What is Sup Forums's favorite genre?
What is Sup Forums's favorite genre?
Animal Collective
This is actually correct and it makes me cringe to think of all the neckbeards on here
Black Metal.
who is mu
Post Rock
Pop that has a lot of effort put into it. Whether if it has Pet Sounds level arrangements or is experimental.
tie between noise rock and emo t b h
electro swing
indie rock/pop/folk/tronica and everything associated with it (emo, shoegaze, etc)
post-avant jazzcore
Oberkrainer polka
Pop Electro Animal Collective
Post Rock
synthpop/new romantic
Field recordings
>having genre preferences
experimental hip-hop
>not having genre preferences
Is Sup Forumscore a Genre?
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned post-punk. Doesn't everyone on here worship post-punk?
>Pet Sounds Level Arrangments
Dream Folk
>listening to spork punk
Post-punk is terrible. Edgy tryhards in the 80s, boring rehash hipsters now.
Dream pop, shoegaze, noise pop
Rock is shit
Rap is shit
>avant teen
This right here is a choice example of a man who spends too much time on the Internet.
what is the dream folk
rec some bands it seems interesting
Psychedelic Rock
Or literally any album that introduces psychedelic sound to a different genre since very few albums are released now that are purely psychedelic rock
goa trance
The tiny noise two pickle slices make when you rub them together.