1. What are you listening to?
2. What do you think of it?
3. Current feel?
>pic related
>It's much better than I expected, I recommend if you like dreamy/sad pop
>I'm alright but bored
1. What are you listening to?
2. What do you think of it?
3. Current feel?
>pic related
>It's much better than I expected, I recommend if you like dreamy/sad pop
>I'm alright but bored
Other urls found in this thread:
2. I love it, it just makes me nostalgic for a couple of months ago when I was in a darker place.
3. I'm okay yesterday was my birthday and I'm still in the matter of picking up the pieces from what happened to me a few months back.
Happy (late) birthday, hope you recover from whatever's ailing you.
1. youtube.com
2. i think this is really great. too bad it didn't make it to the album. the album would make much more sense thematically.
3. just woke up to a call i have to work today. feelsbadman. also still kinda feeling acid trip afterglow.
1. that
2. best indie album of the 00's
3. idk
Thanks I appreciate it
>1. What are you listening to?
Hop Along
>2. What do you think of it?
Fran a best
>3. Current feel?
Cat died of an advanced case of Old, feels bad man.
>1. What are you listening to?
New Order - Singles
>2. What do you think of it?
I can hear the loudness war, especially on the earlier tracks
>3. Current feel?
1. Just put this one on
2. I remember it being nice, but didn't pay any attention to it when I listened before
3. I should be drawing right now, not 4channing
sorry for the catter
1. Stadium Aracadium
2. First time listening. It's alright. Typically don't care much for Kiedis' singing, but it's mostly inoffensive on this.
3. Ennui
>pic related
>first time listening, not liking as much as I thought I would desu
sorry for your loss
>man man - rabbit habits
>one of my favorite records of all time. what a fun band.
>missing my ex gf like a fucking fag
>2. More than anything, it makes me think of loss, what could have been had I done something better with my miserable life
>3. incredibly fucking drunk
>what could have been had I done something better with my miserable life
ur doin it wrong tho ur asposda feel liek wut could b with teh time u have left u DUNKASS
>braids - flourish//perish
>really great. love the general album atmosphere
>feeling fairly good. making plans for the future, post-phd dropout. moving and music-related plans, which is exciting.
rip kitter
>Pretty good, Sam Beam from Iron and Wine produced it so it has a comfy feel
>I'm feeling alright right now, fixed my car yesterday so theres that and i didn't drink tonight
Glad you're doing well, Braids is a good band
thanks user.
it's amazing how you can be so convinced that you need to do something for so long, then you find out that the thing you want to do is bretty disappointing. moving on from such a thing is liberating, in a way.
saw braids last weds in bristol. incredible gig!
This is pretty nice
Bump for morning Sup Forums