ITT: Musicians who embody the middle-class suburban millennial's daily struggle
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ITT: Musicians who embody the middle-class suburban millennial's daily struggle
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Dont word it like that, its oppressive to minorities
le millenom girl
she is the daughter of a multi millionaire actor...
she's just that good at embodying it
Showing off her acting genes
Sup Forums
>Greta (((Kline)))
HAHAHA holy fuck, I had NO IDEA her mom was Phoebe Cates.
How do you get to look so feeble and dorky when your mother is a fucking BOMBSHELL and your father is a famous hollywood actor?
But yeah, prior to knowing that, I would have agreed with you. Her music sounds very unabashedly middle class. Hilarious that even that is a stretch for her. She was probably nursed on non-fat dairy from Starbucks.
Shes rich af with two famous jew parents
not middle class
>giving a shit about where she was born and whom are her parents
i dig some of her music tbqh
I think you mean upper middle-class.
OP should have added an upper- to 'middle-class' because she looks like a run-of-the-mill Williamsburg millennial inhabitant
hahahah jesus christ i didn't believe it at first either had to check for my self
>How do you get to look so feeble and dorky when your mother is a fucking BOMBSHELL and your father is a famous hollywood actor?
you get all of famous hollywood actor's genes, duh
the worst part is that she desperately tries to be this lofi diy indie darling when she could easily afford the best recording equipment money can buy. thats offensive to me
maybe she records lo-fi because she likes that sound?
So middle class is code for white right?
>middle class is code for white right
"white right" is a completely different thing, wtf
god fucking damnit Sup Forums is completely retarded when it comes to politics
shes a poser co opting a scene that was born out of necessity to seem ~kewl~
fuck frankie cosmos
it's interesting that she's being championed by the same people who are otherwise so fucking preoccupied with class politics
has she been asked about any of this in an interview yet?
her dad isn't the most attractive dude, i can see how she would come from those genes.
her mom is so much hotter it's crazy though. would never guess who her parents are in a million years
I knew her brother in high school, can confirm that she's a middle-class suburban millennial.
inb4 Death Grips
Death Grips
let's call her out. have Sup Forums meme magic this into existence. for sweet justice and comeuppance
You're such a fucking waste of space.
go back to pol and stay there
Please stop
greta pls
Mac DeMemeco
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm pretty rich but I relate to Frankie Cosmos lyrics
She's on tour
she any good?
touring wise idk.
her music is good though
Kinda thought of La Dispute
Mac Demarco
James Ferraro
Funnily enough they toured together and I saw them both live last year was lit
wtf james and mac at the same show
Yeah man Roseland Theater. Ferraro was sick and played some FSV tracks.
Kanye West
reminder that the middle-class is second in line for public hanging after the revolution inevitably happens
Has anyone said Courtney Barnett?
reminder that literally LITERALLY every "revolution" consists of the middle clas uprooting the upper and sitting in their seats and the cycle continues
I'm working on a noise album incorporating frankie cosmos samples. Here's the cover :3
will toledo
>i got a right to be depressed!!! ;_;