Was rap ever good?
It's always
>I grew up on the streets
>Now I have money and fuck bitches
>look at me I'm so great
Why do people ever say rappers are deep or have ever been deep?
Was rap ever good?
It's always
>I grew up on the streets
>Now I have money and fuck bitches
>look at me I'm so great
Why do people ever say rappers are deep or have ever been deep?
Other urls found in this thread:
the only actually popular 'deep' rapper is eminem who coincidentally is white. see why rap sucks?
Modern rap is virtually Jew slam poetry by college drama students
Old school hip hop is a very different beast.
give me an example of old rap that was actually good
They literally just hire white guys to make instrumentals and read poems about how great they are
How do you even understand what they say? All I hear is
the only rap I can tolerate
I read about supposedly good rappers and read their lyrics online
it's pretty much what you said but more
>muh dick
It's easier for an idea to be big if your mind is small
Don't forget about the only Sup Forums-approved rapper though
god that was awful
thanks for proving my point.
>it's a loser who never listened to 90s rap in highschool while smoking blunts and partying episode
Example of good rap: wu tang, mobb deep, Tupac, lost boys, gp wu, biggie, the lox, and plenty more.
Also I'm white and live in a rich town on the CT coast
I remember a party i went to in high school had kid cudi blasting all night long, it was so fresh my dude...
If you need to bring up your race and class to prove your point, just shows how shallow of a character you really are.
Holy shit my job
backpacker bullshit
>not jamming out to the beastie boys with your 40+ year old coworkers
Working class people are #based
Could you tell me what's better than
being poor and becoming rich?
reminder that rap started as a way for black people who were being oppressed as a way to forget their troubles and to have fun so as to escape their depressive lives
most early 80s golden age rap is very much still rooted in disco, albeit with more focus on the MC than the beats, which were repetitive, four-to-the-floor (though still sometimes sampled) house-esque beats
The Breaks by Kurtis Blow, a song from golden age rap, managed to be the second gold certified single in music history, and it was, at the time, one of the most lyrically complex rap songs, speaking about issues that lots of people, regardless of skin color, could relate to, such as infidelity and financial issues, which would later be the genesis of rap growing in conceptual lyrical matters
if you're going to so casually disrespect the history of something that means a lot to many people, as well as being a motivational support for many, at least try to be factual
i cannot believe the posts in this thread are actually on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums or in YouTube comments or something
Stop listening to shit rap.
Listen to
>Charles Hamilton
>Lupe Fiasco
>Cory Gunz
>Kendrick Lamar
>(old) Jay Z
>Captain Murphy
>Chance the Rapper (inb4 someone tries to say that he's not, if you disagree you don't know shit about rap)
Good rap has always been underground, get with the times white boy. We have this discussion a million times a day.
Not even that user but how is having lyricism a bad thing? Fucking kill yourself, it's brain dead faggots like you that are ruining the genre.
Why, nigger?
you mean music in general
if your song isnt about fucking bitches and partying, its about first world relationship problems, teenage antiestablishment shit, or "enlightened" "meta" moaning dudes
because every song has been sung and all that matters is if your song sounds good unless youre really that much of a pretentious faggot
none of those artist are underground
>you will never be this comfy
>never listened to 90s rap in highschool while smoking blunts and partying episode
yeah, that's what music is all about
this thread:
>rap music is bad because
>im racist
Bait, only the first one can be considered backpacker
White men invented rap.
I enjoy rap a lot more when it's about two niggas beefing. I am surprised you can't find Street Wars series as easily on the internet, some of the funniest shit I have listened to.
None of that is in pic related which is the 3rd most purchased album in history.
>pic related
How the fuck are any of those rappers "underground"? Jay, Common and Nas have been stars for over two decades, Kendrick had THE most universally critically acclaimed album of last year, Daveed Diggs is starring in the biggest Broadway musical in years right now, Cory Gunz guested on a huge Lil Wayne hit and is the son of one-hit wonder Peter Gunz, Charles Hamilton tried to be mainstream and sort of succeeded but fucked it, MF DOOM has been a critics' and backpackers' favourite since 1991, Flying Lotus is an incredibly popular producer, and Chance has a huge fanbase right now. Where do you get off acting like these are unknown acts that only you know about?
damn, source?
>aging is bad
>war is bad
>being mentally ill is bad
>death is...good?
Really makes you think huh
every album ever can be summarized in simple points, you dip
I love it but, lyrically, DSOTM isn't much more than a remarkably unsubtle mix of vague Deep Shit 101 platitudes
I didn't think anyone on Sup Forums thought otherwise
>Charles "gotta go fast" Hamilton
i didn't say anything bad or good about Dark Side
You implied that it didn't have "teenage antiestablishment shit" or ""enlightened" "meta" moaning dudes" when that's the whole Floyd M.O.
Always was inferior
Quads confirm
i didn't say that. i just said that every album can be summarized in simple points, no matter how complex the lyrics are
>ignoring the most orginal genre
>What's Up Fatlip?-Fatlip 2005
I'm a loser and I hate my life
>Smoke Again-Chance The Rapper 2013
I'm feinding for a cigarette right now
>The Things That Hate Us-Atmosphere 2007
We love everything that will eventually kill us
>Tron Cat-Tyler, The Creator 2011
Don't tell my lawyer we killed people man
>Grief-Earl Sweatshirt 2015
Damn i'm depressed
I don't understand your point. It may be "le deep" but it's certainly not meta or antiestablishment shit.
Cancer evey one. The only good rappers were old school hip hop acts in the Bronx.
semen demon?
gravy lady?
cum monster?
meet the new and improved stitches:
he's really fat and introspective now