I feel as though I've a wealth to say pertaining to music, certainly much that would serve to alleviate normies' crippling retardation within the medium, but they never take an interest in me and ask for my opinion.
How can I force normies to take an interest in my opinions concerning the various regions of music.
Christian Clark
carry your records with you whenever you go out
James Butler
I want a feasible solution, not some dumb meme that you thought would be witty to share amongst the Internet.
Carter Moore
make a facebook account and instead of posting food or animal videos, just post your lame music and quote mc ride "I FUCK THE MUSIC I MAKE IT CUM...."
Aaron Myers
See .
Mason Hill
Is that you, Unty?
Joseph Phillips
>hurr durr I hate normies ....Some time later in a feels thread.... >tfw no friends, gf, I'm alone all day.
Thomas Adams
If you're not here to answer my inquiry then I'd really rather you didn't participate in my thread at all.
Also I at no point said I hated normies. Just answer the fucking question.
Samuel Edwards
why do you want to force them? Don't embarrass yourself. Also I don't think a normie will take the time to hear your lectures, i mean opinions. Only time you can force a normie to hear you out, is if you work with them, in the same vehicle, or just in school with them. and it involves going outside, why on earth are you doing this to yourself
Jaxon Myers
maybe you should suck my cock
Nathan Sanchez
I don't want to directly force them.
I want normies to have a natural interest in me, or at the very least an interest in whatever carefully tailored persona I'd have to pursue to stir their interest, but even still, in such a case I've taken measures to arouse such an interest and thereby forced it, however indirectly.
>I don't think a normie will take the time to hear your lectures I disagree. Normies will linger before a television screen watching Modern Family marathons, in comparison to which my music insight ought to inspire all varieties of euphoria.
If such a thing is infeasible outside of your given circumstance, I'd welcome a non-normie audience.
Jeremiah Long
Get out of my thread.
Chase Davis
If you're so confident in your taste and knowledge, surely the time to talk about it can come naturally. I've managed to show stuff to friends they ended up enjoying and could then talk more about it which ended up in them appreciating it even more. Having musician friends makes this easier.
Samuel Wood
the whole idea of normies is that they're not actually interested in anything. that's how you become a normie.
Wyatt Lee
Your implying unty has any social skills
Kevin Moore
Not sure if bait, but I'll bite. You can't force anybody to take you seriously or value your opinion. Even mentioning that you want to force people to take an interest in your opinions sounds autistic. You can't go around telling people what they should or shouldn't say. This also isn't your thread. No thread is someone's thread and no thread will ever be someone's thread. If you want your own thread, open Notepad and just type to yourself. You want them to have a natural interest in you, stop acting like a fucking twat and never order someone to do anything unless you are literally their parent or manager.
Here's the trick to get people to listen to you or even acknowledge you (which comes well before taking value in your thoughts): be sociable.
Listen to what they have to say. Reflect and respond appropriately. Have a discussion, not a lecture. Be nice. Don't assume your opinion is always better than someone else's, even though you totally know it is.
Be nice.
Carter Ward
>calling someone cripplingly retarded >demanding they value your opinions >mfw you're deadpan serious about this
Daniel Brown
Yeah, because people want to listen to someone lecture on about music (not even listening to it, just listen to you talk about it) and that will literally make them euphoric. They will and they should do this instead of veg out and watch tv or do whatever they feel like. Holy dumbfuck this can't be real
Samuel Gomez
dumb frogposter
Luis Edwards
Do you play an instrument?
Christian Flores
>ignoring all of this advice for dumping on frogposting I'll take autism for 500 Alex
Carter Jones
You get nice and quiet when you realize you're an asshole, don't you OP?
Ian Parker
I am presently occupied with music, too busy to argue how and why each of you is wrong.
Tyler Gutierrez
I see what you mean, but you can't force that shit. If you want to share your opinions, info, shit you know about music, you have to find something they like and talk about that. Don't be an asshole though, people have their opinions. Opinions do change though.
tldr; talk and ask about music, but don't make it about you. if you're not an asshole, they'll be interested in your opinions over time. Like with anything. That's what friends and shit do.
Angel Reed
I hope you don't mean I'd have to devolve my tastes for the sake of establishing a common ground and relating to normies. I don't want dumb myself down.
Your contribution is appreciated, though.
Note: I'm going to bed. From me, expect no further input for at least six hours and weigh that into consideration if you'd like to add to the discourse.
Oliver Moore
Suicide is the only feasible solution for someone like you, silly.
Juan Long
You gotta be 18+ to post, buddy.
Isaiah Roberts
>I don't want dumb myself down >Top three artists are Radiohead, AnCo and Swans
Calling it.
Elijah Cox
enjoy that underage b&
Parker Evans
Either work in the music industry/reviewer/etc, or style yourself around music.
Jace Wood
what exactly are you referring to? give us a sample of your experience or knowledge of the medium