Mu does not even like hank williams

mu does not even like hank williams
i hate this forum

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ive always been surprised by the lack of actual country discussion on here. Hank is great. ive been listening to alot of merle, willie, and kristoferson lately.

i like 'my son calls another man daddy'

very relatable

yea there is a lot of great country but mu never ever talks about it

eh, country gets a bad wrap for no good reason. most people see it as pleb but theyre also just Sup Forumstants who think they know what theyre talking about. country has the best damn lyrics.

i like him

>country has the best damn lyrics.


Quick post your top 5 country albums.

5. Dwight Yoakum -Buenas Noches From A Lonely Room
4. George Jones - I Am What I Am
3. John Prine - John Prine
2. Johnny Cash - Live From Folsom Prison
1. Willie Nelson - Red Headed Stranger

To the people who are going to post Jason Aldean, there really is more to life than stale memes

Does gothic country count?

I don't see why not

Weird that Sup Forums doesn't talk much about country and bluegrass.

Love me some Johnny Cash and David Allen Coe.


Dude gradually drank himself to death before 30. That's kind of impressive.

nice trips. also + to everything in your top 5 except the george jones album but only because i haven't heard that one yet. adding it to my backlog tonight.

drinking is bad
do not drink

Trips confirm Red Headed Stranger is the GOAT Country album. Personal favorite of mine too.

Top 5 Country Albums

5. George Strait - Ocean Front Property
4. Marty Robbins - Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
3. Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison
2. Waylon Jennings - Lonesome, On'ry and Mean
1. Willie Nelson - Red Headed Stranger

i actually think jason aldean's not bad, but it's impossible to discuss him without memeing shitters

don't know much country other than hank but i've been playing this song a lot lately

>you don't know me but you don't like me

we don't bother with fucking country. because all u guys do is name drop hank williams and Townes Van Zandt,johnny cash

The people who like country here

Please actually discuss it

Like the musically qualities

It seems country is exceptional stagnant in terms of actual sound

stop being stupid

A few years ago I asked an older dude how to get into Rap. He said to listen to the words. When people ask me how to get into Country I say the same thing. Both genres can be traced back to the Blues, which also emphasized the stories.

I'll say this about Country lyrics, They're honest. You have to tell the truth in Country. It's a hallmark of the genre. Listeners can sniff out a liar a mile away. It's the real reason why Taylor Swift doesn't fuck with Country anymore. She couldn't hack it because she's a lying motherfucker so she migrated to a genre where she could lie her ass off and get away with it. We don't qualify that shit in our genre. Not even in the mainstream. You have to tell it like it is. Even if it's as banal as, "Well ya'll I spent the entire afternoon drankin' beers out of a red igloo cooler fishing from the bed of my pickup truck ...and that's the honest truth, however redneck it may sound.

That's a big reason listeners gravitate toward the direct, plain spoken-ness that's inherent in Country. Sometimes it's a top-40 chock full of inane songs about drinking and driving and womanizing but every now and then someone drops a truth bomb that makes the whiole damn genre worthwhile, like kathy mattea's song about Alzheimer's (1990) or the martina mcbride song about domestic abuse (1995) or the deana carter song about losing your virginity (from a girl's perspective) (1997). and that's not even mentioning all of the consequential songs happening off the radar, off the charts, in the outskirts of Country. where you'll find songs covering topics ranging from child abuse to gentrification to crisis of faith to the plight of native americans, etc. slices of everyday life that aren't often addressed in other genres, if at all.

if you want to go on musical adventures then country may not be the genre for you but more often than not, you'll find adults swinging back around to it for the reasons i listed above and more.

>You have to tell the truth in Country.
explain pic related

Any singers like Patsy Cline?

ahh yes, that great paean of artistic integrity, jason aldean. i was wondering how long until someone posted him. anyone can spot a hack in any genre. someone who epitomizes the worth of what he represents. as far as that screenshot, all i have to say is that he doesn't have a co-write on anything there so your arguement is invalid. he's an entertainer. that's all. but i'll toss ya a point for trying tho.

also "night train' was a good song. overplayed, to death. but those first 20 listens, aahhh.

explain this also

Explain why dozens of songwriters are making a living writing schlock for the masses? Same reason why dozens of people work at your nearest McDonalds. Nobody over the age of 18 ever wants McDonalds. But sometimes a "meal" is a meal. Same for whatever's happening in the Billboard Top-200. Judge away I guess. It's the internet. No one would blame you for being a cliche "Everything but Rap & Country pleb." Don't be surprised when you hit your 30's and start craving more substantial music than whatever's coming out of your headphones right now.


Honestly curious, what are some good country albums from the past five years?

maybe because Hank, Townes, and Johnny are all fucking great.

Jerry Reed. Also, does anyone have a better rec list than this one? seems kind of lacking.

Sup Forums is full of hipsters and retards I only click here out of boredom and habit, I stopped taking Sup Forums seriously back in 2010.

Relevant to thread; the most country you'll see on Sup Forums is just babbys first alt-country anyways. Stuff like Johnny Cash, TVZ, Hank Sr. etc etc

It's damn good music, but walking into a country thread and saying you like Johnny Cash is like walking into a metal thread and saying you like Metallica.

Country is easily the most patrician genre though, even the biggest pompous hipster douches are powerless against it's elite magnitude.

You have to have grown up in the rural south to "get" country in the first place., but radio country is so far fucking gone it's unbelievable, people would much rather listen to hick hop party songs about pickup trucks and partying, throwing in the occasional "thank God for beer and anal sex" every once in a while.

OR you can be some fag who saw that Tom Hiddleston shit show or played Fallout 4 and thinks he can make threads about Hank Sr. for no reason.

But mark my words, "country" is still a thing and country snobs are the biggest snobs of them all. Just ask Dale Watson.

ill never get out of this world alive

This list is weak. Whoever made it should be shot. It isn't even babby's first country, it's like some fag just ripped a bunch of albums off of some shitty review site and pasted them into a shitty jpg. Wait, that's exactly what someone did. And he bothered to fill it up with a bunch of shit that isn't even country in the first place, while

If you want to listen to country, start with the wallpaper of this website.

>cowboy copas
country patrician detected

That's because modern country is the musical equivalent of throwing up into a cowboy hat and throwing in a hip-hop mixtape.

Sorry I wasn't born in the 1930's so I don't get anything out of mundane, formulaic 2.5 minute country ditties that have no emotional resonance or impact. I probably could have said this in a less mockable way, but yeah.

No discussion huh
I understand the attraction to the lyrics.

I want to know why country seems incapable of trying something else. Folk (which country is arguably a subgenre of) has been tried a number of ways and has all the strengths of country. Why is country not taking risks?

Turn Turn Turn isn't country rock at all. Sweetheart of the Rodeo is the Byrds album that should be there

That's because you're a 29 year old girl who wears thick black glasses, chokers and thinks "Unknown Pleasures" is the best album ever made.

Get shot.

I know You Win Again from the Grateful Dead's Europe '72 album, and I think it's the only point where the album falls flat.

Lol, you got me.

Actually, I could never get into Unknown Pleasures. It just sounds like moody Devo to me.

Hank Williams is great
Hank Williams Jr. Is terrible
Hank III is fine. I respect him more than I like his music

That's actually one of the better country songs I've heard. Also (and I never know what I'm gonna get mocked for and what I can get away with) I think Kenny Roger's the Gambler is a good old song.

holy fuck that's embarrasing. educate yourself please.

Lol, you think just posting a Hank Williams song is going to counteract my claim? Boring, insipid, typical country shit. It doesn't tell you anything evocative or important.

lol in what way is this insipid? you know what's insipid? being such a pleb that a simple generation gap is enough to make an entire genre filled with timeless emotional anthems inaccessible to you. I'm curious about what you consider to be "evocative and important"

Is this better?

Hank isn't typical "insipid" country, he's mostly blues trying to sound like Ernest Tubb.

Country has been around for a hundred years, nothing is "typical" or "insipid" before 2000.

Debussy made probably the most flawless music I've ever heard. If it's because of a generation gap, it doesn't make sense that I'd not like Hank Williams but love music that was made fifty years earlier. As far as music of the past fifty years go, Talk Talk's Laughing Stock, Yes's Close to the Edge, and (I'll definitely get criticized for this, but fuck it) Animal Collective's Feels are probably the closest I've heard the rock/pop umbrella get to matching classical music on a creative level. Close to the Edge is similar to baroque the way dark and light are present throughout the entirety of the composition, and Feels contains an effortless, fleeting beauty that is akin to classical impressionism. You'll probably say all the music I just sited is terrible, but whatever. I just don't like Hank Williams at all, and I honestly can't even see myself liking him had I been born in the 1930's, as you seem to chalk it all up to a generation gap.

Sorry, I just get absolutely nothing out of this. I don't know what to tell you.

What a basic mindset.

Sup Forumsmblr thinks liking folk makes you a conservative christian or some shit.

You don't need to be told anything. Hank Williams is like the Kurt Cobain of country because he was very famous and died young. If you don't like him, that's okay. ET ran circles around him even though ET couldn't sing of play guitar well at all, while Hank was a prodigy.

Most music literate people know who Hank is. but not ET, even though ET was more famous than Hank and had more hits and a career that lasted decades.

This doesn't mean that Hank is bad, "If You Don't Like Hank Williams You Can Kiss My Ass" but he is a bit overblown.

actually close to the edge is probably in my top 5 favorite albums of all time, and feels is definitely among the best work anco ever did.

you cant compare everything you hear to musical milestones like that. just because something isn't an absolute opus doesnt mean it's any less emotional or heartfelt.

there's nothing wrong with not like hank williams, but to discount him as another vapid honky tonk is just not fair at all