We all have that one kid from our home town that thought they could make it big in music but just started churning out shit. This is the one I grew up with. What about you guys?
We all have that one kid from our home town that thought they could make it big in music but just started churning out...
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let us hear your music mate
Looks like Bam
I fucking make Noise tracks. I know mine is total shit and own up to it
Holf fuck, you have me beat out on this one. I had to quite when he rhymed world with world
Pretty obvious shill, m80. Here's your (you).
Fuck off shill.
I grew up with this edgelord
I feel a lot less bad about being a singer/songwriter now.
Feel bad for dobbing her in, but enjoy:
Went to highschool with these cringe lords. They even entered our school's talent competition.
Hi, Lydia. Hope your career is going well.
This is good
hey this is pretty good
not cringe at all
>close to 7000 views in a week
hate to break it to ya but this guys doing better than pretty much any DIY experimental/indie rock/punk band
he kinda sounds like chance the rapster
hey this is actually good not cringe at all
I don't think they're shit but this is my friend's band.
Popularity is not an indicator of quality. Limp Bizkit could fill an arena, doesn't mean that what they are doing isn't shit
>how to argue like an 8 yr old: the comment
Vid related, this dude's brother was one of my friends, so I dealt with hearing him record some of this in his room. Enjoy.
I could see him getting better when he stops biting doom
>We all have that one kid from our home town that thought they could make it
this guys got a decent foot in the door to "making it" if "making it" is making an actual $profit$ off his music. He could be a local/county/state novelty act for the rest of his life and do better than most bands touring around trying to break even until they call it quits. Nowhere did I say anything about koalatea
Used to live with the drummer of these guys. Honestly they're not too bad, think they're pretty much stopped making music now though.
Here's a guy I grew up with
looks like he's doing fine tbqh
james ferraro can't even get 7k views that fast
And the feature is one of the bitches from that Redneck version of Jersey shore. (I will give you this, no fucking clue how he got her in the video) But I am willing to bet a sizable chunk of those views are do to her
I'll give you that, he will probably profit from it but if you get into the arts for the cash you are in it for all the wrong reasons
No he's right, let us hear your music because the bearded manchild has achieved and done something he loves and the only counter-argument you have is "insert age" rebuttal.
I am not the one who made the age comment but if you want me to find something I have online I will. But honestly it is just generic shit tier noise. TI never expecte it to go anywhere or for anyone to enjoy it
it's not about doing the arts for cash. but like david bowie says he uses money as a way to fund the projects he comes up with.
actually, you're the retard one. see, criticizing something doesn't mean you're saying you can do better. I can go to a restaurant and criticize the food while being a shitty cook myself. I can criticize an athlete's performance whithout being an athlete myself. The OMG U THINK U CAN DO BETTER? is literal playground-tier "logic"
>if you get into the arts for the cash you are in it for all the wrong reasons
it doesnt matter what got you into it if its not sustainable. Capital is everything. Assuming you've already got all the gear you need (and it wont need tune ups or repairs (lol)) try finding a job that will pay yr rent, put food on the table, pay for gas money if yr touring, pay for car insurance (like any touring musicians actually have their own vehicles), pay for yr jam space, recording equipment and or studio time, and the occasional drug trip. Also that job has to be cool with you leaving for 3 weeks + at a time when yr touring just to (hopefully) break even... which really means you made no money in those 3 weeks +. Its all about the $$$ sweetheart
mod sun was better when he was drumming for the semester and four letter lie
dude weed lmao is not a genre
oh and that doesnt even factor in merch
did you play all their songs????
I went to school with ty segall mikal cronin and charlie moothart so all i have is a sense of what a loser i am