Why do I get the gut feeling most of the idiots they are referencing came from Sup Forums?
"Don't ever talk to me or my mediocre DJs ever again!"
Why do I get the gut feeling most of the idiots they are referencing came from Sup Forums?
"Don't ever talk to me or my mediocre DJs ever again!"
What is it with feminists and their love for headshots taken from the side?
What does any of this mean, and what relevance does it have to me?
is this the political circlejerk thread?
It's amazing how in 2016 people are still feeding the trolls.
>deflecting with questions
Classic male trick. Supremely talented (and uber gorgeous) DJ Nightwave was HARASSED yesterday so Boiler Room took a stand against those who violently staged the hostile takeover of their chat. Yesterday's stream was not an inclusive or comfortable event because some men decided to make it an unenjoyable experience for everyone. Oh yeah, those men were most likely white. People really ought to think before they type things out. Keyboard warriors manchildren who will never fight for anything else as hard as they do to bring down successful female DJs must be punished.
isn't that Rustie's gf or some shit?
At last. Girls and women need to be supported more who make dance music as it needs the sexy female touch to be enjoyable. Men are too robotic.
fags > transgenders > straight males >>>>>>>>>>> females
isn't boiler room that thing where it's the same people in every video
Well we all know where you stick your dick, firmly in the shitter.
women are a meme
do not take them seriously you dumbass
she read that like she was in a mean girls movie or something
some tumblr core film probably told her the Beatles are "good"
that wasn't in regards to sexuality but in regards of music output
Micropenis detected! aWOOOOOO!
>"the internet can't seem to exist without vile cowardly dickheads"
Did Boiler Room just start using the internet a few months ago or something? Why do normies think the internet should coddle their feelings?
Sure, fairy. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Honestly how pathetic would it be to "address bigotry" every time there was a shitstorm of a comment section? If you can't handle the internet then you probably shouldn't be on it.
So shittalking towards men is banter, but when it's towards women it's sexism?
I have no idea how much sexism on Sup Forums is post-ironic but
If you seriously think men and women face the same amount of harassment online then you are delusional and haven't been listening to any online creator in the past decade
her set was shit
They do receive the same amount of harassment online and most of the "sexist" shit comes from other women.
exactly, I watched her stream live on fb and the comments on her stream were approximately following these percentages:
92% bashing her, of which 90% JUST for her music and the remaining 2% for her gender
8% deaf people defending her and her set
shit taste
if you can't handle the heat get out the boiler room haha
by tying themselves to numerous investors and corporate sponsors they have rendered genuine action against the status quo an impossibility -- quite a feat considering underground dance musics potential as a space for progression and radical inclusion. they are far more complicit in aiding the patriarchal systems of power and oppression than some miserable chatroom dwellers ever could be -- my question to them would be how many 'prickly' events (eg non-white, non-heteronormative) have they cancelled (or never pursued in the first place) due to investor/sponsor pressure? would Ray-Ban agree to sponser a performance with a transgender headliner, for example?
lately, a lot of BR live sets sucked so much to the point of wondering if it's some sort of troll by them or somebody hacked their media accounts
fucking gay boi, why dont you go cry about your dad.
Artificial hierarchies aren't very radical, chumbo.
I think you meant "input"
I needed that kek man
Where can we hear this terrible set to judge for ourselves? Is it on YouTube?
How to be a Boiler Room listener:
>wear a plain light blue shirt and short kakhi/cargo pant hybrids (50£ each) and a painfully average haircut
>stand 5 centimeters behind the artist, bothering him as much as you can
>hold a drink (don't drink it though)
>with your other hand, occasionally scroll through the tumblr dashboard on your smartphone
>look slightly to the left or to the right
>say "this set is great" to the chick next to you, who replies to you with "ok"
>wiggle your hips (not too much)
How to behave on the Boiler Room chat:
>say "nice set"
How to play at the Boiler Room:
>play a vinyl
>play another vinyl
>push sync button
>switch vinyls
>trip on the cables
>take a selfie
>ask where the sync button is
>change left vinyl
boiler room sets suck for anything other than rapers or actual bands playing and you know this
that whole event was awful. nothing but shitty footwork edits of drake,young thug n rihanna
Anyway these old guys need to stop commenting on fucking facebook.
if you're gonna post on fb use a separate account and be a "girl"
Google "Dj nightwave boiler room"and I think it was the second link. It sounded like shit to me but I skimmed the other DJ's sets and they also sounded like shit. The difference with this girl is that she didn't seem very confident.
thats the worst part of their content generally
>disgrace to the music you claim to enjoy / support
So guess you're going to kick these people out of the community?
well ok now I know I can get a reaction out of them I'm just going to abuse their comment sections much more
Dance is one of the most libcucked genres tbqh. I remember seeing this article where Delroy Edwards was bitching about "dey clubs racis" because some guy said him and his friends looked like a basket ball team.
delroy edwards is into afrofuturism. he's cucked himself mad
This is subpar trolling
Capitalizing words in your sentence, while a trait of those you are trying to immitate, is not a very subtle tactic.
"Oh yeah, those men were most likely white".
CMON! This is so transparent, its gonna make my cry!