H-holy shit...i just discovered these guys

h-holy shit...i just discovered these guys

they are seriously the greatest band of our generation

Other urls found in this thread:


funny meme have one upvote my friend

I first hears them in 2015, and i've fallen in love with their Music. Migraine, Guns for hands and trees are insanely good. Have you seen the live songs they did on Youtube in a living room? Truly amazing stuff

the nirvana of our generation

why are their faces all blurry?

It's supposed to be deep, dude. You wouldn't "get" it.

i like TOP but seriously dude stop

they are almost as remarkable and cute as pic related. great musicians that will surely be remembered 30 years in the future.


very telling

You're what's wrong with this generation.

telling what faggot

dont act like you dont know

They're like Gorillaz but not so shitty they needs to come up with some lame cartoon gimmick.


If you don't "get" this......... you probably are too young, kid

Dope repost my man, nice meme
+1 (You)

I feel like 21 pilots have become the new /mlp/

/mlp/ started out as a bunch of grown men pretending to fanatically enjoy a show intended for younger audiences. this fascination quickly grew into serious fans who began to religiously watch the show unironically. the lines between the two groups became so blurred that it was now too hard to distinguish the two.

21 pilots fans started out as a bunch of grown men pretending to fanatically enjoy a band intended for younger audiences. this fascination quickly grew into serious fans who began to religiously listen to this band unironically. the lines between the two groups became so blurred that it was now too hard to distinguish the two.



Reddit please go.

no u r wrong

try this next, he's a real legend

>reddit boogeyman

But they're not Thee Oh Sees, so therefore you're completely wrong.