(funny thing here) edition
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/prod/ - Music Production General
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about to buy a pedal for the first time
am I to assume outputs A and B are for stereo?
>implying you can top this
do digital to analog converters actually do anything? from what i've learned in /prod/, listening to the original, digital signal seems preferable with all music.
They convert ones and zeroes into an analog electrical signal. You can't listen to ones and zeroes. In order for music to come out of your speakers, it has to be converted to analog so that it can go through the cables and then out of your speakers.
so what do the audio autists get all up in arms about? the quality of the transformers in the DAC?
i just have a cheap fucking amp lel, does the job perfectly fine
When the signal gets transformed, there's always going to be distortion and loss.
There's different techniques used to mitigate the effects depending on what sort of sound (signal) you're working with, but it's always there.
Because of this, you get a new sound that's different from the original. Purists and luddites find this unacceptable.
>why does an audio autist obsess over audio quality
yeah but i'm sure any reasonable quality amp will do just fine wont it
there are famous producers that literally went platinum with laptop speakers
Well the threads off to a good start. First of all, people should post clyps for dudes like me to give feedback. Second of all, thoughts on getting izotope nectar? I've used it before on other peoples rigs and I like it but I'm just wondering if its worth the money.
>inb4 pirate it
No fuck you
you realize those strings are in the wrong key
Has anyone who's ever posted in these threads (or the Bandcamp or Soundcloud threads) ever actually been/become a recognized artist?
Demo a decent DAC for a day or 2 and compare. Don't be condescending until you can actually back it up.
It's unlikely you'd hear a difference between a $100 DAC and a $1000 DAC, but a $100 DAC will pretty much always sound better than your laptop's or phone's onboard DAC. When I bought one, the difference was fairly obvious.
will "the shill" toledo has reached mild success
although if you ask him he'll deny ever posting here
I meant people who have identified as artists and posted in first person, not shills or whatever.
I think Lorde might count, since she seems to have briefly posted here "for real" (memeing etc.), but that's all I know about.
I'm asking about what specific components in high quality DACs lend themselves to a "better sound"
I have this amazon.com
and apparently it has some fuckery in the circuits to allow for a "direct and true" sound
don't condescend by telling me i'm condescending, nigger
it says Output A is (Mono) does it not?
he's said multiple times that Sup Forums is where is early popularity came from
remember when trent reznor posted new nin in /prod/
Most of it's marketing bullshit, but better components can potentially raise the signal-to-noise ratio.
Just demo them. I personally noticed a slight difference when comparing (essentially) the same DAC with delta sigma vs. ladder circuits. The ladder one sounded slightly more "analog" and slightly less clinical to me, in a vague way.
It's really debatable whether those differences "improve" the sound quality in any way, but I did personally hear a minor difference.
sounds pretty "DUDE WEED LMAO" to me
iglooghost, tennyson used to post in sc threads
the producer for lorde's track royals posted it here and she was completely unknown at the time
but it depends on your definition of recognized
Does anyone have a torrent for Massive for FL studio? Friend was asking me for it because apparently going on Sup Forums makes you a super leet torrenter.
I've seen a couple of videos that show guys raising their compressor threshold well above anything but I don't get why. I thought compressors only effect the wave above the threshold? Help appreciated
maybe to prevent a sidechain effect?
i have a question for fl studio users
you know how you can save presets on vst and fx plug ins
say you have a vst channel, a synth. can you save the FX on a channel? so like, is there a simple way to load up a signature reverb, a delay, an eq and a filter (the plug ins and the presets for those plug ins) in one simple, easy click ???
dunno if i worded that correctly. its 4am, sorry
typically presets for VSTs are saved within the VST itself. If there is no preset feature, then you might be out of luck
>4am music
still trying to figure out a lead or vocal to break up the repetitiveness
Hey /prod/ really looking for some feedback.
I just made this track. Real new to basing track on a sample. Wondering if it's anygood.
>Second is my new expirmental hip-hop rap track. soundcloud.com
Any listens are appreciated. Ill take any advice.
i freaked the fuck out when that happened
you're the first person i've seen to even bring it up since lol
track is alright though
kinda reminds me of kid koala
Been working with this "riff" for a few days - which I still need to write an actual song around, as it's way too repetitive on its own - but I'm not quite sure if I'm going in a very good direction with the instrumentation.
Any thoughts? I kinda particularly have doubts over whether or not a piano really fits in there among all those synths (left channel, shitty midi piano sound that I need to replace anyway), and if the fast kick & bass rhythm gets too obnoxious too quickly.
Not quite my style of music but you're working with some really cool sounds here, m8. I'm particularly loving the kind of low, percussive yet "liquid" sounding synth that comes in at 1:44, real neat stuff.
If you wanna break the repetitiveness, you could also just figure out a secondary chord progression as a sort of break at one point, rather than just keeping the same on throughout the whole song.
Or I could see something a bit like Daft Punk's "Aerodynamic", with a higher-pitched riff that seems unrelated to the first half of the song at first but then the two are played together and it makes sense again, y'know?
The "I feel like" sample is catchy enough, but feels just not quite in the right scale - the "like" sounds like it's a semitone lower than it should be to fit with your song. Maybe autotune it a tad?
Overall, not bad, but I feel the mix is a bit too low. Bass & drums might be a bit too high in the mix, too, and I don't know... it kinda lacks a "something" to make it really interesting, you know? Maybe more rhythmic vocal splicing, maybe just a tambourine here and there or something, not quite sure. Maybe a synth lead?
But yeah, not quite there yet, I'd say keep working on it. There's an idea, though, so that's good.
The riff sounds great. I see it more as a hook/chorus than something to build an entire song with. Maybe just take a sustained version of the bass line and use that as a scratch track to build the verses. You can probably use the same chords just pitched down an octave
Skiving off work today lads, gonna learn how to use Reaktor
Mixer menu -> save/load channel
Do it and tutor me on Core.
>make a good drum loop
>find a decent vocal sample and construct a hook with it
>get the mix sounding good
>when it's time to make the bassline and melody I completely shit the bed and even after hours of trying I can't come up with anything decent
Help me guys. I make house music (not EDM house), it shouldn't be that hard, but it is. I don't need to know about types of chords and typical rhythms in the genre I make, I just can't make anything that works well and sounds good enough to make a track with.
Any advice is appreciated. Whether it's the dirtiest laziest method ever or an honest helpful reply. But like I said, I don't really need to know about what kind of chords are used or anything cause I already know them, it's not a theory issue, it's a creative one.
do it by ear nerd
stop thinking so much about it
not even memeing, but being either high or drunk helps me sometimes when I'm too clinical
like, if it sounds good, its good innit
the "omg I cannot come up w something good" its all in your head
if you force it, it will never happen
and as you already know, there is no magical formula.
I usually do the synths second (after selecting the bass drum) because I get stuck if I fill in the rhythm without any synth parts.
Just started going through the building in primary manual. Core after that.
Learn basic music theory. It literally isn't hard.
Learn about scales first - as in, learn what the intervals are between each notes of a typical major scale. It's really fucking easy and if you can picture a piano keyboard, you have no reason to ever not remember it. Minor scales are a tad harder but there are basically only three big types where only the last two notes of the scale change so it's not that hard to learn either.
Chords are also easy as fuck - just basically learn how many semitones should be between each notes to make what chord and that's all.
Anyway, once you got that in mind, just find out the notes of your vocal sample, and try to tell what scale they could fit into. If the sample only has a few notes, it can be a bit ambiguous as you would have a lot of different possible scales that could fit.
One good idea to tell what the key of a song is, is to imagine the ending. Like, picture your song, and imagine that you had to end it in a single big note, like an orchestral ending or something. 99% of the time you will naturally picture the root (= first note) of the scale.
So there ya go, you know the scale, just limit yourself to those notes when writing your bassline. Try to pick notes so that you don't get notes right next to each others between the bass and the main melodies - for example, if your vocal note is a C, don't have the bass play a D. There are LOTS of cases where this can sound really good, but you are a beginner, so you probably aren't experienced enough to make it sound good.
Also I mean notes that fall right on the beat - kinda "transition" notes between beats don't matter nearly as much, you can have a bit more dissonance there.
Or, you know, do it only by ear. But music theory really isn't hard at all, and it's a really useful tool to get started composing if you don't know what you are doing too well. Plus, knowing the "rules" makes it easier for you to break them, once you get better at composing.
>I don't need to know about types of chords and typical rhythms in the genre I make
It always helps to know more, user.
I've learned that if you're at the point where you have to ask yourself why you need something, you don't need it yet.
Thanks a lot
That's some great advice actually.
Not him but another piece of advice.
If you see a lot of a certain piece of gear being sold used on ebay take into consideration why so many people are selling it.
is this why i can never find anyone selling a waldorf microwave XTK?
Exactly. Also why they're so damn expensive still.
i swear i've been looking for a good price on one for 10 years
anyone buy new gear recently?
eyeing anything?
got an old novation supernova
love it
kinda looking into buying a drum machine
My Mopho x4 just got delivered. Can't wait to finish work
I gave up and just got a Blofed. It makes more sense considering how rarely I use PPG wave type sounds.
i've always wanted a super nova, i remember the pads sounding amazing
>mopho x4
so jealous, you'll have to share a clyp.it once you start messing around with it
I haven't been gearing recently but the last thing I bought was a pair of these acoustic piezo pickups which I use as contact mics for interesting field recording. Having trouble finding interesting (and easy-to-access) sources though. Hopefully I'll be able to get some train tracks and a bridge or two soon.
Personally, I love bridges. If you can find a bridge with steel girders that you can reach, attach them to two different points, and hard pan them left and right. I made two pieces like this. One with the mics, and a second by emulating the sounds I captured with a modular synthesizer.
how did i miss when this happened
>am I to assume outputs A and B are for stereo?
yeah i have a 106 year-old steel railroad truss already scoped-out! i just have to get out there without being spotted or accosted by vagrants crazies.
pics related!
>kurzweil k2500 near me
should I get it
>I'm asking about what specific components in high quality DACs lend themselves to a "better sound"
you did not understand: you need a dac if you want to listen to digital music. your soundcard is a dac. an external one will probably be better than an internal one. it all doesn't matter with that shitty amp though.
Arm yourself if you're worried. In my experience, vagrants won't do anything but say weird shit to you. Only young upstanding urban gentleman wearing new clothes should be worrisome.
>a tripfag named trent reznor
whoa it totally must be the real (tm) Trent Reznor!
Not sure if it's because you posted that pic but I feel like it would sound better with a guitar and shit. Could even be some kind of demo for a Naked And Famous track
well †bh the concern is more about police and mean teenagers doing drugs. there's been a bunch of shenanigans lately in that area, including groups of brawling youths with guns being brandished, etc. so now the cops are keeping an eye on shit. small rural town too, but small rural towns are where anger, drugs, ICP, and casual access to muhguns is rampant. kids got nothing to strive for.
Holy shit are you me?
I've been stuck with this for a while clyp.it
the day i sold my k2000 still haunts me
the K series are some of the best romplers
how much are they asking?
$300 freedom dollars
that is a crazy good deal!
Okay I get making a melody with a midi keyboard
but when it transfers to the daw it's all out of time, even when quatinised
how to fix?
Posted this in the last thread, didn't get anyone to shit all over it though :(
Pls roast my dumb shit. The ending probably needs a melody of some sort, but it's a WIP so whatever.
I love the sounds of it. I think I'm going to get it
PS I'm no stranger to programming hardware synths (mostly analog tho) but I'm watching a video tutorial on a 2500 and it looks daunting....exactly how complicated it is? I like programming synths but I am not a hardcore knob turner. Is it fairly forgiving if you don't spend hours and hours programming it? can I just load a patch and change it to my taste?
its hard to deny based on how legit the clypit was
Is there some kind of formula or rule of thumb of the human attention span you could use for creating music?
I don't mean basic song structures like using bars etc but more like time in seconds or something like that.
Like, there's gotta be some study on how long an average person stays focused on a newly introduced melody etc...
it was just a regular leak, calm down. what would trent reznor do here
Find some real inspiration maybe
no matter what I do I always think there's something missing... does it sound that way to other people?
it can be nightmarish...especially programming midi. Sound design isn't that bad, and you can easily edit an existing patches. maybe not to your exact liking without going through pages of options/tweaking, but you can change up the FM algorithms really easy for some wack stuff.
piano/orchestra roms are top notch.
speaking of NIN, this was the main rompler used on the downward spiral. from ruiner horns to hurt guitar.
Thought about buying an Alpha Juno for $200 off ebay, but I really don't have room anymore. Also considered starting a small eurorack expander for my MS20 but a case/OSC/voltage converter is like $500.
A melody/hook is what's missing.
It's fine but doesn't really take off or go anywhere.
Some nice sounds but aimless in construction.
where do I make it go? song structure is a weak point for me for sure
what would a socially awkward celebrity be doing on an anonymous board involving discussion they are interested in?
alright thank you
Reminds me when Joel came over for a Q&A and everyone told him to go to bed
That's not my decision to make.
If you have an idea for what you want to create you can come up with the structure.
If you want it to fit into a particular genre then listen to the structure of some tracks you like in that style and do something similar.
>Also considered starting a small eurorack expander for my MS20
you will spend a lot of money in the next years. I said it first.
Also careful with expanding the MS20, it uses different triggers and voltages than the regular eurorack stuff
Because there are places on the internet to discuss things you're interested in that aren't populated by a bunch of meme loving teenagers.
Very rough wip: clyp.it
Happy with the low but d'you reckon it needs some high end crunch?
Euroracks are expensive Fisher Price-tier toys for nerds to pretend they're on the bridge of the Enterprise with the kewl pew pew lights and sounds, while having virtually very little musical value
prove me wrong
I don't really feel the need to fit into a genre. Maybe some parts just need to be made to stand out more? Idk. Thanks for your input though.
Isn't the burden of proof on you for making the claim?
Otherwise, you're a gigantic faggot and that is my proof.
Venetian Snares? Radiohead?
Uh oh, the elusive jelly poorfag is now shitposting.
it is really hard to find good modular synth demos on youtube. but that goes for all instruments i guess.