vodka tonic
ITT: If an album had a taste
blood from biting the inside of your mouth
what the fuck
coffee. blacker than midnight on a moonless night
Sex on the Beach or similar fruity cocktails
straight gin
Sam Adams Oktoberfest
chewing ice or chilled vodka
Peanut butter and bubblegum
Absinthe and whatever doom tastes like.
Cold Pizza, and Your Favourite Soda (warm)
That dehydrated taste you when you forget to drink water for three days. You know, where your mouth is all stuck together.
Wrong picture, user?
It's an album by airospace, and I agree with him
a hot cup of tea with the perfect amount of milk in it
Not exactly just the full image that the album cover takes from. (Cover is the girl and shelf)
>Not drinking a gallon a day
Lord, take care of yourself
That feeling that you get when you have minty gum in your mouth and you take a drink of ice water and it's so cold that it hurts for a second but your sinuses clear.
and heroin
Red Velvet
supermarket sushi and a warm beer
Salty milk and coins
maple syrup
Dried shrooms and acid tabs
A 40 year old 6/10 woman's sweaty pussy.
Self explanatory.
Ice cold stout beer
What race is airo anyway? Does he have a bio somewhere?
can confirm
Tasteless and cold?
Water? My first guess would be cigarette ashes
That being said, I love this album to death
Pabst Blue Ribbon and cheap cigarettes
I have no clue. I know he has social media links on his bandcamp
A slice from East Village Pizza & Kebab while walking around contemplating life at 4AM.
oh my god that's the best feeling in the world though
I would've went with a double shot of whiskey, but I see where you are coming from and I like it
cum and tears
I'm not sure why, but Mcvities Digestives.
Not like a Miller Light in Dave's bedroom?
Bagged chocolate milk from the school cafeteria.
Big tall bald black dude
Salty pop rocks mixed with orange Fanta
drinking from the backyard garden hose in the summer and you get an earwig in your mouth
It was literally meant to. The concept of the sound was Panda Bear wanting to make music that "sounds" like Jam once he had on an airplane "looked".
60's and 70's MRE's
english breakfast tea
a glass of water that has been sitting out for a while to the point where it's stale tasting
A fresca, vape "smoke", Fiji water, broken glass, holy water, and a nipple.
Actually it's the illusory taste of leather from one of the corsets in the hentai Bible Black, mixed with Screech's breath from Saved By the Bell.
A few pints of guiness and a some spiced rum that you forgot you had
Coca-Cola, from a can, from before when it was Classic Coke, made with real sugar.
SMiLE is a glass of chocolate milk, a stick of celery from the Radiant Radish, an In-N-Out burger, a candy bar, and a tab of acid.
Cheap Champagne.
I love the album, but that's what it feels like to me
Ice water mixed with sugar, so sweet and so cold it hurts your teeth.
>Anything other than the cherry on top of a sundae.
a bowl of dates
A horrible, warm beer you drink in your underwear and a wife beater in the dark while you sit in your chair, half watching tv and half contemplating suicide
Sour candies
It's just a cigarette after a few too many painkillers, not enough to kill you but enough to feel sick later, knowing the hell you'll be in.
Perfectly cooked steak
This is actually perfectly correct.
It's not always someone's favorite Crimson King album, because not everyone agrees what is the best way to cook a steak.
ITCOTCK is clearly their rawest steak.
Lmao or some vitamin c
I'd say Red is a nice medium-rare, on the slightly more rare side
Best girl.
How's your summer going?
Neutral Milk
More like potatoes
More like tomatoes and wire
Corona with lime, with a good bit of beach sand.
Magic mushroom with dirt still on it
swedish fish
I'd say watermelon Sour Patch
mulled wine