What's the longest song in your library, Sup Forums?
Mine is Bring the Sun / Toussaint l'ouverture by Swans.
What's the longest song in your library, Sup Forums?
Mine is Bring the Sun / Toussaint l'ouverture by Swans.
Other urls found in this thread:
*tips fedora*
robert rich - perpetual
not as good as somnium though
>Steve Reich
*tips fedora*
William Basinski - Silent Night.
1 hr & 3 seconds.
>Steve Reich
Is patrician.
Swans is just one note repeated for 30 minutes crescendo core
both sucks
William Basinski - dlp 1.1
automatic writing by robert ashley i think its like 42 min.
Fishmans - Long Season (Live)
my longest actual track is Install A Friend - Mvmt. 4 (Concluded) from Absolute Madness at 36:38
My longest is Somnium pt. 2 which is like 2.5hrs iirc.
The longest actual song I have is Transatlantic's The Whirlwind at 1:17, which is pretty impressive considering it's an actual rock song with lyrics all the way through rather than ambient/drone/avant.
I have that 46 minute bonus track from swans first reunion album.
Steve Reich is just one phrase repeated for 52 minutes. You fucking idiot
If you want to insult repetition go ahead, but you'll just get laughed at if you literally pick the most popular album from most repetitive genre of classical music as your "patrician" choice
Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno — OM Riff From The Cosmic Inferno 51:26.
Stairway to Heaven
No nigga, Steve Reich is constantly changing and has a lot of intricacies and depth.
Thursday Afternoon
I sincerely hope this is bait and not a genuinely retarded person shitting on repetition while vouching for Steve fucking Reich
Piano Phase is cool user
E2-E4 by Manuel Gottsching
I never implied there was anything wrong with Reich's music. He's quite alright
But to shit on Swans for being repetitive only to praise Mf18M, that's just being a fucking retard.
Delìrivm Còrdia by fantomas
1hr 14min
some bullshit by La Monte Young
there's probably some 2+ hour shit in there but i'm too lazy to look
first that comes to mind is Pachinko In Your Head: Non Linear Music by Eckart Rahn
Hin is the longest song in my library but I've never listened to it all the way through desu famajama
Some unnamed classical compositions lasting over 2 hours
i have i found a star on the ground splitted into three parts of 2 hours each one
I used to have the entirety of 7 Skies H3 until I realized fuck that, it takes up way too much space for something I hardly touch
you know where can i find it?
just for the curiosity of know how a 24 hour song sounds like
Bull of Heaven - 260: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83)
8 septillion years
The Little Things Give You Away - Linkin Park
Longest song ... in your library.
How big is your hard drive?
The Necks - Silverwater
About an hour and seven mins. It's improv ambient stuff though so that's not exactly that impressive.
this is too much for me, there is a limit for music
it created the universe
>unnamed classical compositions lasting over 2 hours
Sounds like you just downloaded one big flac file and haven't split it yet. What do you mean they're "unnamed"?
El Mundo Frio
unnamed as in i got them from some cd's that don't have art on them nor any writing, just the disk, and the one big mp3 file on it
i think it's a live recording that my dad had when he went somewhere
Aodl - Polymeric Lodowick 1:54:42
only real answer
Säteily / Radiation by Pan Sonic
Thats pretty neat.
Mendelson - Les Heures
55 minutes, and there's almost always lyrics
Yeah samne probably like the well tuned piano
Is Yeah of Kyuss
45:33 by LCD Soundsystem (It's actually 46:05 minutes long)
1 hour and 30 seconds
Bitches Brew by Miles Davis
this and then stella by kashiwa daisuke
Shit like this pisses me off so much. Body Lovers / Body Haters track names are all their times but they're all fucking one second off.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Providence
Iannis Xenakis - Persepolis
The long mix that's a little over an hour
24 hour song skull - the flaming lips
Turangalila Symphony - Messiaen
How much of a pleb and I
finally some non-pretentious, yet pleb track
The song is actually a bunch of looping .swf files that are different prime numbers of seconds in length, so they never sync up for 8 septillion years.
Fushitsusha - すでに用意されていた想い [The Wisdom Prepared]
It's breddy gud jap noise rock
Why do you have them all as one big track??
Robert Rich - Somnium, Part 1
2 hours and 35 minutes
kek same here. there's an album version of it, 'can't shut off my head' and 'can't let it go' are worth listening to
Dead Neanderthals - Endless Voids
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven live from The Song Remains The Same
>Weather Report
*The album cover even has a fedora on it*
>there are people that actually believe this...
Probably this as well except I always finish it because I'm no bitch
mi nigggaa
Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust
Morton Feldman - Piano and String Quartet 1:19:37
Keith Rowe & John Tilbury - Cathnor (1h 10m 14s)
Alice's Restaurant-18:15
Install a Friend - Mvmt. 4, at 72:35
probably true for many people, since everyone on this board has that album in their library
delete this
also screencap this before its deleted
Crazy Nigger
Almost positive he was talking about himself...
Dopesmoker at 63:31, followed by dlp1.1 at 63:29
my own field recording where i forgot i had the mic still on and you can hear me and my brother arguing about stupid shit
I have that one Bull of Heaven song that's supposed to go on for longer than the universe has existed.
mother by goldie
Mike Oldfield - Amarok. 60.02
Delirium Cordia by Fantomas, 1 hour and 14 mins long
sunn 0)))
live at paris
Sufjan Stevens - Impossible Soul 25:34
Canthor by Keithe Rowe and John Tilbury
So does swans you fucking retard.