is not early tho
Yes it is you fucking retard.
Like I get it if you want to be a shithead and make early threads but don't troll with this shitty bait like you don't know that you're doing it jesus christ
not enough laboum posting
He posted that when the old thrad reached the 310
she's so smart, i didn't even notice that guy dancing weirdly until irene pointed it out and they showed the replay
>If you aren't a negative faggot and you get excited and stay positive you are either a shill, a spammer or you sound like a press release
Why are the people in this thread such insufferable pessimists?
Fucking cunts, the lot of you. I bet all you negative nancies are the NEETs and the ones that are positive and excited and actually like kpop and don't hate are the ones with fulfilling lives.
post lizzy being molested by an elderly man wearing a fedora
i love her
thread should be made after the 310 post not before.
i'm an insufferable pessimist
No he didn't it was 309 replies and his post linking the thread made it hit bump limit.
This isn't hard you fucking mongoloids the count is RIGHT there at the bottom of the screen.
calm down please
l-lewda, I...
>muh bump limit
what are Yeri and Joy's meme names?
why did pdnim let the gfriend maknae line watch two dogs have sex? does this mean sinb isn't pure anymore?
irrelevant child and fat uggo
I knew it, I always felt there was something magical about them, I hope they bless us with lot's of love this comeback
ignore it and keep posting what you like
anons like to troll and someone will pick a fight with anything you might post just for fun, especially if you get defensive about it
Yeri's is too long.
ok ok relax
sinb covered her eyes, you're good
i wonder what mijoo is doing right now
Of course there is something magical about them. They are so beautiful, feminine and soft.
Their magic will spread love to all Buddies' hearts this come back.
getting fucked
i wonder what's yein doing right now
i don't think you appreciate how not mad i am
Thank you, user. I look forward to BlackPink dominating the charts and proving them wrong.
just discovered this on kpg. made me chuckle good. thanks lad
Hopefully keeping off of that foot and getting plenty of rest.
I hope she is fully recovered by the second instalment of the trilogy.
why doesn't mijoo wear pretty clothes
more like paperbagfriend
omo i wanna rest my hands on some sinbutt
you should have cropped out the right half, Umji ruins this for me
Someone post LuckyLovelyzFan.webm
>Gfriend does summer slutpop to try outdo Brave Girls
My heart is ready
This is so good, so summer
yuju is a goddamn goddess
i want to impale her with my cock
remove umji
I am also ready.
I've been anticipating this for a long time.
I hope it breaks all the records Rough set.
fuck eunha
marry sinb
kill umji
Eunha X Sowon desu
Kill em all*
Apink Diary 3 ep. 2 out
slightly higher res
lol did they photoshop them into this picture?
Black pink black blacky blacky black so black
black pink giri giri I like you
stop posting uglyfriend holy shit
i'm at work but all these pictures are making me vomit and my boss just asked if i was sick and i had to tell him okay but i'm dying over here
please stop
>Short hair Eunha
>gfriend are good looking
>twice can sing
what other funny stuff do fans make up about their groups?
i want to fuck all those gooky gook sluts
I feel you
>eunha looks good no matter what she's doing
how does she do it?
>kpop is good
RV arent a flop?
I fucking love GFRIEND
>>eunha looks good no matter what she's doing
ayy lmao
>that moment they see the cock for the reverse gangbang
>reverse gangbang
Please be a thing... please be a thing...
It could have been really bad, glad they didn't go too short
who is this nice whore?
wow what a cutie, please like rich fit mexicans.
Why does blocking
filenames not work in the native extension?
I am infatuated with Oh My Girl's Mimi.
fuck u
yes fuck me
fuck off hyuna is mine.
that's still early, the new thread shouldn't be made until the old thread has already reached 310, making it at 309 is early
ok fine take her
i take any gook whore i don't care
man shinbee looks plastic as FUCK
fat jimin
No thank you.
>that eunha hair
muh dick
tfw yerin's shorts are short, the best part is they go with meme hair what a sigh of relief, I'm glad they didn't go for a high heels concept as well