Have been really lazy keeping up with new releases this year. Give me some albums that you've been loving recently.
Doesn't necessarily have to be your album of the year, but just good albums released this year that you think people need to hear :)
Have been really lazy keeping up with new releases this year. Give me some albums that you've been loving recently.
Doesn't necessarily have to be your album of the year, but just good albums released this year that you think people need to hear :)
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nice dubs faggot
The new Zeal and Arbor record is really fucking good. Like, it is what I like to hear in Black Metal.
Really dig this one:
Mourn - Ha Ha He
For fans of sleater Kinney, slint, modest mouse, duster
Really cool dissonant and confused sounding post punk.
Moth- Chair Lift was pretty fucking good.
I love me some Deak
Ausfag? This is up there for me too
I'm American, friend from NSW introduced me to them
nice 2 see this getting posted. i love it too
i'm listening to it. feels kinda boring to me. but nice guitars.
Imperial by Denzel Curry might be mine. To me it might even be a 10/10
Also Eric Holm - Barotrauma
mah nigga
>Trondheim Jazz Orchestra
Instant download with a name like that.
Radiohead desu
I generally stick to 80s/90s indie/experimental or industrial rock, rec me newer shit
Gets better every time.
This really surprised me. Prolly my favorite album this year so far.
This new woods record is super underrated
I like it too.
That may be a bit misleading since it isn't actually Jazz, it's more of.an Avant Folk deal, but it's still very good
Already have it spinning breh 8)
The switch into Carry Me is so good.
Chairlift's album Something is infinitely better than Moth. If you haven't heard that, give it a listen. One of the top 5 indie pop LPs of all time.
This was pretty good, but I've only listened to it once. Not much of a desire to listen to it again, but I will eventually.
I've really been enjoying Kool&Klean - Volume VI & pilotredsun - Achievement.
It is! I love how seamlessly he switches from raping to singing. Like Kendrick mixed with Lyfe Jennings I'm like obsessed with his voice.
>from raping to singing
the fuck are you on about?
fucking excellent album
this and the new release by gerogerigegege are probably the top two best releases of the year in my books
here's 20 2016 hip-hop releases worth checking out
I think I'm the only one who really enjoyed Human Performance by Parquet Courts. It's my 2nd favourite this year aside from Blackstar.
honestly this album was tight and definitely worth a listen
>no yachty
you just listed all mainstream rap albums released in 2016 top kek.
>hip hop fans
what about em?
that Father album is legit good though
>post punk
Pedro Soler & Gaspar Claus - Al Viento
Have to warn you though, it's completely instrumental and classical (cello and flamenco guitar), so if you're not into that, it might not be for you. Fantastic album though, I feel like I cannot recommend this enough.
Here's a sample: youtube.com
please tell me this is bait
How did these guys go from the delicious lo-fi outsider folk band they used to be to the Jason Mraz live band folk ensemble they bore me to tears with today?
for what it's worth, here;s the chart. really loving the sun araw & laraaji collab right now, they're these warm, languid new age psych jams
Anything on that list with lots of interesting sounds and textures, any polyrhythyms?
I liked the nicola ratti record for its textures, and there were definitely polyrhythms on the dwarfs of east agouza record (and on some tracks of the driftmachine one as well)
good year
missing Babyfather