Famous people IS kangz!
Famous people IS kangz!
what an ugly house
show yours user
>how to argue like a 10 year old: the comment
it's objectively a shitty design. plus I would take a nice condo in the city over a house any day
kanye's about to become a billionaire with this adidas deal desu.
he told us this would happen. we didn't listen.
>revolutionary artist makes statements against capitalism and evil whitey
>buys a mansion in the hills once they get a little money
every time
Your point is?
he made his point very clearly in his post. are you illiterate ?
Big deal he made money selling records about evil capitalism and shit, you guys are too stupid enough to buy his stuffs.
>too stupid enough to buy his stuffs
>one-liner replies
I can do that too.
what the fuck are you actually mentally ill? user i'm worried for you, you might be retarded and not know it because that is the worst written sentence I have ever read.
what the fuck lmao hahahahahahahahahaahahahaahhaahah this dudes retarded
>2 lines
good b8 but nobody can be this retarded so you blew it
holy shit dude. actually seek medical attention because it shouldn't be possible to write that poorly
this better not become the new 'has anyone gone as far as to decided'
Good god if you're gonna samefag at least change your grammar in each post
what the fuck is wrong with you
I posted 1 time you fucking retard . you can't even spot same fags either
holy shit this is pathetic. the things people do to win internet arguments.
Why has the poster count not gone up
>admit I posted in this thread already
>tell you I posted 1 time
can you pretend to be intelligent
There was like 6 posts in a row where it didnt go up, i wasnt taking about your post
best picture I could find on Google Maps
for some reason this feels really nostalgic, mind if I save this?
Save it, it's all yours friend!
save it, it's all yours my friend :)
Sure, I don't care if people know where I live. No one is going to go through the effort to come find me in rural Sweden.
>average Kanye fan
challenge accepted
I don't really care, it's your loss. You're late to midsummer.
Also, I don't care so much I'll just tell you. It's Mora in Dalarna, Sweden.
>Mora in Dalarna, Sweden.
Hey that looks like a pretty nice place actually.