songs everybody loves
Songs EVERYBODY loves
Other urls found in this thread:
Basically all the famous RHCP songs
I was about to jump into this thread and talk shit but Ocean Man is my absolute jam.
Goddamn, this
Snow is fucking awful
it ain't awful desu
Hate everything RHCP I've ever heard
RHCP is my guilty pleasure because they should suck but they sound so good
I've waited too long to have you
Hide in the back of me
I've cheated so long I wonder
How you keep track of me
im sorry, but was there ever a 2000s pop song you didn't love?
just no
I really think everyone on this board loves or at least likes this.
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
I've never met anyone who doesn't like this
and neither will you ever meet
I hate all of these albums.
Anything by The Smiths.
Well, I hate it.
you sound like a communist
Communist music is good though
true desu
Those are the only RHCP songs I like. I absolutely hate all their other songs
accurate assessment
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
came here to post this
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
is this the beginning of an epic new meme???
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
d) j/k this is glorious
it's fun to play on the guitar if you're fast enough.
took me forever to get it down.
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
it's funny because the thread is ruined xD
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
hot spicy new memes in this thread I see
Hey this is one of the funniest thread derailings I've seen in a while
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of the worst derailings
b) on one of their worst threads
c) and Sup Forums sucks as a board in general
what has occurred
Dude the only funnier one in recent memory was the Lou Reed's gay voice one
>unironically using Yotsuba
kill yourself
it's on the cancer board and it's their default theme so calm down senpai
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst themes
b) on one of their worst boards
c) and they suck as a site in general
I don't get it. Why would being on meth inhibit one's ability to successfully judge musical quality?
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst drugs
b) in one of their worst drug classes
c) and they suck as music judges in general
Once In A Lifetime, also I'm the asshole that doesn't like September b/c of overexposure
tbqh this is one of my least favorite Talking Heads songs I don't know why
It's not so much the meth, as it is their choice to do meth.
I mean, if they chose to do meth, they don't exactly have very good judgments
Hotline Bling
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
What if they're using it medically? You know, meth is actually a schedule II drug in the US. They could even be CEOs, using it to get an edge over the rest of the business world via decreased need for sleep, food breaks, etc. Who knows?
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
are you not on fucking meth?
a) this isn't one of their worst songs
b) not on one of their worst albums
c) and they don't suck as a band in general
Why would everyone love this song? The song is fucking annoying. I could see plenty of people not liking this song. The only thing it has going for it is it's interesting catchy vocals, which do draw me back to the song now and again.
please follow the correct format if you're going to make a complaint in this thread
he's only gotten worse
stop posting soulja boy you degenerates
that was solid I can appreciate that
i fucking love these
obviously user, they're songs everybody love
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
most people can't stand rap so I'd say no
Until they listen to this song.
Any Queen single
literally any death grips song is easily digestable and ubiquitously loved
some of the more recent grips stuff has been fairly digestable I think
maybe I've just gotten used to being screamed at a prison inmate for 40 minutes
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
oh god what have I created
I hate RHCP, but given the fact that there are no songs that every single person loves, this is probably as close as any other.
territorial pissings
wait for the moment - vulfpeck
undeniably the most loved song of all time
Wish you were here
solid 10/10