Ultimate cringe thread.
People need to be stopped
Ultimate cringe thread.
People need to be stopped
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All the cringe I need
went into FYE today saw some kid looking at an all in one turntable with bluetooth and a bunch of other gimmicky shit. i wanted to tell him it was going to destroy his records but then he started shifting though meme rap vinyl and i knew nothing of value would be lost.
I work at an FYE. The amount of terrible equipment I sell to people kills me on the inside but I gotta make them sales.
>Rapping about videogames
lo-fi black metal would throw him through a loop i bet
I can't believe they're still around
got dam her boyfriend spent a lot of money on her!
I bet he has an ugly personality at the least
>food is only for kids
metal = meal confirmed
>Trying to be unique aesthetically but sonically generic as fuck
Wowie it's like Lady Gaga all over again
That slayer avatar tho
i understand, honestly they have to start some where they will learn with time through mistakes like how most of us do so don't feel bad
>I bet he has an ugly personality at the least
kek she's dating ARTV
>"I still need to get the CD for this"
so she doesn't even have a turntable...?
Pure cringe, not good at all.
ARTV once banned me on Twitter for telling him Twenty One Pilots are a cringefest
Her taste is pretty much garbage but owning the same release on multiple formats is a tried and true collectorscum trait
She isn't pawing the records with her greasy fingers either so that's a small plus too
Look at all my colored vinyls
>tumblr filename
>le bucket on head makes him avant-garde
i've got a lot more
nothing of value was lost
fucking lol
this board is a cringe goldmine
posting furshit in a thread like this is almost cheating.
use it for cereal
what the fuck
I see worn to shit heads and just fuck my shit up pedal placement. Anything else?
>you're at a party in high school
>it's at a friends house
>you usually just smoke herb
>but your friends offer you acid
>you take it
>things become weird
>you start to have a massive panic attack
>it's a really bad trip
>a demon bird with ski wings walks into the room
>you panic
>you throw an ashtray as hard as you can into his face
>everyone yells "WTF DUDE"
>you're known as a bigot for the rest of high school
this is why it shouldn't be mucore, fuck that shitty album
cringe not good pretty
how is this cringe
it's a valid thing to do with that LP
yeah what's wrong with this other than the head on the tom and the placement of the pedals?
The real cringe is that this image gets posted all the time yet people stick don't realise it's a shoop.
that turntable is the worst thing you could possibly buy.
nothing of value was lost.
Unless we're talking monetary value of course then wew
i feel so embarrassed just watching this it hurts.
I feel unwell
>tfw I actually kinda start to fuck with what he's saying
But I do think people that make music already know where music comes from. They figured that part out early.
This whole channel's a goldmine. The dude with the Jazzmaster's the worst thing in this video
thats jokes not cringe at all.
It's a rare 300$ record
l o l ur penis is small my friend ;)
I actually like her because her videos are comfy and she seems like a nice girl, can we stop being mean to her please
I dunno fairly are everyone who has heard that record has a tiny dick
jeez user that was cringe
it's pretty meh
>implying I listen to music with drums
First post best post
>the yeehawws
l o l ur penis is small my friend ;)
Pretty funny desu
her videos are only comfy if you are american and enjoy indie music. so yes comfy for you, but not for us. go slurp her arsehole on the comments.
>caring what colour the vinyl is
Saved, thanks
Im 100% buying that shit on Friday
there is an amen afterwards . abandon all hope we've found the cringiest shit of them all .
it's an artistic statement
hey this is actually pretty food
It's an autistic statement
I mean yeah, I've listened to that album
the placement of the ride cymbal is a little weird.
And look at its edge. Look at it. It almost puts the tom to shame.
Also I think (might be wrong though) that the head on his bass drum is actually a resonnance skin. Not to mention the tape he put on it to protect it from the double pedal is torn to shreds.
Nice Pooh and roadmap carpets though.
I once saw someone who played with a set that pretty muh looked just like that.
Except instead of having two toms, it had one tom on the right (from the drummer's position) and a snare on the left.
A snare. A fucking snare at a 45° angle, in the position of the high tom.
you just know that guy works at guitar center or some shit
Ey boii does too
reminds me of this other thing for some reasons
you can't make this up, gee wiz
>21 pilots poster
>pop punk trash
>"basement is grunge"
>probably has a crosley
women know nothing about music
What a riff.
1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
l o l ur penis is small my friend ;)
The exact problem with this: that double pedal cost more than the shit cymbals and shit stock heads on that shit drum kit.
You know, you underage faggots only post this kind of shit in cringe threads to try to differentiate yourselves from these people. They're not collecting vinyl "the right way", they're not doing it "right" while you faggots are and are superior for it. You're all the same target demographic for the music industry, whether you like it or not you sad fucking nerds.
shes cute :3
who actually likes this shit
I found this gem and it makes me pretty happy