which do you prefer?
Which do you prefer?
Teens of Denial
Twin Fantasy is a little better written, but it's buried under too much lo-fi.
How to Leave Home is his only good album
There are good tracks on Twin Fantasy though
Teens of Denial
he's a joke
His voice is fucking awful. His songs are just generic 90s influenced indie rock. Idk why anyone cares and acts like he's some game changing thing. Despite having a record deal his latest album still sounds like crap.
I hope this is a ruse.
>Twin Fantasy
>Teens Of Denial
Hi Will
is neither a choice
>people have a deferent opinion to me
>it must be a ruse
You sound like like a teen whose in denial
ayy that pun was better than the album
Twin Fantasy, easily
much better songs, more unique melodies, less grungey
twin fantasy doesnt bore me for the long ass playtime it has
teens of denial loses steam in the second half
>You sound... like... like a teen whose... uh... in denial senpai
I don't get Car Seat Headrest tbqh
It's the same poorly produced, not groundbreaking at all indie rock you've heard a million times before, but written by a dorky looking American man-boy who's completely devoid of any personality instead and somehow that makes it hip and refreshing in the eyes of p4k and their countless drones
Even if you look away from the fact that I don't like it and chose to throw out all subjective criticism, you really can't deny that Car Seat Headrest brings nothing new to the table
structure-wise, a lot of his older band camp releases are pretty weird, you don't see most indie rock bands writing 16 minute epics
>it's a type of music that's been done before and that makes it bad
I don't particularly care for indie rock of this type, but I do like CSH. I just find the song more catcher and memorable then bands of a similar style.
It sounds like you haven't listened to very much of him. He's got some pretty cool techniques.
Sure you could refer to Built To Spill or what have you for longer songs, but that sort of structure is unheard of in other bands. Will's style of merging Dan Johnston-esqe lo-fi DIY indie, with a power-pop sound and almost glam rocky attitude is pretty refreshing, considering that all of these elements are applied to grandiose 10+ minute epics.
Will's personality isn't really devoid in my opinion. I hear it more as detached. The point of view his character is singing as isn't as someone who is actively struggling with whatever he's feeling. It seems more like a poetic recap of his issues from a point of respite. His level headed, almost one-note tone of his vocal delivery conveys numbness more than lifelessness (this also makes the moments where he screams/wails all the more effective).
His production isn't the best I admit. It's a shame that once he got decent in that regard everything else shat the bed.
i saw them live yesterday.
they were good as heck and i kind of got a huge crush on will now since he's super nice.
I don't see how you can say that, with songs like Anchorite (Love You Very Much), which literally devolves from a simple singer-songwriter tune into blown-out post-rock.
twin fantasy > most music t b h
Guided By Voices suck bro sorry you have to hear this
Guided By Voices definitely do not suck.
Car Seat Headrest doesn't suck and they are excellent live. There are more instrumental chops in that band than in any other two indierock bands on the same tier. "whingeing will" is a tad unfortunate in terms of his spotlighted self-pity and entitled posturing, "how am I supposed to..." but in general his lyrics are tops.
I prefer this
Twin Fantasy
what i don't get is how people can praise trash like weezer and not recognize how vastly more interesting will's melodies/lyrics are