ITT: Post an album and other anons say the best way to die while listening to that album
ITT: Post an album and other anons say the best way to die while listening to that album
drowning in pink lemonade
smelling a poisonous flower
easy one
heroin overdose
arnold schwarzenegger strangling you to death
>arnold schwarzenegger strangling you to death
I kek'd
Lean overdose or drowning in a pool of Maple Syrup located in Houston
Wandering around London in a rain storm in an opiate haze only to get smashed into the pavement by some desperate smackhead
Heart attack from masturbating while trying to break the world record of consecutive orgasms in one session.
Sword wound
Dying in your sleep
Coughing your lungs out during a really crowded party you didn't even wanted to go to
just a sec more in my bed
going to a party for the first time in 20 years, get a heart attack
having the sweetest and most passionate sex in a pink room
getting your hands cut off
mugged in new york
Getting mugged and shot by a coked out black man
Being suffocated by a vacuum cleaner
Getting your ass kicked by Kimbo Slice (RIP)
Seizure induced by flashing lights
Drinking in a warm tub.
Falling into a field of flowers on a summer day and never getting up (preferably on LSD).
Some sort of Self-harm. The slower the better.
Getting shot after a night of partying in NY
Getting your face ate by a crazed homeless man.
Partying with George Clinton
Slowly drowning to death
Falling of a tall hight
OD at Burning Man
Butchered by a chainsaw from a skeleton dressed as a clown.
dying because of the vibrations of a huge sonic weapon
falling of a futuristic carnival game
this getting struck by lightning in mountain of scrap
Public castration then beheading
siick way of dying bruh nice xD
cocaine overdose
cocaine overdose
cocaine overdose
Opiate overdose.
Slicing your wrists and bleeding out slowly in a warm bathtub.
Suicide by cop while high on PCP.
Cutting your arms off.
>inb4 stabbing yourself in the chest
Getting stabbed by you girlfriend in the chest
Getting lost in a thick pink mist before you accidentally walk into a pond and drown
Taking sketchy MDMA laced with meth and having a heart attack.
Getting brutally beaten by the love of your life.
toward the end of an orgasm.
On way too much adderall.
At a Bernie Sanders rally
At your ex-lover's wedding.
Taking on a group of 100 people armed with nothing but hubris and an urge to hurt a lot of people.
Drowning in your favorite childhood pond
Bleeding to death in the middle of No Man's Land on a battlefield in the French countryside while staring at the overcast sky above you and clutching a picture of your significant other.
Krokodil overdose
Being eaten by sharks.
Running to the top of a cliff and then jumping off.
tesco steal your monies and beat you to death over a meal deal
being stabbed in the shower in prison the day you were suppposed to be released
opiate overdose
>source: took 140 mg of vicodin and lied in bed listening to this- felt like I couldn't breathe (like there was a human sitting on my lungs) and my heart stopping halfway through When You Sleep and started getting nervous, but realized it was probably fine
explosion in ISS
Suicide after breakup
beaten to death by homeless man on PCP
High-speed auto accident
suicide in warzone
tortured to death in a guy's basement
crying to death
having the most euphoric epiphany after taking a combination of several psychedelics and killing yourself by accident
Benzo overdose.
Living a reckless, thoughtless life that eventually ends up with you lying in your deathbed at a young age, but at the time realizing the error of your past ways, accepting God into your life in your final days, and passing away as a satisfied man.
suicide by drowning or freezing to death
The title track describes a spiritual journey towards the self. You can't be whole if you believe that you're lacking divinity and have to venture away from yourself. That's where things like addiction and religion come from.
Being terminally and escaping from the hospital onto an empty beach at sunset, knowing you'll die
Committing suicide to escape psychological torture
Jumping off a bridge on a winter night
Extremely slow drug induced fade out.
Heart attack after a very long and passionate fuck.
Also, Close to the Edge has to do with connecting and being present with everything that is. That's where "Seasons will pass you by" comes from. Joy and happiness doesn't exist in one season but all of them. When you place God in the song, those seasons suddenly become meaningless, and the final lyrics of the song take on a bleaker tone. You lose connection with the seasons, because you're focused on some vague afterlife that will follow. You spend your entire life waiting for another one, and so the life that you have is taken from you. That's why the title tracks finale sounds both joyous and bleak, because it can be either one depending on where you are in your spiritual development.
Mauled by a Polar Bear and left bleeding to death
attempt suicide, fail, then as you're sadly walking down the street you're stabbed by a thief and you wonder if this is what you wanted after all
>Party begins in a fine club with everyone in suits
>Dance floor turns into warzone
>Cocaine to head ratio over 50% cocaine
>No idea what happens
>Having sex with huge ammounts of whores
>Everyones dying in ecstasy
>It's such a long way down
>Days go by
>The trip never stops
>You can't take it
>Blow your brains out to make it end
>Not even sure if dead
>Still partying so hard it should be illegal because it is
Overdose on sleeping pills
Getting lost in the desert while high on LSD and acid, and die from dehydration or starvation
Stabbing self in the heart
Jumping off of building
Car collision
Struck by lightning
forgot pic