seriously though, what the fuck is Viper doing ?
don't kill urself my man
Seriously though, what the fuck is Viper doing ?
wtf he's losing mad weight
he might actually have AIDS
hell be fine
>"D1J2Thru the fire thru the limit thru the wall I havenotabandoned my fightwith THOD1+2+3+4+5.I will defeat them inJ5"
How is this guy a real estate agent.
Like who would trust him.
Dude I'd buy a shitton of houses from that guy what are you saying
dude hes literally aged 10 years in the past few months
look at the top of his head
Ok I'm actually scared for him now
Damn so it actually was The Hornace of Death that did this to him
What would his last words be?
happier times...
they tryna clone me
"A-haaaaa~!" as he lets go his final breath.
Kill myself my man
he very well could come out with album of the year after all of this
>How is this guy a real estate agent
he's not
IDK but my friends and I texted Viper and said we'd would make music videos, never got around to it but he said he would pay us in stocks in his real estate company. It seemed super shady. But at least we got to speak to the crackmaster himself
He doesn't need you to make his vids for him.
Where would you reccomend getting into Viper the rapper? I heard "You'll Cowards" almost a decade ago when I was young and didn't get it, now I'm thinking of revisiting him.
Which songs would you reccomend?
nah dude pretty sure he just has a bunch of people making videos for him and he just puts them up. All his videos are just the same footage cut together differently.
Is there any more information about Viper and his embezzlement scheme?
I sell dope boy is is in my opinion his Magnum Opus
We should send him a get well card
shoe strangs
This is a real person?! I thought it was parody and Viper was a persona. His wikipedia says he started playing piano at age 5 and in his twitter bio he calls himself a 'pianoist'. How could someone like that actually exist?
THOD mess that bod up HUHU
Start with this
pls Sup Forums
we owe him this much
>in his twitter bio he calls himself a 'pianoist'
I'm fucking crying.
Did Viper really lead such a ruthless life as he constantly insists he does throughout every single song he's rapped in? He is constantly talking about killing people, doing countless drugs, killing more people, and doing more drugs. But on his wikipedia it says he actually went to college, and briefly became a real estate agent (wtf?).
Is he all talk or has he actually killed many people.
Also is it me or does it seem like he actually seems very intelligent. I know every rapper who has ever lived boasts that they have the best flow or rhymes blah blah bl
ah, but it seems like viper raps about subjects with such lyricism and ease.
Is he actually a very impressive rapper compared to everyone else or is it just me?
Start here
just (you)
one million yous
we should take a screenshot of everyone posting "get well soon viper" and DM it to him on twitter
Too much crack
Haven't you read the interview where he says he doesn't smoke crack? Lol
Get well Viper.
our man's in trouble Sup Forums :(
>Also is it me or does it seem like he actually seems very intelligent.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't be fucking serious. Maybe he was once intelligent but crack has completely rotted his mind.
Tfw you have conversations with Viper
>exclusive limited special edition
get well soon homie
you're one of the hardest workers out there
>thank you man now please buy my shit
this guy is pathetic
>be me
>decide to make an album cover for viper
>send it to him
>he asks me to edit it in minor ways like a million times
>at one point tell him I can't send him any more that day because I'm going out with friends
>he won't stop texting me telling me he needs it that night
>later he sends me a ton of raw footage and asks me to make him a music video
never again
>exclusive limited special edition
also known as "the only edition that will ever exist"
>those tubes
they're turning him into bane
follow his twitter. His music is pretty garbage past yall cowards because he just half assedly remixes his older songs and loads them onto EPs. The real gold is his twitter
And this was after I bought something of his and he took forever to send it. I bought two autographed CDs in December 2014 and they didn't show up 'til March 2016. He even sent me pics of him packaging it and shit but it still took forever.
>they're turning him into bane
requesting viper-bane pic
The videos are surreal, they're all him standing rapping over some greenscreened-in other video, some of them are from anime or other stuff.
In this one the audio is just some folk song
I know viper in person, we live close to each other in Houston. He is a very intelligent person, lives a very normal life. His "rap career" is a persona, people think it's interesting. He isn't that way at all in real life.
I seen a skull
he's going to rise like lazarus give a little something for you'll bustas
2016 will be vipers year
>He is a very intelligent person, lives a very normal life.
tell that to his babymama and kids
Obviously if this a source of income for him, she is going to go along with the persona. Think, user.
>Senpai, please
>showed up to move me in a handmade trailer w/no lights in the inside, holes all in teh flooring, a door that didn't properly close, attached to a midsized pickup w/only one headlight. Both movers had no shirts on and smelled of alcohol.
holy fuck i might need an ambulance
I feel honored just to have been alive at the same time as this man
is there really a video out there of him provocatively dancing with an underage girl?
Holy fucking shit, he has a Gondola in the back.
this is only partially true. he remixes and chops/screws his songs constantly and reuploads them which makes it hard to find his actual material sometimes. there are around 8-10 albums all varying quality that still have the hilarious viper lyrics and bravado that you can find. if you liked cowards you will also like these, it gives you a chance to really delve into his madness
>Weaboo's in the comments
Beautiful juxtaposition
I have like 150 photos from him on gmail from when he asked me to make album covers. I made about 12 and iirc 5 or 6 made it on Spotify. He sold a CD to my friend once, we went through my entire senior year waiting for the CD to come in and it finally came in while I went off to uni. It was fucking indescribable whale audio or something and it had us fucking dying. I think he made a thread about it a while back and ripped them to SoundCloud. Want me to see if I can track it down?
damn this almost sounds like a regular hip hop track
i am interested in this, please do it
yes please
do it
Alright, he's not in town but I texted him about it and I'll make a thread when I get my hands on the Viper Limited Edition Mixtape boys. Keep your eyes peeled for a thread about it in the next few days
isn't there really disturbing video of him evidence of him having sex with an obviously extremely drugged up woman
Someone please sauce on this
creepy video of him with lady
viper arguing with a prostitute
viper wants milk from mommy
16 is the age of consent in the majority of the United States
This is pure kino
What's the song in the beginning? Is it a Viper track? The beat from 3:50 to 4:10 is hot as fuck.
viper fucking a girl who seems p drugged out
not in texas where viper lives
the fuck is kino
This isn't true
it technically is but it's not a huge majority
Maybe you're right if so sorry that just seems hard to believe
Wow, she's actually quite beautiful what the hell
I just....I can't fucking see him this way, I just can't.