>only a very small amount of people actually make a living doing music full time >you will never be a rockstar during it's heyday and OD on drugs while 5 chicks suck you off >you will never be an rnb/soul star and captivate audiences with your emotive voice + all the orgies >you will never be a famous rapper chimping out at chaotic live shows and indulging in expensive material possessions and sex + drugs >you will never be an underground hipster avant garde noise rock band claiming you """""pioneered"""" a genre when it got popular. >you will never go down in history as countless critics write books and autobiographies about your band.
Why even fucking live?
Andrew Russell
The best you can do is genuinely try to make something good i guess. Or bedroom folk/vaporwave
Cameron Davis
If Viper can live solely off of music, literally anyone else can
Cameron Sanders
makes me think if creativity and how we etch it into our daily lives is really that important at all. Makes me fucking depressed
Gabriel Bennett
but we don't know how he does it though
Julian Howard
>tfw viper might not be able to live off of music or live period its weird because creativity is a unique interpersonal thing but being creative on an individual level makes you look like a fedora, while someone who's creations influence many others is considered a genius. The unique limited edition product of evolution is overshadowed by something that has wider appeal or is just a lowest common denominator.
Andrew Martinez
That's the problem with creativity/art, it's all subjective. Of course there's a lowest common denominator but using that term makes you sound pretentious as fuck. There's a reason why marvel/disney films do so well because they're demographic is so big. What others consider "good" may not be so good for people who are more edgy and yet again when you evaluate art, it's very hard to not be pretentious.
t. former high school art student
Oliver Adams
smoking crack
Michael Lewis
Jayden Gonzalez
you should probably stop giving a fuck what people think about you. you're doing a disservice to yourself and possibly others if you stop liking something you like or stop doing something you like doing because others consider it edgy or fedora. letting memes play an actual influence in your life is the worst decision you can make. most successful musicians didnt care what people who will never meet or talk to you for longer than 5 seconds thought
Carson Hughes
hmmm there's this interesting thing I heard from somewhere that other people will comment (sometimes try to discredit or put down your actions) because they care or are conscious about your decisions. How true do you think this claim is?
Grayson Moore
i'm not really sure what you're asking. do i think its true that people comment on something because they care about it? yeah definitely.
Chase James
If Noel Gallagher can lead a band to international fame anyone can f.am
Jason Cook
Yeah I'm being too generalised. I mean like maybe you wanna try software engineering from law and you don't have a scientific background, someone might say >Oh it's too hard you won't last a week
Do they have credit for saying that? Would you take it whole heartedly and not try?
This was a dumb example but I know what I'm asking has WAY too many variables and is too broad to answer specifically.
Jaxon Campbell
people are going to comment on the things you do for every reason under the sun. some will be shitposters, some will be people on the streets that comment on how you look or act just because you're walking by and they're commenting, some will be by those genuinely interested in what you're doing or by those you love, so on so on. you have to evaluate things individally rather than blanketing something.
if that person has 15 years in software experience and knows me well- that comment is worth mulling over and taking into consideration. if its just some dude who just met me and asks what i want to do than their opinion can go fuck itself. he has no investment in my life and im not just going to give him one if my heart and mind is dead set on software engineering. even parents, friends, lovers, whatever- i get one life as far as i know. ive never seen anything otherwise and im not going to let other people determine that outcome. they get to do that with their lives and ill do it with mine.
Adam Morgan
it just comes back to personal agency. you can listen or not- but people who have no investment in you arent going to give a fuck if you do it or not. theyre just talking out their ass because their talking to you. and im not saying i dont take anyones advice but if i do itll be from a close trusted source or something that rings true. id rather make my own decisions and fail and learn than alter myself because someone disagrees with it. theres someone out there who will diasagree with any decision you could make and they also probably dont have context
Jace Carter
>being creative on an individual level makes you look like a fedora
fuck off
Isaiah Russell
>you have to evaluate things individally rather than blanketing something
It's quite interesting how everyone's different and how everyone can choose how they take some advice. Me personally I consider music and art to be pretty important to my well being but the rest of my family brush it off. Then again when I express these thought to "normal" people you generally tend to sound pretentious and have "special snowflake syndrome".
Then again it makes me think if emotions are inherently a bad thing. Like when I got my first job I was treated like shit everyday but just kept my nose down, tried to complete my work and just gruel through the day. If I had let my emotions get the best of me I would've walked out on the first week.
Jonathan Fisher
Being judged is an existential shit test, the few who get through it are free to become Gods
Colton Moore
yeah letting your emotions get the best of you is never a good thing unless you're performing. you should keep practicing being out of the house and talking with people while being completely yourself. there's plenty of people who won't even respond back to me when im out and just look away and then 20 seconds later the same thing happens and you end up being around them for a while. emotions are too broad to be inherently bad. it's pretty much the definition of a gray area. also anything related to special snowflake, fedora, cringe, etc. are all bullshit and you should stop taking them into your brain. they do not matter, and in the real world absolutely no one thinks like this, and if they do they go on Sup Forums and arent worth your time. people just care about if you're nice or interesting and attentive and let them speak.
Colton Ortiz
>id rather make my own decisions and fail and learn than alter myself because someone disagrees with it.
Fuck since I'm a filthy chink our culture is the exact opposite. I'm assuming you're not a chink (if you are skip) but the idea is your teacher/master/boss/parent knows everything and you know nothing. They give you information, you memorise, study and get a good score. I can bore you to death about the origins of this practice but this idea still resonates with me even though my parents and I are pretty westernised.
Hence if I wanted to major in graphic design, they'd say >go for it! but behind my back and to other people they'd kinda shitalk me. I know this because they shittalk other people around my age I grew up with who majored in things like hospitality and nutrition.
as a result I'm majoring in accounting
Sebastian Jones
not sure if serious answer
Jackson Long
Everything I say is half ironic, half legit
Michael Hill
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Joseph Hill
>they do not matter, and in the real world absolutely no one thinks like this
kek it's only the deepest darkest corners of the web where this is relevant.
>there's plenty of people who won't even respond back to me when im out and just look away and then 20 seconds later the same thing happens and you end up being around them for a while
wtf can you paint me a scenario of what this is?
Lucas Davis
nah you were being serious m8. stop hiding behind irony and take the L
Wyatt Nguyen
if you make decisions based on other people's happiness and not your own, this will in time come back to bite you. probably much harder than the bite would be when taking lumps for doing what you want to do. also they're your parents brej they'll love you no matter what you choose to study. and if thats not true and you have shitty parents that only love you based off of what you study then they aren't worth listening to. if you hate accounting you have plenty of time to change that and you really really should. thats a decision for your whole life- going back to college after you have a degree is straight up not worth it. it might make you graduate a year or two or three late but you would be sooo much better off than the alternative. your life is for you not your parents not for anyone else
Brody Richardson
Never said that, I'm just trying to give your dumbass advice and you should listen
Jace Ross
>you should listen wew lad. quite a big ego for someone so enlightened
Ryder Richardson
Don't be so negative and toxic man, enjoy your day enjoy your wife lmao
Isaiah Sullivan
Who said I was enlightened? You better shut it boy, if you don't want me good advice, let the worms eat at your mind and pop in a tv dinner faggot
Aiden Gomez
yeah ive never heard someone say that irl unless they were Sup Forums or reddit memers who's opinion is already invalidated.
scenario: city street asking a question
Jack Wilson
>if u dun listen to me u dumb Alright pal.
William Gomez
individualism is the true path to collective consciousness and wholeness
Oliver Price
its not edgy though, its individual niche things that influence our taste in art and skew it from the lowest common denominator. Technically someone like max martin is a genius because of the wide appeal of his music but do you think baby hit me one more time is a milestone of modern art? It definitely has merit but whats keeping it from reaching bach level acclaim is more than edginess, its a lack of characteristics. Its like a perfectly normal and moderately attractive face, its really pleasing by not being ugly but its nothing to look at.
Jace Gutierrez
Do you have hemorrhoids or something, Jesus Christ lol
David Watson
solid advice my mane but really what my biggest fear is continual failure. My biggest fear is pursuing something I'm passionate about and failing time after time and by the time I'm old it'll be too late. I would've shamed my entirely family. As a result sometimes I just feel comfortable doing something that has a greater chance of making a living..
David Rodriguez
that will probably end up happening regardless of how far our individualism can be allowed. there will always be someone who wouldn't want to be a part of that tho which is the best part. worst part is no matter how much you individualize yourself you will always be human
Chase Clark
Thats the reality though. Do you think a normal socially adjusted person would watch a video of can or magma and think they're musical geniuses? They would think they're stupid hippies right off the back, there would be no insight
Jordan Sanchez
2 points: if you approach something thinking "how am going to not be shamed" you will inevitably perform worse than thinking "how am i going to succeed"
and you cant be afraid of failure. no one said fame and success would come before 25. it might take till your 40. failure isnt a bad thing at all. as long as you try and learn from it then it will provide you with invaluable lessons and will help you achieve better the next time you try. everyone who has achieved greatness has failed, and those who are too afraid to try will be worse off in a life of mediocrity and mundane.
Aiden Brooks
who the fuck cares about a normal socially adjusted person who thinks like that? why do they matter? why is their opinion more important than someone who actually does enjoy it? why would you become disingenuous to fit in and please someone elses opinion? why does everyone elses reality take more importance than your own?
Isaac Cooper
hmmmm........then again when people say things like "top 10 albums of 2016" and mix in things from Ariana Grande to fucking tortoise, I never take "Top albums of decade/current year" lists seriously because it's way way too generalised when your mixing pop, rock, reggae, electronic, serious, comedy, hip hop, beautiful music all into one list.
Nicholas Ward
Individualists are explorers, but of course that's not mutually exclusive with the larger collective of the human experience. It's all part of a larger consciousness expressing itself, through freedom and bondage
Elijah Rodriguez
Well, actually I am doing genuinely new stuff that is outside any known genre but I have no presence, so it is kind of a moot point.
John Nelson
we would be good friends
Kayden Edwards
>If Viper can live solely off of music, literally anyone else can Isn't that guy fucking dead at the moment?
Jordan Flores
More importantly, why is a consumerist mainstream culture more important than niche subcultures?
Christopher Cook
:'( gotta keep sending our thots and prayers
Matthew Cruz
Ha ha I extremely admire your courage and willingness to move forward but I have very low faith in myself even though I'm not doing "bad" (ie: I could be much worse in my standards)
I just feel so unfulfilled and I don't consider to have ever succeeded in anything so I'm kinda *letting* other people decide my life for me. I just feel so defeated. This is what I'm trying to get rid of
Julian Rivera
Being able to live off music is entirely down to marketing.
Christian Gutierrez
Did he really smoke crack or was he a coward though?
Jose Barnes
Evan Gray
this is true. Just look at Weeknd, geniunely talented singer, unheard of before Drake
Alexander Ross
you'll get through it man. talk with those close to you about this, and if you dont have someone close than a therapist if you can afford it. change your environment, take some hikes. you can walk your path its possible for you yes great question have you looked in his eyes during his videos? there's nothin there imo. ive seen people who smoked crack look better than that. i saw someone saying he has crack lung. i only saw the "THEM DOCS B TRYIN 2 CLONE ME" image but it was amazing and i hope we get a dethbed album
Grayson Gonzalez
this. Outdoor recreational activity plus music is extremely god tier
Jonathan Long
took a great walk the other day through the woods with ulver's ATGCL... and Cocteau Twins on some speakers during a post-storm greyness and it hit the fuckin spot
Isaac Hill
Honestly the first time I had this experience of music and the environment complimenting each other was when I listebed to Mount eerie microphones. Was driving to a funeral in fucking pitch black and holy fucking shit the trees, animals, wind....it was really unique.
I'm currently in Singapore and I'm where are the high glossy branded shops are and exploring listening to Settle by Disclosure really hits the fucking spot
Ryan Jenkins
mount eerie and drives go together so well. disclosure and high end shopping also sounds pretty perfect. i drove through the adirondack mountains in ny the other mont and listened to mt eerire and gas- pop, melts everything else away
Angel Jones
It's interesting because now when I drop myself in a new environment I tend to think what genre/artist would suit it.
kek do you think in the aeroplane over the sea would be good for a day aylt the beach? I used to think so
Logan Hill
my ex was obsessed with them so i probably will never spend beach day listening to them. but yeah i like that mindset i think it maximizes both ends. beach music for me would probably be like connan mockasin, warm ambient, contact lens
Owen Stewart
true. thanks famalam for the chat. I kinda wanna head to bed. it's rare that I open myself up on Sup Forums. I will save it and take your advice to better myself
Alexander Harris
>you will never be an underground hipster avant garde noise rock Speak for yourself
Eli Hughes
I'm doing really experimental stuff at the moment, but it doesn't matter unless you're involved in a "scene" in some way.
If you record avant garde music in your garage nobody will listen to it. You have to get it out there.