This is like nothing I've ever heard before. Is there anything else like this?
This is like nothing I've ever heard before. Is there anything else like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Unfortunately (and also fortunately in a different way) there really isn't anything else like this, not even in the rest of their discography. It's one of a kind and it is supreme. Enjoy it user, I wish I could listen to it for the first time again.
stop viralling this shitty album
Downloaded this album because of Sup Forums. Honestly was super let down. I lump this in the same category as the entire genre of vaporwave.
They don't even sound remotely similar.
I've spent years looking
It is for your own good that you just accept this as ao ne of a kind piece. There will be things that come close (even among their own discog) but nothing that exactly approximates it
If you don't care about it being close and you just want something similar, first listen to the preceding and following album. The following is really good but closer to a standard dreampop affair, the former is a precursor to v:d:c and while not as good, it is still entertaining.
There's also a japanese band that has sooooorrrrrttttttt of a glitchy dreampop style that you may like but I'm too drunk and can't recall the name. These threads tend to draw the same kind of Sup Forumstants tho so maybe one will read my post and help you out
Musical Style: Indie/Dream Pop / Shoegaze fused with Glitch/IDM / Electronica
it's not even that great. don't understand why people on here are always creaming their pants over it
Have you ever considered the idea that your worthless opinion is not fact?
neither is yours. go to bed sweet trip
Mostly because it's unique. I prefer You Will Never Know Why but V:D:C is still, well, a sweet trip.
but why would you go into a thread about Sweet Trip just to bad mouth them? definitely seems like someone has a big head here, and it sure isnt me. go suck a penis or something
Dude, why are you so angry? It's a decent album.
That's kinda funny because I've been listening to this and Eccojams a lot lately. I feel like they give off a similar futuristic vibe which I really dig.
ah, sweet trip. so bad it's good. lurking for recs
Check out Clarence Clarity user
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
Fuck you
It's probably older than you, famalam.
summer: the post
its just okay rather listen to htrk
>buys into the retarded "summer" meme
>uses the retarded "summer" meme as a nonresponse
>makes the post even more retarded by doing a redirect to a subreddit
excellent post you fucking idiot.
Holy shit I just wanted to talk about an album I like. I never realized how petty you all are.
my nigga.
yeah i'm not sure why everyone is getting so mad/defensive. literally all i said is it's not that great. obviously that's just my opinion
wew can you actually get assblasted any harder LMAO
try listening to that or pic related
welcome to Sup Forums enjoy your stay
Protip: discuss albums you enjoy in existing threads only. Never open a thread with "hey Sup Forums I really enjoy this album" because that's just asking for people to shit on you.
Nigga you can't even reply correctly.
smr plz >>>/go/
... i wasn't even trying to reply. i was trying to show that those posts weren't all the same person
I've been lurking for like 2 years. I was just hoping the late night/early morning crown would be a little more chill.
sorry you might wanna go ask on tumblr
this isnt your safe space
nice trips edge lord
oh im just listening for the first time after putting it off for a year or so
>go suck a penis or something
neck yrself
i don't see whats edgy. if you want chill advice go on reddit or tumblr.
Late night Sup Forums is a hit or miss.
reddit is full of stupid people who think they are smart and i dont wanna make a tumblr account.
>reddit is full of stupid people who think they are smart
Dude you're browsing a board full of stupid people who think they are smart.
ive had some amazin times on mu late night/early morning. some very comfy threads
I'm not saying I don't believe you but you could've easily just edited the html to get rid of (You). Don't actually give a shit about the argument just saying there's no point in screenshotting to prove anything.
Been lurking for 2 years and don't know the site spans across timezones?
you overestimate my technological capabilities, and the amount of fucks that i give
Why would you assume that I don't know something so obvious? You are stupid btw.
This thread is completely off the rails. Please just let it die.
jeeze the amount of salt in this thread is unreal
are you 12?
this is a tame thread. all ppl said it's an average album
did u expect a circlejerk or something?
i'm literally the one who said it's not that great. why are you so angry?
someone link me to this shit, google doesn't work in spanish
What are you talking about? Just search for Sweet Trip - Velocity : Design : Comfort
>Sweet Trip - Velocity : Design : Comfort
Did this just to spite you.
be more like this hombre essay
Sorry dude I'm on my phone so it would have been too much effort. Also I didn't really understand your problem.
Shit album
Do you know where you are?
>xDDDDD le ebin Sup Forums we are so evil xDDDD haha get troled dont u know we are anonymoose xDDD not like **le**ddit and ***dumb**lr we r so evil and edgy xDDDDD ebin
shut the fuck up