What is the best Nirvana album?
(also posting this to show the fix of my colorization of Bleach, i genuinely did not notice the drummer in the back initially)
What is the best Nirvana album?
(also posting this to show the fix of my colorization of Bleach, i genuinely did not notice the drummer in the back initially)
you're fucking awful at this, dude
in utero
Plz. i did a fantastic work.
If you can do better, feel free to show me.
Holy fuck, i remember making the same exact colorization when i was around 12....
Strangest deja vu ive ever had
Nevermind, no matter how much you contrarians try to convince yourselves it isn't.
lol. It's not going to work for you. you are just trying to insult me, which is a very typical thing for someone in Sup Forums to do.
but the truth is that its a silly and immature thing to do.
fuck off tripfag
I genuinely wasnt being sarcastic. I made an almost identical picture around 10 years ago.
Probably most obscure thing ive remembered doing almost a decade later. I remember coloring kurts hair the most
You are mad at a person who legitimately contributed to this community just because he has a username?
You are being ridiculous right now user.
Knowing Sup Forums, I find it very hard to believe you.
If you really can't show me the "almost identical picture" you made, at least show me how you color another grey-scale album art, if you could do it 10 years ago i assume you can do it now too.
Another thing you can do is to describe the technique and programs you used.
Has anyone ever noticed how similar the drummer of foo fighters looks to the singer of nirvana?
OP thinks turning greyscale photos into colourised photos is witchcraft or some shit
Fucking kek
You are absolutely wrong. it's really not a hard thing to do if you know how to use photo manipulation programs.
But that doesn't take away from the fact i did a great work.
fuck off tripfag
Lower the saturation please
you really didn't, please stop. literally nobody cares
>i did a great work
But kurt's hair really does look that saturated in some photos
Nope, i know i have done a really good work.
As i said earlier, if you think you can do better, feel free to show me
Looks good, OP.
Should I listen to bleach first if I haven't heard any other nirvana albums?
>done a really good work
i hope you're trolling
As i said, if you think you can do better feel free to show me
Well you can start anywhere you want user.
Their most famous album is Nevermind though, obviously
I can't, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to say it's bad. I can't cook for shit, but I know bad food when I taste it. Your argument is flawed.
That is absolute shit hahaha
Why did you even post this Crazyaga? You're honestly embarrassing
I thought you're at least getting a little bit more self aware
There are people in Sup Forums will call pretty much anything bad though, user. that is the truth.
You can have your opinion if you want to. and im going to have my opinion, and my opinion is that i have done a great work.
I'm partial to Here Without You Baby, You and Me (Can't Take My Eyes Off of You) and Shine Down -- guess Nirvanna is a singles band
>did not notice the drummer in the back
trolling confirmed, the drummer is of course the legendary Dave Grohl and any Nirvana fan would know that.
never noticed the pickguard on the tele there is an old vinyl
Very true, but as far as the hits go, I'd have to go with Woo-hoo (feat. Gorillaz) and Look at this Photograph
What did he mean by this?
damn, really makes you think...
In Utero by miles.
>this movie is trash
>"why dont you do better????"
>this album is trash
>"why dont you do better????"
thats how fucking stupid you sound, fuck off tripfag. also nirvana have no good album, they're all trash
So is this guy for real or is he just really dedicated to making himself look stupid?
the images that were posted here to mock me were just cherrypicking things that were done years ago and it doesn't represent who i really am
Why do you feel the need to post with a trip?
and besides not all the things there are even bad.
For example, i still genuinely do love beautiful things, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that.
I would also like to note that im an incredibly intelligent person. and yes, i know it's likely people here are going to ridicule me for making this statement, but it's objectively the truth. i have been professionally diagnosed 3 times as an exceptionally intelligent person.
Okay nigga, don't ever reply to me twice.
if it's just one big ruse he's really fucking dedicated to it
this will always be one of my favorite threads ever
Please don't insult crazyaga; he's an overweight, homosexual, furry, J-wish boy with a string of mental problems who also has to live in Israel against his will, he has a hard life as is without people making fun of his (diagnosed) autism.
Without a doubt, In Utero is the pinnacle of Nirvana.
Also I like the telecaster coloring.
I'm not overweight anymore, i'm not furry, i would say im more bisexual than purely homosexual, im atheist and not jewish, i'm a perfectly mentally healthy individual and i do not suffer from autism.
The only thing you got correct is that i don't like living in israel
Crazyaga don't deny yourself, you hurt those around you by doing so you should be proud of being J-wish and not feel ashamed. You were quite into the Furry fandom up until recently though, that you can't deny.
crazyaga you are by far one of the most tragically autistic people i've ever seen on Sup Forums
The standards at which Sup Forums marks someone as "autistic" is very far from the professional standards.
I'm a perfectly mentally healthy individual.
Does anyone have a link to pic related guitar?
Rosewood neck
Soapbar pickups
Natural worn telecaster
That's beautiful craftsmanship
your posts suggest otherwise, friend.
Where are you from? Just curious, that's all.
Your occasional English mistakes reminds me of my Caribbean relatives.
>tfw it was all keks until his life story
>tfw you can relate to him as a person growing up with high-functioning autism
My posts are fine, the problem is with how quickly people in Sup Forums mark someone as autistic.
no joke, if you look at some of the stuff in reddit.com
in b4 >>reddit xDD
Where do you stand with the fact that your country was stolen from Arabs and that your people continue to persecute them?
>My posts are fine
this is absolutely not the case
I don't mean to be rude, but why would you have a tripcode in this thread?
What's the reasoning?
A sense of identity and purpose in his lonely, vacuous life.
1. I did not even use photoshop, I used Krita
2. I did a pretty good work regardless.
you can see another album i colorized in pic related.
Stop posting.
Holy fucking shit his pickguard is a record
Nevermind, question is obvious
I'm sorry but this one is even worse. You used too many primary colors and there's no sense of color balance. Also the borders mud too much.
>a pretty good work
You can't do "a work". You do work, or alternatively: you work.
If you want to express that you think the work you did was good, you act humble and say "I think I did good." or "I like how this turned out".
I know Hebrew is very direct, but you can't just translate that directness all willy nilly. English is not my first language either.
Well i dont agree with your criticism.
I think the colors look like it could have been the real picture that was turned into grey-scale.
I appreciate that you express your opinion without swearing me btw.
What's about the way i colorized this one? alot of people said they really liked it in the original thread
Stop posting you fucking kike
It's better, seeing how you have less of a palette to work with. The contrast is still too high, and some of the white spots behind the trees could use some attending to.
They look white because the light was directly shining on them.
smells like reddit
just stop
why is he orange?
It's brown, user
Why is everyone sperging and most importantly, why is everyone shitting on crazyaga?
you stole this from reddit you fucken loser lol
>all these newfags not knowing who crazyaga is
dude he hijacked it. from le reddit at that
crazyaga is legitimately autistic and sperging out because of him is pointless as fuck
bumping a good thread
this is actually good colorization m8, take a look