One of these threads

one of these threads

rate and guess personalities, also use buzzwords

introspective, narcissistic, pretends to take drugs

everything is a buzzword on Sup Forums :')

you're a s a d b o i, constantly catch yourself reminiscing over what could have been, blame yourself for lost love even if you had nothing to do with it

Let's be friends

Hey Clinton sell that Slowdive record and buy Perfect prescription instead :^)
>Probably masturbates to Vox Starstream pictures

my last 4 listens

you regret breaking up with your gf

you're in a stressful job you hate

you like swimming

my favorites this week

you hate swimming
you wish summer was longer
you smoke
your room is a mess

here's my bill


Last 4 listens

Cool to hang out with in short bursts, but maybe gets pretentious or starts pushing drugs on you if you hang out regularly


Pretty cool. I'd like to sit by a pool and listen to some Miles with you

I think you're probably pretty cute

~ Stevie Nicks
- Avalanches
- - - - GA, Minaj

+ Wild Ivy

~ Husker Du

+ Galaxie 500, Slowdive
~ Spacemen 3
- Spiritualized

~ Nico

++ Clancy Bros
+ P Bear, Miles
~ Eno

+ Grouper
~ Pet Sounds

You view music as an extension of fashion.

>cringe: the post




>Pass the Distance
It started out promising but dissolved into self-indulgence that made it audibly apparent that he was nineteen when me made it.

What I've been listening to recently

please leave this board


cool folks
prolly cool folks (Eno n Grouper)

You're in the /BC/ threads and give music a chance. +PH and +GH
You probably listen to some ambient music, but also genres outside of it. You're probably pretty chill to get along with. Person Pitch is amazing.

The website won't generate ones for me, but Boards of Canada's Tomorrow's Harvest and Celestial Shore's 10x are summer essentials for me.



cool guy

y'all seem pretty cool


forgot mine

What's bottom left?

Good shit though, we'd chill

Metronomy The English Riviera