How come children of famous musicians can never replicate the success or talent of their parents
How come children of famous musicians can never replicate the success or talent of their parents
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Jeff Buckley did pretty well i'd say
>Jeff Buckley
the only one
>Tim Buckley
Tim Buckley's a legend, but in terms of commerical recognition, Jeff blew him out of the water
the list goes on
dedication and passion are not hereditary?
Dweezil Zappa
They grow up too pampered
Jakob Dylan isn't nearly as accomplished as his father, but still has a fairly well established career.
The Williams family did it twice.
Who are these titillating cock worshiping temptresses?
He's a mediocre post-grunge mom rock artist. Literally anyone could have that career with a foot in the door and his foot in the door was attached to Bob Dylan's spawn.
He tours playing covers of his father's songs. Hardly replicating his father's success ...
Tyondai Braxton is doing good for himself. Big shoes to fill
I would say it's cause they never have to struggle but then again I am a fan of plenty of artists who are trust fund babies. Most of the artists from LA grew up super rich.
Ravi Coltrane really deserves some praise in here.
He's the son of the most famous if not the greatest Tenor saxophonist that ever lived. He was only two years old when his dad died and he plays the same instrument but is a completely different artist in every respect.
because musicians dont really even care about their kids
The Smiths
Billie Joe Armstrong's son is in a pretty good punk band
a lot of successful musicians nowadays grew up with musicians or artists in their family. maybe not super successful ones but still.
flying lotus is related to alice coltrane and has a bunch of other musicians in his family. drake's uncle is larry graham. jame's blake's dad was in some jazz fusion bands or some shit.
i know there are plenty of other examples but these ones came to mind.
>flying lotus is related to alice coltrane and has a bunch of other musicians in his family
summer Sup Forums folks
success and talent should not be bunched together
google it you retard
Nick Drake exceeded his mother.
Albert Hammond Jr.
Does Julio Iglesias and Enrique Iglesias counts? Well it's famous and have hit songs... so I'll say Enrique it's one of the few?
Norah Jones
Wilson Phillips was pretty huge for a second
Stop being mean to the fat one
They're pretty inoffensive and mediocre which actually makes them a pretty band punk band
serious: james blake surpassed his father by far
kinda memeing: i REALLY want North West and Blue Ivy to become really huge in like 15 years and team up and be a superstar fem-rap duo
Hank Jr and Hank III have made names for themselves. And while neither escaped the name of the first Hank, they both have styles pretty different from him.
Did it almost without referencing her dad too.
hank II is trash m8
hank III is OK
Hank II is mostly trash, he had a good outlaw stint in the 70s tho.
Albert Hammond wrote one of the most iconic melodies ever writing, but jr was a lot more famous.
Wolfgang Van Halen isn't bad if he ever learned to do anything but fill in as bassist for his dad's shitty over the hill dadrock band.
Eminem outright said he didn't want his daughter following a musical career for this very reason. You'll never escape your parent's shadow.
he can't even escape his own shadow desu
All I'm saying is that Billy Ray Cyrus is a one hit wonder and that his offspring...
I could never dig Roseanne Cash's bizarre Christian mysticism. Way over most listeners' heads.
Hey, no one ever accused Lisa Marie Presley and James McCartney of being talented.
Albert Hammond Jr. beat out his own papa in terms of commercial success with his guitar work with The Strokes
Nancy Sinatra...oh boy.
Frank Jr. who just died recently was just an okay Vegas act.
Talent isn't genetic. You have to want it, badly.
Suffering and pain = real talent when pushed
Pampered life = nothing of value at all - be a doctor or something. Fuck the Cobain family legacy.
dweezil zappa
le tortured artist meme
That's why Lars Ulrich is a trash drummer. He came from a rich family and was not in any danger of sleeping on the sidewalk if his music career stiffed, so he never really tried to not suck.
Eric Clapton...coddled middle class babby who couldn't play blues to save his life. All the boring af adult contemporary of his solo career...that's who he really was all along.
Live hard kid, maybe then you'll understand. He has always been an ego manic. But sometimes being a shitty person gets you to the top. I believe in killing all the horrible people around you. It makes the world a better place.
He called Jimi a nigger often, even to his face on occasion while drunk.
Whats the difference between a bag of cocaine and a child??
Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window.
The Backdoor Wolf [Chess, 1973]
There's more artistry in this 63 year old's large intestine than passes through Sunset Recorders in a month. You think Steve Stills could come up with something as clever as 'Coon In The Moon' and then turn it into an ironic call of pride? The Wolf hasn't been in this fine a form in years. Suggestion--get rid of the electric piano. A-
But even when his son died and he experienced real tragedy, the best he could do was some unlistenable mush like Pilgrim.
seriously though trauma and mental illness are a liability not an asset in art. they put overheads on creativity.
the idea that you need to be depressed or have issues to make great art is a meme. and frankly nowadays people will not be very interested in your art if that's your angle because it's been done to death.
>need to be depressed or have issues to make great art is a meme
Get the fuck off the internet, kid. Your point is null and void. Art school is not for you, and skinny jean at your local white kid faggot indie noise rock show doesnt give you cred. Id kill you high on cocaine and steal the mic.
Deriving your value from the approval of other isn't healthy.
might be a sign that these children just don't hate themselves enough to maniacally pursue fame. Hopefully they're out enjoying life.
sheryl crow's my favorite mistake is literally the only somewhat worthwhile thing to come from his existance within the past 25+ years
Lmao he has a son wtf
That reverb short delay tele intro
That Guild hollow body bass SC holds in the brown grainy video. Its one of my faves desu
That's why James Hetfield's the only real talent in that band. He actually had real pain in his life being orphaned by 16 and his mom died of a preventable illness because of her retarded religious beliefs.
C.P.E Bach was very succesful during his lifetime, and considered a better musician than his father.
Past 40 years.
What about Progressive Rock then? Its musicians mostly came from wealthy backgrounds, the majority of them even studied in music academies.
Past 1000 years, lawd mercy
all shit
Dont give a fuck. Never got blown to Wallflowers One Head light. They took the money and ran. Playing your home town for 30 years is fun I guess.
good stuff. feel like she's a tad bit underrated, very talented woman
Nine Lives is Aerosmith's best album. One of their kids had to have worked on it.
As with most fields, not all of the things that make a great musician are inheritable. A child will not necessarily go through the same experiences that gave their parent their character. Even at a genetic level, some genes mutate, some won't be passed on, sometimes you marry someone tone-deaf.
And, though I expect that most musician's kids would be on average much more gifted than a random person on the street, to become a famous musician you need to be 'better' than 99.999% of the other people in your genre. (note: better =/= raw musical skill; there are other facets like originality, having more life experience to drawn from, or, in pop, fuckability).
Rufus Wainwright?
She's good. If she stop telling people to only use one square of toilet paper to wipe their ass, we'd be ok.
To be fair, most musicians produce nothing of worth outside of perhaps 10 years of their life.
Justin Townes Earle is pretty good
Steve was great
Shooter will never have the same impact Waylon did, but he has some great songs
No one is ever as good as their parent. You need to cut the kings head off to truly take over. doesn't take long to exhaust your bag of tricks.
You were saying
RHCP managed to get out a good 20 years and Rolling Stones about 15.
Most =/= All.
I know mate, i was just messing with you
love ya
My apologies, I am literally autistic.
In the future, out of consideration for me and my brethren, I would appreciate it if you marked your humorous posts with either a "Non-Serious Post" in the namefield (see namefield for example) or an emoticon.
Well, I mean shitty bands only last a couple of years. It's only some of the giants like the Stones that could put out 15-20 years of good material.
Johnny Cash would have about 20 years of good material in between the late 50s-early 60s and the 90s comeback, in between a quarter century in the doghouse.
And Rob Halford? He had the agony of being gay (which is a pretty depressing, miserable way of life) and found in music an outlet for his angst.
Right. Stephen Stills is a rich douchey hippie who never worked a day in his life while Howlin' Wolf was a black man who lived 3/4ths of his life when Jim Crow was a thing.
Courtney doesn't have talent, as to success I figure her daughter had to much dignity to suck male musicians dry to make a name for herself like that musical succubus.
also 300 million in the bank helps
Some people have it some don't.
Take the offspring of John and Alice Coltrane
There's Ravi Coltrane who's great, then there's Oranyan Coltrane
I was wtf when I first saw this
I mean this
what the fuck lmfao
>d-do I fit in yet??
>Live hard kid
>Get the fuck off the internet, kid
lmao who actually talks like this? so edgy I can't stop laughing. Like a shitty video game character
Matt from Muse, his dad was in the Tornados, and Beck
kek this