Why do people like this shitty band?
Why do people like this shitty band?
Shut the fuck up already you've posted this thread how many times? I don't even care about Slowdive I just care about you being a tumor.
Twentyone Pilots blurryface!
The fishmans Long Season
Jason Aldean Old boots new DIRT!!
Grimes Art angels
any more memes i'm missing before i post in a classic shit thread?
Because they like good quality shoegaze/dreampop.
What do you have against Long Season
>good quality
just listen to galaxie 500 or cocteau twins
>the whole second half of Primal
I know people put down Just For A Day and for fair reason but the last 3 minutes of the album is some of the best stuff they've done
poor man's Laughing Stock
Which is worse, Slowdive or Cardiacs? I vote Slowdive, though Cardiacs are pretty bad too.
Why and when did Long Season become a meme? It's a genuinely good album.
>6 minutes after last post
agree with OP. Popped up one day all of the sudden, now I see it all the time.
How accurate is this?
Because of
>Crazy For You
>Catch The Breeze
>Erik's Song
>Melon Yellow
>40 Days
>Souvlaki Space Station
>When The Sun Hits
All of these songs are bad.
89% accurate
Souvlaki isn't even being posted that often anymore
Don't know what retard came up with the idea suddenly making Slowdive a meme again. There is absolutely no reason for that. It's classic Sup Forumscore and that's it.
>not respecting brian eno's amazingly lush production on dreamy melancholic songs of souvlaki
You must hate dreamy shoegaze, because it doesn't get much better in that genre
I love dreamy shoegaze. I hate Slowdive.
>likes dreamy shoegaze
>hates Slowdive, THE dreamy shoegaze band
Are you just mad Rachel Goswell won't sleep with you or something because you don't make any sense here
Rachel Goswell is fucking ugly. Shit tier waifu.
Sup Forums: the post
chill dude he's just memeing for some /r/Sup Forums screencaps
>>>/reddit.com/r/Sup Forums
>Sup Forums gets #Trolled by an epic master!
Not the same user, but his opinion is a plausible one...
I personally like Slowdive, but they aren't rooted in hardcore and punk like MBV or some other shoegazers, and it can get a little too soft for me. Shoegaze should be a little more melancholy, have a little more outsider edge...
Shoegaze for me should have a little hardcore, post-punk, psych pop, and post-rock buried beneath all the pretty layers.
I personally really love the sounds a band like Swirlies makes. A lot of tone-bending and aggressive distortion but still held together with that lilting, swaying shoegaze vibe. Slowdive in comparison are just a little too neat and tidy - except on a song like Souvlaki Space Station which is more the stuff I'm into.
this comment in itself is more /r/Sup Forums than what he posted. Disgusting
That's the point?
MBV is the only good shoegaze band
*is incorrect
sorry, hit "Post" before I finished typing
because that woman in the middle is qt
It's probably only one of a handful you've listened to