ITT: Prove you aren't summer
ITT: Prove you aren't summer
I remember when the board would flood with threads at just a hint of a new DG ARG. Now even Wildflower leaking only gets a few threads.
I'm a newfag but I've been here since like January
>mpp is 7 years old
>it still moves
tim and shim
Post-rock used to be spammed here every day.
oh damn I forgot about Lunar Eskimo. Between that and Foliage the memes were endless
This and AJJ were extremely Sup Forumscore when I joined. At that time, you would be scoffed at for even mentioning Animal Collective or, god forbid, Tame Impala.
Not that old but not newfag. About 1.5-2 years I think?
Except AnCo has always been one of the most popular bands on this site. There was extensive MPP posting for years after its release
carissa's wierd, dirty projectors, pheonix, sunn o))), streetlight manifesto, snowing, the list goes on
merzbow memes
easy, Sup Forums is the same all year round except in the summer people yell about summer
im actually seeing him in 2 weeks
I live in New Zealand
Who /poon patrol/ here
>tfw I'm probably one of the older users now
Yeah I'm aware of the history, it was a weird time I guess. Everybody really really hated anco for a few months, or so I remember.
Came here to post exactly this
I remember people feeling like it was ok to hate on them after CHz but I think they're hated on more now than they ever were before
Loneliest Cowgirls.
also that one thing, I Think In Sponge or somth
this used to be Sup Forumscore
>deakin finally released that album
It's v possible I was still adjusting to the "everything sucks" method of music discussion.
Oh man I remember this. Never listened to it though
I subscribe to r/pitchfork
Here's a dank meme from 2013 that lasted for like three threads.
still love ya Ryan
I've not been here for too long. I joined around when this dropped.
I miss ya buddy
Sup Forumscus