Thoughts on RHCP?
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No John
No party
They suck
John is love
John is life
but there's at least a few good tracks off the new one (Goodbye Angels, Dark Necessities)
Dark Necessities is my shit
But John is what made them great
John is a legend. Josh is okay/passable
That slap bass on DN makes the song
I think Josh is actually really good, he adds a lot of new influence. Obviously he can never attain the level of John but I think Josh is literally the best second choice.
Generic, bad, overplayed, shot without John
Aeroplane too, that bassline. Could be my favorite Chili song
All talentless teencrap moneywhores. The end.
One of the best live bands still around
The only major label band with real skill. The Getaway proved that they weren't reliant on John. I don't think there are any bombs on the album, but there's sure as shit jams. Dark Necessities, We turn red, Go robot, and the longest wave are instant classics, and the other ones are fine jams in their own right. This Ticonderoga is the only one I skip sometimes.
John is good BSSM and Californication are good albums rest all suck.
>Stadium arcadium sucks
SA is absolute GOAT tier. Snow (Hey-oh) alone makes it.
such an underrated album.
Scar Tissue (Anthony's autobiography) is one hell of an interesting read
Can't wait for Flea's memoir
The Getaway is good but its still pretty hit and miss. They are 'meh' without John
>Being this bad
Freaky Styley > Stadium Arcadium > BSSM > s/t > TUMPP > Mother's milk > The Getaway > By the way > one hot minute > Californication >I'm with you
bssm, by the way, and californication are their best albums, stop trying so hard.
They're good at what they do, but they only do one damn thing. Like 90% of all their songs could be seamlessly mixed together. I can see how it's great for fans of theirs, they hardly disappoint but it'd be nice if they mixed it up a bit, maybe try some new tempos, tones, chord progressions, etc. Gets old real quick
Haven't checked out their latest stuff. I like a lot of their 90's stuff, though, except for Mother's Milk which even they thought was crap. I should probably give whatever they're doing lately a listen. Hopefully not as disappointing as Billy Corgan.
They're the worst
this is true for most of their albums on their own but they've got some variation accross their entire discog at least
overrated guitarist
overrated bassist
overrated drummer
extremely overrated vocalist
>extremely overrated vocalist
what vocalist? that junkie is fucking pathetic
Decent to strong 5
Every fucking song sounds the same.
Like the outro/end of a 90s series in a nice summer night.
It's worse than godsmack
cannot believe the hate in this thread. frusciante is a genius and a beautiful person
this is literally the worst ranking of RHCP discography ever.
>hurr durr I'm gonna be such an individual and list their shittest albums as best because I'm a unique hipster
There are basically two kinds of RHCP fans:
1. Old ex-frat boy stoners from the 80s
2. 20-somethings who got into them during the Californication-SA run
Cali, BTW, Stadium Arcadium
RHCP, Freaky Styley, UMPP
Mother's Milk, BSSM, OHM
I'm With You, The Getaway
BSSM>Californication>MM>BTW>UMPP>SA>OHM>FS>The Getaway>I'm With You>Self titled
the real list.
BSSM > Californication > MM > SA > BTW > TUMPP > S/T > IWY > OHM > FS
Everything except Anthony is solid, fuckin Anthony
offensively unoffensive
You only ranked Californication as pleb because it had the most hit singles of any of their albums.
By the way > btw bsides > SA bsides > I'm with you > the rest
At their best when John is with them. New album has an okay sound, but it isn't their sound.
John made the Peppers, IMO.
Im not him but go listen to freaky styley and you'll see. Its my favourite too
>no slovak
>no jack
no thank you
Proof that great musicians don't necessarily make great music