Kpop general
panda i got broads in atlanta
Chorong doesn't even contribute
>two visuals & two SEA monsters
jisoo 10/10
jennie 10/10
lisa 6/10
filipina 4/10
they will be popular among SEAs
"black pink" is still better than pink punk, that was just cringey
Quavo is a musical genius.
*does it*
lisa 2bh
all my waifus on one show...
>they're so talented
fuckin based man!!!!
high heels are the best thing about kpop (and also yuna)
>mfw chorong is eunji's mother
chungha natural cutie pie treasure
chorong greatest idol alive
hail new aoa
>waifuing Jinsol
>waifuing that one pledis girl no one knows
there's a flip?
i wonder what john poster thinks about new celeb bromance
Cambodia or Taiwan?
post dark skinned girls
lisa is our girl you freaking retards
we'll see won't we
you miss 100% of the shots you never take
YG has the patience of a saint so I hope sua enjoys the wait
also linzy was a YG trainee at one point but YG didn't want her to be in 2ne1, sua's case is looking pretty similar right now
no, rose is australian
I bet the girls that were almost in YG's last girl group are raging right now. Girl groups always get the short end of the stick.
I wanted it to be five as well. At least YG is buying into the foreign member meme so they'll probably be one of the few girl groups that tour a lot.
holy omo I didn't have that pic yet thanks
post our seunghee
you know the one: cute, funny, big ass round head
>picking Bom instead of Linzy
I can't believe this happened
thats a big ass ear
lisa tho
how did all the twice posting stop at the same time? they get banned or something?
one of them looks like one.
sex-tourist father i'm guessing.
gonna be a nice scandal in 1-2 years when someone finds out the truth
wasn't sonamoo's new song supposed to come out today
na dude he fucking sucks
bom must have had a lot of 'talent'
its apink time grandpa
YO I frickin love Wendy ok?!
post a picture of chungha, the hideous disfigured plastic garbage from IOI
Beautiful ears.
>tfw literally no hype
The Big 3 are so precious to me, listening to them gives me so many feels that can't be matched
ITNW makes me feel so goddamn hard
Can't wait till Mr. J/K-POP reviews this sond and mentions the funky bassline, elevated vocal harmonies, and the use of double-time in the buildup of the massive chorus. Shit's gonna be awesome.
Also, the thighs on this girl
it's always apink time
yeri was walking along the road when she came across a man huddled over a bag of rice. he was counting each and every grain.
yeri poked the man with her walking stick. "you there, why are you counting the grains, when you could just weigh the whole bag?"
"my neighbor always brags of how much rice he has harvested. he counts every grain and runs to the town square to tell of his bounty. I can not just weigh the bag, sixty thousand grains is much more impressive to the ears than a one pound bag."
yeri shook her head. "yet they feed a man just the same! spend the time you were counting grains to work in the field and grow your harvest. feed your family"
the man smiled. yeri thought for a minute about the man and whether he would heed her words. then she nodded, and continued on her journey.
WTBF > ITSP >>>>>>>>>> ITNW
black pink slayed them
twice is finished now that blackpink is on the scene
who do you like then?
based our girl Linzy, she has integrity
yeah wtf, I'm guessing it's coming in an hour and a half, noon release
Taiwanese food is amazing, Cambodian food is aite.
so Iamma go with Taiwan.
your mom
unrealistic story, yeri would piss in the guys rice
we jumped on the black pink bandwaggon 2bh
no problem. i just wish there were more high res pics from that day
testing testing. twice is bad. twice has no talent. sales don't matter
the lazy fuck is going to upload a shitty quick review
makes u think........
word we like lisa here
What is WTBF? And as much as I love ITSP... it's got nothing on ITNW
I would kill myself desu but who knows, maybe those girls will be the next YGGG. Like Winner and iKON. Nobody expected that either. But anyway just stopped to see the girls now I have to go bye user~
maybe it's a noon release
word she looks qt af
i stand with yeri
>the two memers found a new group to meme
i also stand with yeri
what you talking about?
>black pink
i wanna hear the meaning behind this one
twiceshitters are just, at their core, nugu hoppers.
soon they'll all be posting Black Pink, even the ones who poo poo them now.
more like dubeautiful
When the (cherry) blossoms fade
I hope you anons learn to ignore them, with BP now
it's "beaudubul"
post some freaking LISA!!!!!
Apink... or Black Pink?
>3rd one is a manface
kpop just cant do without
excited, really hoping yg puts some new quality out
are u ever not on these threads?
more like black stink
you do know she is underage
Article: YG's girl group Black Pink cuts down from 9 members -> 4 members confirmed debut
Source: Newsen via Naver
1. [+866, -81] Yeah, four members is just the right amount, better than coming out in a huge pack and having no one be able to differentiate the members
2. [+572, -39] Even today, if you think of a YG girl group it's automatically 2NE1. I still can't forget the first time I saw them.
3. [+743, -104] 100 times better than the name Gu9udan ㅋㅋ
4. [+589, -85] The four are so individually charming and stand out... more than anything, I like that they're only four members. It's a fresh number for once.
5. [+330, -63] I can't wait ㅎㅎ four is the right amount
6. [+82, -12] Black Pink?? Maybe they'll do units later and split into two and two for Black and Pink??
7. [+61, -6] Four is good. But that's pretty much telling the other trainees that they need to leave because I doubt YG's going to release another girl group for the next 5 years.
8. [+81, -15] Four is perfect! So much better than a huge pack of members only getting 3 second lines each
>next YG girl group
People lucky they even got this one.
Anyway, those girls are too old to join and all left YG. YG left 5 out of this one for his next group when people nag them for another.
I'll see you tomorrow GD user.
does black pink have a rong or a rong butt?
busted ugly feet on a busted ugly girl
chewy is underaged, I hope you're all doing the right thing by reporting any depictions of pedophilia