Kpop general
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B.F is the worst song off of i like u too much
so pretty!
Crayon Punk
didn't even download the album yet desu
no flac, no listen
nice EARLY tread. A new thread can be made AFTER the 310 post
>not a seunghee edition
marry me hyunjooooo!!!!!!
remember to report early threads
April need to drop the pure act
we all know what DSP's capable of
lmao that look
never works
these anklets are the best thing about gugudan
anything is better than using youtube
cray pink
it worked earlier today
(halfway through the thread though)
those some pretty lookin feet
Somin will never be in kpop again....
April got opsec on lock
nice legs
what a bitch......
post bomi
okay gu9udan or whatever your retarded name is, its time for your maiden voyage into space >:D
background rong~
post background joy lmao
I think the whole problem with EXO is that they were separated into 2 units. So you didn't really have much to do to make them bond. No wonder Tao had no friends at all other than Kris and the other chinese members.
I listen to one of his albums very frequently. I'm not sure if it's correct to say this but it's more rap oriented, not really what we're used to in kpop. I think it's cool.
Boys Republic is TOPanon's favorite rookie group so I'll support them too. Did you drop KNK for Romeo? I just now started enjoying Back Again, but it's still pretty terrible.
I don't think Junsu fans will drop him anymore, they're past that. I haven't even listened to his new music.
Only this week? That's so lame. I can never count on Taeyeon, Jesus Christ.
Wonder girls sound so good right? Their teaser reminded me of 2en1's Come Back Home.
>your waifu will never make an ASMR video
I wanna marry rong('s feet)
is this legal?
post gugdan's visual
what kind of guys does bomi like
I'll male it legal
yeah word
someone post kang mina
Chinks on the moon
seriously, who is the visual
>gugdan's visual
The Amazonian in the back
bomi likes girls, sorry
is THIS legal?
you cant just make up laws.....there is a process to the legal system...
kpg shut ins
snack bar girl
didn't see her near the center during the choreo much, it mostly a redhead
its just a meme
alright cool
i'm gonna go to korea and find her and ask her out on a date
and I will make it legal using that process
I will do anything to marry rong('s feet)
im trying to find a flaw......
someone one time said that she is too flabby and needs to 'tone that shit up' but i think he was a gaypop shitter because muscles on girls are gross
her right eye bag looks like she just got beat up by manager oppa. except its not blue.
someone fucked up.
where the fuck is hyunjoo
g'luck chingu
oh hush, you can have overrated old hag time later
post my waifu
tzuyu is a woman
tzuyu is MY woman!
This is cool who are them?
>taiwanese emigre
how to fuck armpits
in my heart
her forehead?
like these?
in development
Our guys
threesome with tzuyu and seolhyun
i'd beta test her
And Tao has mental problems. My poor boy. The seperating of units hurt them. I hope NCT doesn't have that problem but they will. Good thing SM has like a million male trainees.
Reminder if you are looking for a good R&B album, No5 is there you for. Now that JB is in Dallas, it probably has record highs. The boy is hotter than July. Good 2PM song.
When did TOP say that?
No, KNK is going strong. They are king of the nugus. The Ark is queen of the nugus of 2015. Please give them your love and support. Romeo have good music too.
What happened to EXID? Everyone dropped them. Junsu fans will stay. I was memeing. Yoochun still has fans for hevean's sake. Disgusting.
Taeyeon is making money. Don't be mad. She's got concerts to do.
Wonder Girls and SVT's songs have me hyped. Beast... Not so much anymore.
so weird seeing my favorite retard being sexy.
all I know is dumb bomi.
i cant even imagine bomi having sex.
dude weeed
i want rose to wrap her legs around my head and never let go
yes you can
those fucking cables are killing me
fucking hell, she makes me hard as fuck
my first ever kpop waifu