Does Sup Forums like Jasmine Thompson?
Does Sup Forums like Jasmine Thompson?
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>15 years old
>already looks 30
Do britbong girls really age this bad?
l i t e r a l l y w h o
>Her first public releases were cover versions (remixes) of songs in 2010
She's aged deceptively fast
looks kinda like sasha grey
For once, i'd like to see a thread about a young woman musician not turn into shitty posts about her looks.
Then lets turn this thread in the right direction.
She has one of the most unique voices I have ever heard. It is haunting and yet soft and gentle. Hopefully she can make more original songs instead of doing covers all the time.
Her voice is crap
how does a meme cover artist have so many youtubb subs?!
>her Fast Car cover has 2.3m hits
>Jamie Stewart's has like 20k combined
Why is this allowed?
There are literally no results if you look up 'Jamie Stewart Fast Car' on youtube
this is music?
Looks like an irritating millennial youtuber with no personality
avant garde
there's nothing new about whispering. people do it all the time
kill you are self
Fuck off, Sarah
show me another artist whispering with fast car
im waiting
but anyone could whisper a song.
yes but has anyone else whispered fast car?
No one needs to because it sounds better when people sing it
thats why he's avant garde and plays by his own rules
wake up sheeple
Too old now. Would still bang.
Too old? Don't you mean too young? (she's 15)
too old for Sup Forums standard. if you're think shes too young then you should go back to r*ddit
Next album should be called "The Hoarse Whisperer"