
Not long ago shugazi was "popular" in this, our forum.

What are you listening?.

Other urls found in this thread:!8sQTUBgK!Uv-GkLJPW530Qok1CfivOshvHeHI1KmSKFNz5MIXiWo

luminous orange download plz

I'm listening to nothing

I discovered the incredibly bizarre country shoegaze band Lift to Experience a few nights ago in, among all things, a country thread here on Sup Forums that did incredibly well for almost a whole day.

Is there any good shoegaze that uses piano?

better than music


but it is

If you say so

>lift to experience
>country shoegaze
love em though

Sounds interesting. I'll give it a listen.

Seeing a band called The Sunshine Factory on Sunday.
I stumbled upon their second album, Sugar, on Bandcamp years ago and I always find myself coming back to it every few months. They're on Saint Marie records, which I think is one of the best psych pop labels.
Stoked to see them live.

They remind me of a poppier MBV and the Kevin Shields influence is undeniable in the vibrato/bending guitar technique. Nothing too groundbreaking, but beautiful to listen to.

also, here's another good shoegaze chart

Eh, I think it's a fair label. Is it perfectly accurate? Probably not, but it's about as close as you can get, especially if you go by their studio work. It's definitely got a unique, Texas/western influence going on that comes out in the midst of the noise.

>1 EP
>1 album
>last release: 2001

nice quints
Also fuck the first song on that is so damn good

They've reunited recently and been touring.

they're also remastering "The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads," aren't they?

you meant "nothing" the band, right?

i don't think it was ever really that popular

Used to be better still.

I do remember a couple months back there was always a shugazi thread going and it was relatively well trafficked.

Bumping with Meeks - Beatless
excellent Japanese shoegaze Beatles covers!8sQTUBgK!Uv-GkLJPW530Qok1CfivOshvHeHI1KmSKFNz5MIXiWo


Here guys have a bump with some bandcamp shoegaze I found

EPs, free downloads

hey question
what are some shoegaze albums that best complement the feeling of being really fucking stoned?

I'm thinking astrobrite's PSUB and also ceres and calypso and
bardo pond's lapsed and belong's common era and bowery electric's s/t and bright channel's s/t and cloakroom's infinity and the ecstaty of st theresa's sussurate and the goslings' grandeur of hair and i need more

What is it about those records that you like when stoned? For me almost anything with waves of noise, feedback, and reverb sounds amazing when high. Also, are we just talking cannabis?

Maybe try 東京酒吐座 - Crystallize

i guess an kind of mix of more texturally complex noise and more easygoing and surreal songwriting


GBA doesn't have Decay but Nowhere doesn't have Time Machine

>Nowhere Doesn't have time machine
Holy shit if it did.


What styles fall under "shugazi"?

shoegaze, noise pop, dream pop, blackgaze

GBA doesn't have Dreams Burn Down either, which is one of my top songs of all time

I would say they mix shoegaze, post rock, and gospel although the country influence in terms of Pearson's picking style is there.

>Sounds interesting. I'll give it a listen.
Do it.

Yes, the remix is coming out in the fall and they are most likely going to tour for it. Also, I think they are going to complete their proposed trilogy with the second being a 2 parter called The Post-Apocalypse Blues.
Here's a song: Up Came The Devil

>Beatles cover

Like holy shit jus end ur life senpai

Gold > Silver > Americana

wowee to think all they needed to add to the beatles to make them interesting was more melancholy

this is a really good album.

oh, I'm sorry
do you have a problem with it because it involves three things that you on a weeaboo image board perceive to be overhyped to the point of becoming 'memes'?
I was just providing a literal description of the album
listen to it or don't

I think they're really good. Like some of the most emotive blackgaze I've heard ever. They're doing what I thought all blackgaze bands should be doing: using a noisy atmosphere to accentuate and complement all the sad self-loathing black metal shit.

Problem is, the actual sounds and effects for the guitars and synths and some other instruments they're using are so tinny and has this sort of cheap clarity to it. Like it's loud and noisy, but made of cleaned up sounds. It's makes it sound really unnatural and corny

o well

anyone know of any other ambient shoegazey bands
pic related

there's also purple pilgrims' s/t but you're a shill if you like them

Nowhere has Seagull, Polar Bear, and Vapor Trail.

Slowdive- Pygmalion
The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa

I like this, but I feel like it would've been better if the songs were like 3 mins longer each to create a more droney effect
I'll have to check out purple pilgrims tho, ty even if I turn into a shill

its alright $hills get bill$

Going Blank Again has Leave Them All Behind

aight, ty

I'm not the dude you responded to, but holy shit, this album sounds pretty fucking dope while drunk

it sounds dope all the time really

Hey try to guess which song from here is the best Swirlies song!
HINT: It's not Sounds of Sebring

sarah sitting

Bright Eyes - Every day and every night EP

Not pure gazi but good

Not even on that album friend!

Do any of you Know Anything About Love?


I gotta go to sleep someone better keep this thread up for the next 8 hours or I'm going to actually kill myself with a ton of lean and speed.

Bright Eyes is boring as fuck friend.

Does anyone have a download link to Shojoskip's Cosodorokitsune? All archive links are dead.
