didnt see one in the catalog
Chart Thread
Havent seen much of that After Dinner album on here, neato my man
I had no idea Nam Jun Paik had music. Thanks for helping me find this.
whats the site
no the one OP used but the one with more options that always down?
do you listen to music as well?
thanks senpai
you are welcome
love your tastes, same as mine desu :)
cool :-)
get on that shit son
nice lrd
new chart, no duplicates and added some stuff
I put things ive gotten into more recently towards the top rather then a ranking
>no duplicates
thanks for listening to my perfect advice
also forgot to namefag still not used to this
try Hapshash & The Coloured Coat
yo have you heard Philomel? it's so damn good
any particular album a good one to start with?
63-15 I think. kind of outdatedthats some cozy taste
I didnt mean to (you)
featuring the human host and the heavy metal kids
it's wild
listen to Lubomyr Melnyk - KMH if you haven't
Pharaoh Sanders - Karma
Luomo - Vocalcity
Broadcast - The Noise Made By People
Glenn Branca - The Ascension
OOIOO - Feather Float
Scott Walker - The Drift
Savages, Lauren Stevensen
All over the place man. Um, try out Q and Not U and Blood Brothers for some other post hardcore.
recs would be dope.
mono - the last dawn
You'd prolly like Between the Heart and the Synapse for post hardcore, Casey Crescenzo, lead singer of The Dear Hunter, used to be a vocalist for them.
Also, what's you're opinion of other Dear Hunter discography?
The album isn't in adventure, is it really a album?
Don Cherry - Symphony for Improvisers
The Red Crayola with The Familiar Ugly - The Parable of Arable Land
Sun-Ra and His Astro Infinity Arkestra - Strange Strings
Recommendations would be awesome!
I'll give recs, just leaving this here in the meantime
Palbearer - Foundations
Yes - Close to the Edge
Amon Duul II - Yeti
Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool (honestly)
Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - The Night Creeper
i like your taste :P
pile - dripping
whitney - light upon the lake
I moderately dig The Receiving End of Siren. And I think the entire Dear Hunter discog is fantastic. Though I much prefer the first three Acts to the most recent three albums they've released.
top memes m80
Listen to Ashbringer mane
never actually listened to radiohead yet, ill check the album out. thanks for the recs :P
Oh shit! Thanks! Have you posted your favorites anywhere in the thread?
I don't care for Migrant desu, but Act IV took me awhile, but I eventually realized it was a masterpiece.
Swans - The Seer
AJJ(I guess is their name now) - Can't Maintain
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
Defeater - Empty Days and Sleepless Nights
Murder by Death - Good Morning, Magpie
>All over the place man.
i know
ive listened to the former but only heard about the latter so gonna check that one out i guess
your taste ain't too bad
a bit too screamo and >coheed for my taste but whatever still based still based
you are seriously recommending someone the seer?
if you haven't at all i'd say In Rainbows and OK Computer are also great places to start
it seemed right based on his tastes but you're right
I like Ziggy Stardust, it's just not a favorite, The Seer ain't my cup of tea, I prefer their newest album, I will have to check out this other stuff though.
You both might like these
Tacoma Radar - No One Waved Goodbye
The Go Find - Miami
Tujiko Noriko - 28
Witness - The Everafter LP
Nice chart, cristallize is one of my favorites on the genre.
>love, claire
Kim Myhr - All Your Limbs Singing
I like your chart
here we go boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
wtf op
nice taste
there are some albums that i really love on there and others that i really hate. doesn't seem to be an in between
>double suicide
i feel you my nigga
did you accidentally post the mucore chart?
yea cherry is good
try Lloyd Miller if you haven't
>wtf op
w-what did i do
droning along
>there are some albums that i really love on there and others that i really hate. doesn't seem to be an in between
can I ask which is which?
Not offended just curious
drive like jehu - yank crime
say anything - ...is a real boy
knuckle puck - copacetic
snowing - fuck your emotional bullshit
cap'n jazz- analphabetapolothology
deerhunter - microcastle
clever girl - no drum and bss in the jazz room
candy claws - ceres and calypso in the deep time
a$ap rocky - live.love.a$ap
the microphones - mount eerie
madvillain - madvillainy
pixies - doolittle
slint - spiderland
modern baseball - you're gonna miss it all
dj shadow - endtroducing...
joanna newsom - ys
>w-what did i do
nothing haha those are just some really obscure albums/recordings
well obviously the albums we have in common fall into the category of the ones i love. along with amon duul, bowie, faust, sleep, neu, glow pt2, bitches brew. moon and antarctica, night creeper, and dopethrone.
as for the ones i personally can't stand, animal collective and their various side projects (aside from deakin which i thought was okay), tame impala (although innerspeaker is my favorite by them), ghost, gorija, car seat headrest, st vincent, and fleet foxes.
i guess the rest do fall into some sort of middle ground for me, but the ones i feel strongly about are obviously the ones that drew my attention
>drive like jehu - yank crime
thanks for the rec. i've seen that album quite a bit before, but i still haven't listened to it for some reason. will check it out. as for you, it's hard to make a rec cuz your tastes are kind of all over the place, but if you like pinkerton and that emo stuff you would probably like this
please help save me from my meme taste
>Get to Heaven (Deluxe)
oh shit whoops
honestly that's not even bad. even though most of that stuff is entry level, it's all critically acclaimed (and not just on Sup Forums). the advice that i would give is try to find a direction. it seems like you're just exploring every single genre and then taking the best from each one you look at. try to find a specific area that appeals to you, and then dig really deep into that one are.
madvillain - madvillainy
reused - the shape of punk to come
oneohtrix point never - replica
Not a fan of Oneohtrix Point Never
Madvillainy is a decent album, definitely not my favorite DOOM project
I'll check out The Shape of Punk to Come though, thanks.
Any specific recs? I'd maybe like to get into more Prog and stuff like The Modern Lovers.
>I'd maybe like to get into more Prog and stuff like The Modern Lovers.
honestly i don't know very much about prog so i can't promise great recs, but these are definitely important to prog and worth checking out
why don't you like opn? curious
gosh i rec this album a lot but check out drive like jehu - yank crime
>why don't you like opn? curious
There's no real reason, I've just never really cared for it.
To late mate just embrace it
small chart but whatever im new
rec pls
David Sylvian - Manafon
Baudouin Oosterlynck - 75-78
John Luther Adams
LRD is trash my dude
Starfuckers - Infratumi
Catasexual Urge Motivation - Encyclopedia of Serial Murders
Cardiacs - The Seaside
ju sei / Utah Kawasaki - U as in Utah
Zeitkratzer Play Lou Reed - Metal Machine Music (2014 version)
Bubblegum Octopus - Bad Happy
Beck - Mellow Gold
Why? - Alopecia
Zammuto - Zammuto
>rec pls
listen to some more music.
also don't listen to grimes
ignore user, listen to more grimes
AA > halfaxa > visions
Antique Pony - Unalbum
Stereolab - Peng
Arto Lindsay - Noon Chill
transcendental taste
rec pls
Bauhaus - Mask
Motor Totemist Guild - City Of Mirrors
Bongwater - Double Bummer
Tuxedo Moon - Half Mute
Wipers - Over the Edge (haven't actually listened to this, it's on your Rym auto recs)
Cosmic Psychos, anything, do it now
Flower Corsano Duo - Four Aims
Mclusky - Mclusky Do Dallas
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot it in People
Dream Syndicate - Days of Wine and Roses
Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat
Gal Costa - Gal
Ugly Casanova - Sharpen Your Teeth
Decibelles - Sleep Sleep
Ween - The Mollusk
burial - untrue
need recs badly, will give recs to others when I get home
You're really catching up on PF
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Gentle Giant - Acquiring the Taste
Pale Saints - The Comforts of Madness
How did i do?
>what did he mean by this?
John Coltrane - Sun Ship
Lil Ugly Mane - Uneven Compromise
Bill Evans & Jim Hall - Undercurrent
Albert Ayler - Music is the Healing Force of the Universe
Peste Noire - Ballade Cuntre lo Anemi Franco
ok !ok