I got high once and listened to some music. Probably one of the best experiences ever, but how can I truly feel that again or appreciate music more sober?
>Pic sorta related
I got high once and listened to some music. Probably one of the best experiences ever...
listen to weirder shit?
Close your eyes and listen, not even kidding. Maybe it's just a placebo effect but your hearing gets sharper, and really try to focus on every layer of the music, and how it all comes together as one piece.
true, but this is much easier to do while high
Nothing feels better when the vibes are just right on a trip and the perfect song comes on and your visuals match perfectly.
Sorry man it's just the way it is. I'd love to be able to hear as much detail as I would after a tab it, I just don't understand how a substance can act like steroids for the ears, it's amazing.
Your senses are not heightened, your are high so your standards are just lowered.
Hit your head with a brick hard enough and everything will be pure magic to you again.
Can you elaborate? I often close my eyes and it doesn't change much.
For me even so little as a single sip of alcohol makes music instantly more enjoyable, i also think music generally sounds better late at night when youre a little tired
But yeah its hard to beat how powerful music sounds on, say, acid or mdma
Try to take an early morning/late night walk and listen to something that fits the mood
Clearly never tried acid, the post
I kinda have the same problem, I actually started browsing Sup Forums because I'm continuously trying to find new music for my next trip.
That's the problem with drugs and the reason why all of them (including chocolate) are addicting. They give you a free ticket to reward mechanisms on your brain that are normally not triggered that easily. It's the same principle video games use by the way. Having the same listening pleasure without drugs is almost impossible, but classical music and years of listening experience should get you on the right path. In the case of some drugs it is 100 % impossible to replicate their effects. Mushrooms come to mind. Think straight for a second : you're modifying your mind with an extremely potent external substance that is making your brain function in discord with what evolution has laid out for you as the path of optimal health. You are literally poisoning yourself. How could this be replicated that easily?
Sleep deprivation
Years and years of music listening
Active listening
Finding exactly the type of music you enjoy
These are good methods, it wasn't until just a short time ago that the kinds of music I really really enjoy are the Russian Romantics and 50's 60's soul. really sitting down and doing nothing but listening to good music is a great start if you don't want to do drugs but want a similar experience.
Do you really find sleep deprivation to make music more enjoyable? I'm wondering what about it makes you say that.
Not that user, but it's not necessarily more enjoyable, but it's 100 % more fucked up in any case.
straight edge cunts are as sad as addicts
What does that mean? More deranged-sounding?
depends on the music.
I love listening to drone and noise when dead tired as well as really wistful baroque stuff.
You generally don't want pop or rock music though there are exceptions (Dark Side of The Moon springs to mind)
Sleep deprivation sands off all the rough edges of your senses and eventually sands them away till theres nothing less. The grind of noise music turns into sheets of blissful sound and the endless drone of Stars Of The Lid or Sunn O))) become eternal mantras. They take you on journeys that only an exhausted mind can take.
Nah I don't think so. Preachy straight edge cunts, yes. But there's nothing wrong with having your own cintrol over what motivates you and what makes you high without relying too much on external substances. I do drugs like alcohol and I wish I didn't. Not an addict, but a little extra control would be nice.
That's surprising, I find noise most enjoyable when I'm awake. It's a good way to release energy, and hearing it when I'm already tired feels a little draining.
You're right about ambient, though. No worries about trying to enjoy it, just sitting back and absorbing it works.
But if drugs do heighten senses and brain activity, why do their users keep failing highschool and falling on their face at the football field?
I'm going full fedora now.
To quote the magnificent but underrated band "The Tool":
"Overthinking, overanalyzing seperates the body from the mind"
What this pot smoking grunge idiot is saying, is that if you calm your mind in order to not question the music you are listening to you should be able to enjoy it more. I mean that in regards to such questions like "who is this band, should I be allowed to enjoy this music, is this stuff edgy or what, what is the guitar player doing there, is that an a minor chord I'm hearing that's far out man" etc. etc.
Meditation is a good way to "achieve" this and also going out of your comfort zone and listening to music that you have absolutley no pre conceived notions of should help as well. Non-pop music like classical, romantic, etc. fit that scheme a bit better because there's no overarching agenda being pushed (say, "FUCK THE SYSTEM", "I'M SO LONELY"), it's just music and what you can do within that spectrum.
Tool is not good for that because they are asshats.
They do not heighten brain activity in a long-term healthy way. Some make your brain work better for certain tasks (for example cocaine, meth) but as soon as you're addicted you have a whole kind of other problem.
Others make you a lazy "chilled" slowpoke. They still heighten the senses. With LSD some people can see music as colors floating around in the room. Is that worth blocking your synapses for? Well, probably not for many, many people.